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This repository contains a Python implementation of Feature Distribution Matching and Histogram Matching methods published in Keep it Simple: Image Statistics Matching for Domain Adaptation at the CVPR workshop on Scalability in Autonomous Driving 2020. Both methods are based on the alignment of global image statistics and were originally aimed at unsupervised Domain Adaptation for object detection (see the paper for more details). They also can be considered as data augmentation techniques.

All software components in this repository were designed with a clear focus on scalability and extensibility, so that new image matching operations can be added with minimal effort.



  • Ubuntu Linux 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, Windows or MacOS
  • Python version >= 3.6

Install image-statistics-matching

We encourage you to do the installation within a conda environment with the latest supported Python version. In this guidance we presume that you already have Anaconda or miniconda installed. For reference, we run all commands on Ubuntu Linux and use a Python 3.8 conda environment.

  1. create a conda virtual environment and activate it:
>>> conda create -n <ENV_NAME> python=3.8 -y
>>> conda activate <ENV_NAME>
  1. clone the image-statistics-matching repository:
>>> git clone
>>> cd image-statistics-matching
  1. install all dependencies:
>>> pip install -U -r requirements.txt
  1. run all tests and make sure all of them are passed:
>>> pytest

Run Operations

Available Operations

All image matching operations are implemented as commands in Click command line interface. You can list commands for all available image matching operations by

>>> python --help
Acronym Operation Command name Command options
FDM Feature Distribution Matching fdm python fdm --help
HM Histogram Matching hm python hm --help

Each command has the following format:

                   <RESULT IMAGE>

<COMMAND> - command name from the table above


<SOURCE IMAGE> - path to a source image (mandatory)

<REFERENCE IMAGE> - path to a reference image (mandatory), in the context of Domain Adaptation it is an image from a target domain (see the paper for more details)

<RESULT IMAGE> - path to a resulting image (mandatory)

All image matching operations can run in various color spaces, the supported color spaces are

  • GRAY: grayscale, this color space should be used in case source and reference images are grayscale
  • HSV: Hue, Saturation (shades of the color), Value (intensity)
  • LAB: Lightness (intensity), A – color from Green to Magenta, B – color from Blue to Yellow
  • RGB: additive color space where colors are obtained by a linear combination of Red, Green, and Blue values

Feature Distribution Matching operation

Feature Distribution Matching (FDM) transforms a source image in such a way that it obtains the color mean and covariance of the reference image, while retaining the source image content. Instead of a transformation in homogeneous coordinates, FDM generalizes the transformation to the c-dimensional Euclidean space (see the paper for more details).

Apply FDM in the RGB color space to all channels of a source image data/munich_1.png taking data/munich_2.png as a reference image:

>>> python fdm --color-space rgb --channels 0,1,2 data/munich_1.png data/munich_2.png \

or using its shorter form:

>>> python fdm -s rgb -c 0,1,2 data/munich_1.png data/munich_2.png output.png

FeatureDistributionMatching Image

Matching feature distributions directly in the default RGB color space does not always give the desired results due to the strong correlation between luminance and color information in all three channels. On the other hand, in the LAB color space Lightness is independent of color information, so that we can apply FDM in the LAB color space to A and B channels of a source image data/snow_1.png taking data/munich_3.png as a reference image:

>>> python fdm --color-space lab --channels 1,2 data/snow_1.png data/munich_3.png \

or using its shorter form:

>>> python fdm -s lab -c 1,2 data/snow_1.png data/munich_3.png output.png

FeatureDistributionMatching Image

Histogram Matching operation

Histogram Matching (HM) is a common approach in image processing for finding a monotonic mapping between a pair of image histograms. It manipulates pixels of a source image in such a way that its histogram matches that of a reference image (see the paper for more details).

Apply HM in the RGB color space to all channels of a source image data/snow_2.png taking data/munich_2.png as a reference image with a matching strength of 1.0 (1.0 is full match, 0.0 is no match) and plot the results:

>>> python hm --match-proportion 1.0 --color-space rgb --channels 0,1,2 --plot \
                      data/snow_2.png data/munich_2.png output.png

or using its shorter form:

>>> python hm -m 1.0 -s rgb -c 0,1,2 -p data/snow_2.png data/munich_2.png output.png

HistogramMatching Image

Matching histograms directly in the default RGB color space does not always give the desired results due to the strong correlation between luminance and color information in all three channels. On the other hand, in the LAB color space Lightness is independent of color information, so that we can apply HM in the LAB color space to A and B channels of a source image data/munich_2.png taking data/munich_4.png as a reference image:

>>> python hm --color-space lab --channels 1,2 --plot data/munich_2.png \
                      data/munich_4.png output.png

or using its shorter form:

>>> python hm -s lab -c 1,2 -p data/munich_2.png data/munich_4.png output.png

HistogramMatching Image


All kinds of contributions are kindly welcome:

  • fixes (typos, bugs)
  • new matching operations and image converters

If you find a bug or have a feature request, post an issue at image-statistics-matching/issues.


