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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/js/js_code_sourse.js b/assets/js/js_code_sourse.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b28b04f
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/assets/js/script.js b/assets/js/script.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6040e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/script.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
+ $('.your-class').slick({
+ infinite: true,
+ slidesToShow: 3,
+ slidesToScroll: 3,
+ autoplay: true,
+ autoplaySpeed: 5000,
+ responsive: [
+ {
+ breakpoint: 1024,
+ settings: {
+ slidesToShow: 2,
+ slidesToScroll: 2,
+ infinite: true,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ breakpoint: 600,
+ settings: {
+ slidesToShow: 2,
+ slidesToScroll: 2
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ breakpoint: 480,
+ settings: {
+ slidesToShow: 2,
+ slidesToScroll: 2
+ }
+ }
+ // You can unslick at a given breakpoint now by adding:
+ // settings: "unslick"
+ // instead of a settings object
+ ]
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/js/slick.js b/assets/js/slick.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d062201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/slick.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2871 @@
+(function(factory) {
+ 'use strict';
+ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ define(['jquery'], factory);
+ } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
+ module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
+ } else {
+ factory(jQuery);
+ }
+}(function($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var Slick = window.Slick || {};
+ Slick = (function() {
+ var instanceUid = 0;
+ function Slick(element, settings) {
+ var _ = this, dataSettings;
+ _.defaults = {
+ accessibility: true,
+ adaptiveHeight: false,
+ appendArrows: $(element),
+ appendDots: $(element),
+ arrows: true,
+ asNavFor: null,
+ prevArrow: '
+ nextArrow: '
+ autoplay: false,
+ autoplaySpeed: 3000,
+ centerMode: false,
+ centerPadding: '50px',
+ cssEase: 'ease',
+ dots: false,
+ dotsClass: 'slick-dots',
+ draggable: true,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ edgeFriction: 0.35,
+ fade: false,
+ focusOnSelect: false,
+ infinite: true,
+ initialSlide: 0,
+ lazyLoad: 'ondemand',
+ mobileFirst: false,
+ pauseOnHover: true,
+ pauseOnFocus: true,
+ pauseOnDotsHover: false,
+ respondTo: 'window',
+ responsive: null,
+ rows: 1,
+ rtl: false,
+ slide: '',
+ slidesPerRow: 1,
+ slidesToShow: 1,
+ slidesToScroll: 1,
+ speed: 500,
+ swipe: true,
+ swipeToSlide: false,
+ touchMove: true,
+ touchThreshold: 5,
+ useCSS: true,
+ useTransform: true,
+ variableWidth: false,
+ vertical: false,
+ verticalSwiping: false,
+ waitForAnimate: true,
+ zIndex: 1000
+ };
+ _.initials = {
+ animating: false,
+ dragging: false,
+ autoPlayTimer: null,
+ currentDirection: 0,
+ currentLeft: null,
+ currentSlide: 0,
+ direction: 1,
+ $dots: null,
+ listWidth: null,
+ listHeight: null,
+ loadIndex: 0,
+ $nextArrow: null,
+ $prevArrow: null,
+ slideCount: null,
+ slideWidth: null,
+ $slideTrack: null,
+ $slides: null,
+ sliding: false,
+ slideOffset: 0,
+ swipeLeft: null,
+ $list: null,
+ touchObject: {},
+ transformsEnabled: false,
+ unslicked: false
+ };
+ $.extend(_, _.initials);
+ _.activeBreakpoint = null;
+ _.animType = null;
+ _.animProp = null;
+ _.breakpoints = [];
+ _.breakpointSettings = [];
+ _.cssTransitions = false;
+ _.focussed = false;
+ _.interrupted = false;
+ _.hidden = 'hidden';
+ _.paused = true;
+ _.positionProp = null;
+ _.respondTo = null;
+ _.rowCount = 1;
+ _.shouldClick = true;
+ _.$slider = $(element);
+ _.$slidesCache = null;
+ _.transformType = null;
+ _.transitionType = null;
+ _.visibilityChange = 'visibilitychange';
+ _.windowWidth = 0;
+ _.windowTimer = null;
+ dataSettings = $(element).data('slick') || {};
+ _.options = $.extend({}, _.defaults, settings, dataSettings);
+ _.currentSlide = _.options.initialSlide;
+ _.originalSettings = _.options;
+ if (typeof document.mozHidden !== 'undefined') {
+ _.hidden = 'mozHidden';
