Tictactoe About A Cli Tic Tac Toe game Prerequisites Jdk 8 Maven Running Tic Tac Toe Building the Project mvn clean compile assembly:single The game can be run with or without initial arguments Running without Arguments java -cp target/tictactoe-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.abhisheksoni.tictactoe.Runner Running with Initial Arguments java -cp target/tictactoe-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.abhisheksoni.tictactoe.Runner StartGame 2 u1 x u2 0 3 Alternate Run Script An alternate to the above, the convenience script start.sh or start.bat can be run This script would build and run the game sh start.sh Game Arguments StartGame <Number of players> <User ids and symbol for each player separated by space> <Board size> Example: StartGame 2 u1 x u2 0 3 The symbol 'c' is reserved for a bot, if 'c' is supplied as a symbol for a player, it becomes a bot. Game Play Commands Action Command Play Move <row> <column> Undo u Reset r New Game n Exit Game e Game in Action