  1. fork the repository
  2. clone it
  3. install pre-commit hook and initialize it from the directory with the repository:
>>> pre-commit install
  1. make desired changes to the code and provide tests that assure the correctness of new features and modules

  2. run tests:

>>> pytest
  1. run to assure the code quality every time you apply or add some changes:
>>> python
  1. push code to your forked repository

  2. create a pull request and request a review

Code Style

We adopt PEP8 as the preferred code style.

We use the following tools for linting, formatting and testing:

The pre-commit hook checks and formats for autopep8, flake8, isort, mypy, pylint, check-added-large-files, check-docstring-first, check-yaml, debug-statements, double-quote-string-fixer, end-of-file-fixer, trailing whitespaces, requirements-txt-fixer, end-of-files, runs unit tests with pytest automatically on every commit. The config for a pre-commit hook is stored in .pre-commit-config.

Software Design

Architecture Image

Implementing New Matching Operation

Image matching operations are located in matching/operations and implement Operation interface from matching/ To implement a new matching operation NewOperation you need to create a new Python module:

>>> cd matching/operations
>>> echo >

and implement the abstract method _apply from the Operation interface:

import numpy as np

from matching import ChannelsType, Operation

class NewOperation(Operation):

    def __init__(self, channels: ChannelsType, check_input: bool = True,
                 a: A = DEFAULT_A, b: B = DEFAULT_B, ...):
        # base class (Operation) constructor
        super().__init__(channels, check_input)

        # parameters specific for NewOperation
        self.a = a
        self.b = b

    def _apply(self, source: np.ndarray,
               reference: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        # matching operation implementation

During the development and testing we strongly encourage you to set check_input flag to True. This will call the _verify_input function from matching/ every time you apply the operation in order to ensure that your input data has correct types and dimensionality.

Unit tests for image matching operations are located in tests/matching/operations. Put all necessary tests assuring the correctness of NewOperation into a separate test module:

>>> cd tests/matching/operations
>>> echo >

Add a command name for NewOperation to core/

NEW_OP = 'new_op'

Add Click command for NewOperation to the command line interface in

from core import NEW_OP
@main.command(name=NEW_OP, help='New Operation')
def command_new_operation() -> None:
    """ New Operation command function """

Add NewOperation to matching/

from core import NEW_OP
from .operations import NewOperation
    elif matching_type == NEW_OP:
        operation = \

Now you should be able to run NewOperation from the Click command line interface:

>>> python new_op data/munich_1.png data/munich_2.png output.png

For more implementation details see the existing image matching operations:

Implementing New Color Space Converter

Color space converters are located in utils/cs_conversion and implement ColorSpaceConverter interface from utils/cs_conversion/ To implement a new color space converter RgbToNewColorSpaceConverter you need to create a new Python module:

>>> cd utils/cs_conversion
>>> echo >

and implement the abstract methods convert, convert_back, and target_channel_ranges from the ColorSpaceConverter interface:

from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np

from . import ChannelRange, ColorSpaceConverter

class RgbToNewColorSpaceConverter(ColorSpaceConverter):

    def convert(self, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        # image conversion implementation

    def convert_back(self, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        # back image conversion implementation

    def target_channel_ranges(self) -> Tuple[ChannelRange, ...]:
        # return the ranges of the target color space (your new color space)

Unit tests for color space converters are located in tests/utils/cs_conversion. Put all necessary tests assuring the correctness of RgbToNewColorSpaceConverter into a separate test module:

>>> cd tests/utils/cs_conversion
>>> echo >

Add NewColorSpace to the Click command line interface in

from core import NewColorSpace
    @click.option('--color-space', '-s', 'color_space', default=RGB,
                  type=click.Choice([GRAY, HSV, LAB, RGB, NewColorSpace],
                  help='color space')

Add NewColorSpace to utils/cs_conversion/

from core import NewColorSpace
    if target_color_space == NewColorSpace:
        return RgbToNewColorSpaceConverter()

For more implementation details see the existing color space converters:


Please cite Keep it Simple: Image Statistics Matching for Domain Adaptation if you use image-statistics-matching:

    author    = {Alexey Abramov and Christopher Bayer and Claudio Heller},
    title     = {Keep it Simple: Image Statistics Matching for Domain Adaptation},
    booktitle = {Scalability in Autonomous Driving, CVPR workshop},
    year      = {2020},


image-statistics-matching is MIT licensed.


Links to websites of third parties are provided only for your convenience. These websites are completely independent and outside the control of Continental AG and in no-way related to Continental AG and/or its subsidiaries (Together called as ‘Continental AG’). Continental AG is not liable for the content of any of these third-party websites that are accessed from the Continental websites, and assumes no responsibility and no liability for the content, data protection provisions or use of such websites.


Alexey Abramov @aabramovrepo

Christopher Bayer @BayerC

Claudio Heller @claudio-h


Alexey Abramov @aabramovrepo

Claudio Heller @claudio-h