+ _.visibilityChange = 'mozvisibilitychange';
+ } else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== 'undefined') {
+ _.hidden = 'webkitHidden';
+ _.visibilityChange = 'webkitvisibilitychange';
+ }
+ _.autoPlay = $.proxy(_.autoPlay, _);
+ _.autoPlayClear = $.proxy(_.autoPlayClear, _);
+ _.autoPlayIterator = $.proxy(_.autoPlayIterator, _);
+ _.changeSlide = $.proxy(_.changeSlide, _);
+ _.clickHandler = $.proxy(_.clickHandler, _);
+ _.selectHandler = $.proxy(_.selectHandler, _);
+ _.setPosition = $.proxy(_.setPosition, _);
+ _.swipeHandler = $.proxy(_.swipeHandler, _);
+ _.dragHandler = $.proxy(_.dragHandler, _);
+ _.keyHandler = $.proxy(_.keyHandler, _);
+ _.instanceUid = instanceUid++;
+ // A simple way to check for HTML strings
+ // Strict HTML recognition (must start with <)
+ // Extracted from jQuery v1.11 source
+ _.htmlExpr = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*)$/;
+ _.registerBreakpoints();
+ _.init(true);
+ }
+ return Slick;
+ }());
+ Slick.prototype.activateADA = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.$slideTrack.find('.slick-active').attr({
+ 'aria-hidden': 'false'
+ }).find('a, input, button, select').attr({
+ 'tabindex': '0'
+ });
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.addSlide = Slick.prototype.slickAdd = function(markup, index, addBefore) {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (typeof(index) === 'boolean') {
+ addBefore = index;
+ index = null;
+ } else if (index < 0 || (index >= _.slideCount)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ _.unload();
+ if (typeof(index) === 'number') {
+ if (index === 0 && _.$slides.length === 0) {
+ $(markup).appendTo(_.$slideTrack);
+ } else if (addBefore) {
+ $(markup).insertBefore(_.$slides.eq(index));
+ } else {
+ $(markup).insertAfter(_.$slides.eq(index));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (addBefore === true) {
+ $(markup).prependTo(_.$slideTrack);
+ } else {
+ $(markup).appendTo(_.$slideTrack);
+ }
+ }
+ _.$slides = _.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide);
+ _.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide).detach();
+ _.$slideTrack.append(_.$slides);
+ _.$slides.each(function(index, element) {
+ $(element).attr('data-slick-index', index);
+ });
+ _.$slidesCache = _.$slides;
+ _.reinit();
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.animateHeight = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (_.options.slidesToShow === 1 && _.options.adaptiveHeight === true && _.options.vertical === false) {
+ var targetHeight = _.$slides.eq(_.currentSlide).outerHeight(true);
+ _.$list.animate({
+ height: targetHeight
+ }, _.options.speed);
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.animateSlide = function(targetLeft, callback) {
+ var animProps = {},
+ _ = this;
+ _.animateHeight();
+ if (_.options.rtl === true && _.options.vertical === false) {
+ targetLeft = -targetLeft;
+ }
+ if (_.transformsEnabled === false) {
+ if (_.options.vertical === false) {
+ _.$slideTrack.animate({
+ left: targetLeft
+ }, _.options.speed, _.options.easing, callback);
+ } else {
+ _.$slideTrack.animate({
+ top: targetLeft
+ }, _.options.speed, _.options.easing, callback);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (_.cssTransitions === false) {
+ if (_.options.rtl === true) {
+ _.currentLeft = -(_.currentLeft);
+ }
+ $({
+ animStart: _.currentLeft
+ }).animate({
+ animStart: targetLeft
+ }, {
+ duration: _.options.speed,
+ easing: _.options.easing,
+ step: function(now) {
+ now = Math.ceil(now);
+ if (_.options.vertical === false) {
+ animProps[_.animType] = 'translate(' +
+ now + 'px, 0px)';
+ _.$slideTrack.css(animProps);
+ } else {
+ animProps[_.animType] = 'translate(0px,' +
+ now + 'px)';
+ _.$slideTrack.css(animProps);
+ }
+ },
+ complete: function() {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback.call();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ _.applyTransition();
+ targetLeft = Math.ceil(targetLeft);
+ if (_.options.vertical === false) {
+ animProps[_.animType] = 'translate3d(' + targetLeft + 'px, 0px, 0px)';
+ } else {
+ animProps[_.animType] = 'translate3d(0px,' + targetLeft + 'px, 0px)';
