diff --git a/src/renderer/components/Loading/Loading.css b/src/renderer/components/Loading/Loading.css
deleted file mode 100644
index aa2c187..0000000
--- a/src/renderer/components/Loading/Loading.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-.loading__container {
- position: relative;
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column;
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- align-items: center;
- justify-content: center;
- gap: 16px;
- background: var(--background);
- z-index: 1000;
- transition: opacity 0.104s ease;
-.loading__title {
- font-size: xxx-large;
-.loading__loader {
- width: 48px;
- height: 48px;
- border-radius: 50%;
- display: inline-block;
- position: relative;
- background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(255, 61, 0, 0.2) 33%, #ff3d00 100%);
- box-sizing: border-box;
- animation: rotation 1s linear infinite;
-.loading__loader::after {
- content: '';
- box-sizing: border-box;
- position: absolute;
- left: 50%;
- top: 50%;
- transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
- width: 44px;
- height: 44px;
- border-radius: 50%;
- background: #263238;
-@keyframes rotation {
- 0% {
- transform: rotate(0deg);
- }
- 100% {
- transform: rotate(360deg);
- }
diff --git a/src/renderer/components/Loading/Messages.ts b/src/renderer/components/Loading/Messages.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 03a3486..0000000
--- a/src/renderer/components/Loading/Messages.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-export default [
- 'Reticulating splines...',
- 'Generating witty dialog...',
- 'Swapping time and space...',
- 'Spinning violently around the y-axis...',
- 'Tokenizing real life...',
- 'Bending the spoon...',
- 'Filtering morale...',
- "Don't think of purple hippos...",
- 'We need a new fuse...',
- 'Have a good day.',
- 'Upgrading Windows, your PC will restart several times. Sit back and relax.',
- '640K ought to be enough for anybody',
- 'The architects are still drafting',
- 'The bits are breeding',
- "We're building the buildings as fast as we can",
- 'Would you prefer chicken, steak, or tofu?',
- '(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain)',
- '...and enjoy the elevator music...',
- 'Please wait while the little elves draw your map',
- "Don't worry - a few bits tried to escape, but we caught them",
- 'Would you like fries with that?',
- 'Checking the gravitational constant in your locale...',
- 'Go ahead -- hold your breath!',
- "...at least you're not on hold...",
- 'Hum something loud while others stare',
- "You're not in Kansas any more",
- 'The server is powered by a lemon and two electrodes.',
- 'Please wait while a larger software vendor in Seattle takes over the world',
- "We're testing your patience",
- 'As if you had any other choice',
- 'Follow the white rabbit',
- "Why don't you order a sandwich?",
- 'While the satellite moves into position',
- 'keep calm and npm install',
- 'The bits are flowing slowly today',
- "Dig on the 'X' for buried treasure... ARRR!",
- "It's still faster than you could draw it",
- "The last time I tried this the monkey didn't survive. Let's hope it works better this time.",
- 'I should have had a V8 this morning.',
- 'My other loading screen is much faster.',
- "Testing on Timmy... We're going to need another Timmy.",
- 'Reconfoobling energymotron...',
- '(Insert quarter)',
- 'Are we there yet?',
- 'Have you lost weight?',
- 'Just count to 10',
- 'Why so serious?',
- "It's not you. It's me.",
- 'Counting backwards from Infinity',
- "Don't panic...",
- 'Embiggening Prototypes',
- 'Do not run! We are your friends!',
- 'Do you come here often?',
- "Warning: Don't set yourself on fire.",
- "We're making you a cookie.",
- 'Creating time-loop inversion field',
- 'Spinning the wheel of fortune...',
- 'Loading the enchanted bunny...',
- 'Computing chance of success',
- "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that.",
- 'Looking for exact change',
- 'All your web browser are belong to us',
- 'All I really need is a kilobit.',
- 'I feel like im supposed to be loading something. . .',
- 'What do you call 8 Hobbits? A Hobbyte.',
- 'Should have used a compiled language...',
- 'Is this Windows?',
- 'Adjusting flux capacitor...',
- 'Please wait until the sloth starts moving.',
- "Don't break your screen yet!",
- "I swear it's almost done.",
- "Let's take a mindfulness minute...",
- 'Unicorns are at the end of this road, I promise.',
- 'Listening for the sound of one hand clapping...',
- "Keeping all the 1's and removing all the 0's...",
- 'Putting the icing on the cake. The cake is not a lie...',
- 'Cleaning off the cobwebs...',
- "Making sure all the i's have dots...",
- 'We need more dilithium crystals',
- 'Where did all the internets go',
- 'Connecting Neurotoxin Storage Tank...',
- 'Granting wishes...',
- 'Time flies when you’re having fun.',
- 'Get some coffee and come back in ten minutes..',
- 'Spinning the hamster…',
- '99 bottles of beer on the wall..',
- 'Stay awhile and listen..',
- 'Be careful not to step in the git-gui',
- 'You edhall not pass! yet..',
- 'Load it and they will come',
- 'Convincing AI not to turn evil..',
- 'There is no spoon. Because we are not done loading it',
- 'Your left thumb points to the right and your right thumb points to the left.',
- 'How did you get here?',
- 'Wait, do you smell something burning?',
- 'Computing the secret to life, the universe, and everything.',
- 'When nothing is going right, go left!!...',
- "I love my job only when I'm on vacation...",
- "i'm not lazy, I'm just relaxed!!",
- 'Never steal. The government hates competition....',
- 'Why are they called apartments if they are all stuck together?',
- 'Life is Short – Talk Fast!!!!',
- 'Optimism – is a lack of information.....',
- 'Save water and shower together',
- 'Whenever I find the key to success, someone changes the lock.',
- 'Sometimes I think war is God’s way of teaching us geography.',
- 'I’ve got problem for your solution…..',
- 'Where there’s a will, there’s a relative.',
- 'User: the word computer professionals use when they mean !!idiot!!',
- 'Adults are just kids with money.',
- 'I think I am, therefore, I am. I think.',
- 'A kiss is like a fight, with mouths.',
- 'You don’t pay taxes—they take taxes.',
- 'Coffee, Chocolate, Men. The richer the better!',
- 'I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally.',
- 'git happens',
- 'May the forks be with you',
- 'A commit a day keeps the mobs away',
- "This is not a joke, it's a commit.",
- 'Constructing additional pylons...',
- 'Roping some seaturtles...',
- 'Locating Jebediah Kerman...',
- 'We are not liable for any broken screens as a result of waiting.',
- 'Hello IT, have you tried turning it off and on again?',
- 'If you type Google into Google you can break the internet',
- 'Well, this is embarrassing.',
- 'What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?',
- 'Hello, IT... Have you tried forcing an unexpected reboot?',
- "They just toss us away like yesterday's jam.",
- "They're fairly regular, the beatings, yes. I'd say we're on a bi-weekly beating.",
- 'The Elders of the Internet would never stand for it.',
- 'Space is invisible mind dust, and stars are but wishes.',
- "Didn't know paint dried so quickly.",
- 'Everything sounds the same',
- "I'm going to walk the dog",
- "I didn't choose the engineering life. The engineering life chose me.",
- 'Dividing by zero...',
- 'Spawn more Overlord!',
- 'If I’m not back in five minutes, just wait longer.',
- 'Some days, you just can’t get rid of a bug!',
- 'We’re going to need a bigger boat.',
- 'Chuck Norris never git push. The repo pulls before.',
- 'Web developers do it with