+ }
+ _.$slideTrack.css(animProps);
+ if (callback) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ _.disableTransition();
+ callback.call();
+ }, _.options.speed);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.getNavTarget = function() {
+ var _ = this,
+ asNavFor = _.options.asNavFor;
+ if ( asNavFor && asNavFor !== null ) {
+ asNavFor = $(asNavFor).not(_.$slider);
+ }
+ return asNavFor;
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.asNavFor = function(index) {
+ var _ = this,
+ asNavFor = _.getNavTarget();
+ if ( asNavFor !== null && typeof asNavFor === 'object' ) {
+ asNavFor.each(function() {
+ var target = $(this).slick('getSlick');
+ if(!target.unslicked) {
+ target.slideHandler(index, true);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.applyTransition = function(slide) {
+ var _ = this,
+ transition = {};
+ if (_.options.fade === false) {
+ transition[_.transitionType] = _.transformType + ' ' + _.options.speed + 'ms ' + _.options.cssEase;
+ } else {
+ transition[_.transitionType] = 'opacity ' + _.options.speed + 'ms ' + _.options.cssEase;
+ }
+ if (_.options.fade === false) {
+ _.$slideTrack.css(transition);
+ } else {
+ _.$slides.eq(slide).css(transition);
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.autoPlay = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.autoPlayClear();
+ if ( _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow ) {
+ _.autoPlayTimer = setInterval( _.autoPlayIterator, _.options.autoplaySpeed );
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.autoPlayClear = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (_.autoPlayTimer) {
+ clearInterval(_.autoPlayTimer);
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.autoPlayIterator = function() {
+ var _ = this,
+ slideTo = _.currentSlide + _.options.slidesToScroll;
+ if ( !_.paused && !_.interrupted && !_.focussed ) {
+ if ( _.options.infinite === false ) {
+ if ( _.direction === 1 && ( _.currentSlide + 1 ) === ( _.slideCount - 1 )) {
+ _.direction = 0;
+ }
+ else if ( _.direction === 0 ) {
+ slideTo = _.currentSlide - _.options.slidesToScroll;
+ if ( _.currentSlide - 1 === 0 ) {
+ _.direction = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _.slideHandler( slideTo );
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.buildArrows = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (_.options.arrows === true ) {
+ _.$prevArrow = $(_.options.prevArrow).addClass('slick-arrow');
+ _.$nextArrow = $(_.options.nextArrow).addClass('slick-arrow');
+ if( _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow ) {
+ _.$prevArrow.removeClass('slick-hidden').removeAttr('aria-hidden tabindex');
+ _.$nextArrow.removeClass('slick-hidden').removeAttr('aria-hidden tabindex');
+ if (_.htmlExpr.test(_.options.prevArrow)) {
+ _.$prevArrow.prependTo(_.options.appendArrows);
+ }
+ if (_.htmlExpr.test(_.options.nextArrow)) {
+ _.$nextArrow.appendTo(_.options.appendArrows);
+ }
+ if (_.options.infinite !== true) {
+ _.$prevArrow
+ .addClass('slick-disabled')
+ .attr('aria-disabled', 'true');
+ }
+ } else {
+ _.$prevArrow.add( _.$nextArrow )
+ .addClass('slick-hidden')
+ .attr({
+ 'aria-disabled': 'true',
+ 'tabindex': '-1'
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.buildDots = function() {
+ var _ = this,
+ i, dot;
+ if (_.options.dots === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ _.$slider.addClass('slick-dotted');
+ dot = $('
+ for (i = 0; i <= _.getDotCount(); i += 1) {
+ dot.append($('
').append(_.options.customPaging.call(this, _, i)));
+ }
+ _.$dots = dot.appendTo(_.options.appendDots);
+ _.$dots.find('li').first().addClass('slick-active').attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.buildOut = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.$slides =
+ _.$slider
+ .children( _.options.slide + ':not(.slick-cloned)')
+ .addClass('slick-slide');
+ _.slideCount = _.$slides.length;
+ _.$slides.each(function(index, element) {
+ $(element)
+ .attr('data-slick-index', index)
+ .data('originalStyling', $(element).attr('style') || '');
+ });
+ _.$slider.addClass('slick-slider');
+ _.$slideTrack = (_.slideCount === 0) ?
+ $('
').appendTo(_.$slider) :
+ _.$slides.wrapAll('
+ _.$list = _.$slideTrack.wrap(
+ '
+ _.$slideTrack.css('opacity', 0);
+ if (_.options.centerMode === true || _.options.swipeToSlide === true) {
+ _.options.slidesToScroll = 1;
+ }
+ $('img[data-lazy]', _.$slider).not('[src]').addClass('slick-loading');
+ _.setupInfinite();
+ _.buildArrows();
+ _.buildDots();
+ _.updateDots();
+ _.setSlideClasses(typeof _.currentSlide === 'number' ? _.currentSlide : 0);
+ if (_.options.draggable === true) {
+ _.$list.addClass('draggable');
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.buildRows = function() {
+ var _ = this, a, b, c, newSlides, numOfSlides, originalSlides,slidesPerSection;
+ newSlides = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ originalSlides = _.$slider.children();
+ if(_.options.rows > 1) {
+ slidesPerSection = _.options.slidesPerRow * _.options.rows;
+ numOfSlides = Math.ceil(
+ originalSlides.length / slidesPerSection
+ );
+ for(a = 0; a < numOfSlides; a++){
+ var slide = document.createElement('div');
+ for(b = 0; b < _.options.rows; b++) {
+ var row = document.createElement('div');
+ for(c = 0; c < _.options.slidesPerRow; c++) {
+ var target = (a * slidesPerSection + ((b * _.options.slidesPerRow) + c));
+ if (originalSlides.get(target)) {
+ row.appendChild(originalSlides.get(target));
+ }
+ }
+ slide.appendChild(row);
+ }
+ newSlides.appendChild(slide);
+ }
+ _.$slider.empty().append(newSlides);
+ _.$slider.children().children().children()
+ .css({
+ 'width':(100 / _.options.slidesPerRow) + '%',
+ 'display': 'inline-block'
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.checkResponsive = function(initial, forceUpdate) {
+ var _ = this,
+ breakpoint, targetBreakpoint, respondToWidth, triggerBreakpoint = false;
+ var sliderWidth = _.$slider.width();
+ var windowWidth = window.innerWidth || $(window).width();
+ if (_.respondTo === 'window') {
+ respondToWidth = windowWidth;
+ } else if (_.respondTo === 'slider') {
+ respondToWidth = sliderWidth;
+ } else if (_.respondTo === 'min') {
+ respondToWidth = Math.min(windowWidth, sliderWidth);
+ }
+ if ( _.options.responsive &&
+ _.options.responsive.length &&
+ _.options.responsive !== null) {
+ targetBreakpoint = null;
+ for (breakpoint in _.breakpoints) {
+ if (_.breakpoints.hasOwnProperty(breakpoint)) {
+ if (_.originalSettings.mobileFirst === false) {
+ if (respondToWidth < _.breakpoints[breakpoint]) {
+ targetBreakpoint = _.breakpoints[breakpoint];
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (respondToWidth > _.breakpoints[breakpoint]) {
+ targetBreakpoint = _.breakpoints[breakpoint];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (targetBreakpoint !== null) {
+ if (_.activeBreakpoint !== null) {
+ if (targetBreakpoint !== _.activeBreakpoint || forceUpdate) {
+ _.activeBreakpoint =
+ targetBreakpoint;
+ if (_.breakpointSettings[targetBreakpoint] === 'unslick') {
+ _.unslick(targetBreakpoint);
+ } else {
+ _.options = $.extend({}, _.originalSettings,
+ _.breakpointSettings[
+ targetBreakpoint]);
+ if (initial === true) {
+ _.currentSlide = _.options.initialSlide;
+ }
+ _.refresh(initial);
+ }
+ triggerBreakpoint = targetBreakpoint;
+ }
+ } else {
+ _.activeBreakpoint = targetBreakpoint;
+ if (_.breakpointSettings[targetBreakpoint] === 'unslick') {
+ _.unslick(targetBreakpoint);
+ } else {
+ _.options = $.extend({}, _.originalSettings,
+ _.breakpointSettings[
+ targetBreakpoint]);
+ if (initial === true) {
+ _.currentSlide = _.options.initialSlide;
+ }
+ _.refresh(initial);
+ }
+ triggerBreakpoint = targetBreakpoint;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (_.activeBreakpoint !== null) {
+ _.activeBreakpoint = null;
+ _.options = _.originalSettings;
+ if (initial === true) {
+ _.currentSlide = _.options.initialSlide;
+ }
+ _.refresh(initial);
+ triggerBreakpoint = targetBreakpoint;
+ }
+ }
+ // only trigger breakpoints during an actual break. not on initialize.
+ if( !initial && triggerBreakpoint !== false ) {
+ _.$slider.trigger('breakpoint', [_, triggerBreakpoint]);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.changeSlide = function(event, dontAnimate) {
+ var _ = this,
+ $target = $(event.currentTarget),
+ indexOffset, slideOffset, unevenOffset;
+ // If target is a link, prevent default action.
+ if($target.is('a')) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ // If target is not the
element (ie: a child), find the .
+ if(!$target.is('li')) {
+ $target = $target.closest('li');
+ }
+ unevenOffset = (_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll !== 0);
+ indexOffset = unevenOffset ? 0 : (_.slideCount - _.currentSlide) % _.options.slidesToScroll;
+ switch (event.data.message) {
+ case 'previous':
+ slideOffset = indexOffset === 0 ? _.options.slidesToScroll : _.options.slidesToShow - indexOffset;
+ if (_.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ _.slideHandler(_.currentSlide - slideOffset, false, dontAnimate);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'next':
+ slideOffset = indexOffset === 0 ? _.options.slidesToScroll : indexOffset;
+ if (_.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ _.slideHandler(_.currentSlide + slideOffset, false, dontAnimate);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'index':
+ var index = event.data.index === 0 ? 0 :
+ event.data.index || $target.index() * _.options.slidesToScroll;
+ _.slideHandler(_.checkNavigable(index), false, dontAnimate);
+ $target.children().trigger('focus');
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.checkNavigable = function(index) {
+ var _ = this,
+ navigables, prevNavigable;
+ navigables = _.getNavigableIndexes();
+ prevNavigable = 0;
+ if (index > navigables[navigables.length - 1]) {
+ index = navigables[navigables.length - 1];
+ } else {
+ for (var n in navigables) {
+ if (index < navigables[n]) {
+ index = prevNavigable;
+ break;
+ }
+ prevNavigable = navigables[n];
+ }
+ }
+ return index;
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.cleanUpEvents = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (_.options.dots && _.$dots !== null) {
+ $('li', _.$dots)
+ .off('click.slick', _.changeSlide)
+ .off('mouseenter.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, true))
+ .off('mouseleave.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, false));
+ }
+ _.$slider.off('focus.slick blur.slick');
+ if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ _.$prevArrow && _.$prevArrow.off('click.slick', _.changeSlide);
+ _.$nextArrow && _.$nextArrow.off('click.slick', _.changeSlide);
+ }
+ _.$list.off('touchstart.slick mousedown.slick', _.swipeHandler);
+ _.$list.off('touchmove.slick mousemove.slick', _.swipeHandler);
+ _.$list.off('touchend.slick mouseup.slick', _.swipeHandler);
+ _.$list.off('touchcancel.slick mouseleave.slick', _.swipeHandler);
+ _.$list.off('click.slick', _.clickHandler);
+ $(document).off(_.visibilityChange, _.visibility);
+ _.cleanUpSlideEvents();
+ if (_.options.accessibility === true) {
+ _.$list.off('keydown.slick', _.keyHandler);
+ }
+ if (_.options.focusOnSelect === true) {
+ $(_.$slideTrack).children().off('click.slick', _.selectHandler);
+ }
+ $(window).off('orientationchange.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, _.orientationChange);
+ $(window).off('resize.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, _.resize);
+ $('[draggable!=true]', _.$slideTrack).off('dragstart', _.preventDefault);
+ $(window).off('load.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, _.setPosition);
+ $(document).off('ready.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, _.setPosition);
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.cleanUpSlideEvents = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.$list.off('mouseenter.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, true));
+ _.$list.off('mouseleave.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, false));
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.cleanUpRows = function() {
+ var _ = this, originalSlides;
+ if(_.options.rows > 1) {
+ originalSlides = _.$slides.children().children();
+ originalSlides.removeAttr('style');
+ _.$slider.empty().append(originalSlides);
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.clickHandler = function(event) {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (_.shouldClick === false) {
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.destroy = function(refresh) {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.autoPlayClear();
+ _.touchObject = {};
+ _.cleanUpEvents();
+ $('.slick-cloned', _.$slider).detach();
+ if (_.$dots) {
+ _.$dots.remove();
+ }
+ if ( _.$prevArrow && _.$prevArrow.length ) {
+ _.$prevArrow
+ .removeClass('slick-disabled slick-arrow slick-hidden')
+ .removeAttr('aria-hidden aria-disabled tabindex')
+ .css('display','');
+ if ( _.htmlExpr.test( _.options.prevArrow )) {
+ _.$prevArrow.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _.$nextArrow && _.$nextArrow.length ) {
+ _.$nextArrow
+ .removeClass('slick-disabled slick-arrow slick-hidden')
+ .removeAttr('aria-hidden aria-disabled tabindex')
+ .css('display','');
+ if ( _.htmlExpr.test( _.options.nextArrow )) {
+ _.$nextArrow.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ if (_.$slides) {
+ _.$slides
+ .removeClass('slick-slide slick-active slick-center slick-visible slick-current')
+ .removeAttr('aria-hidden')
+ .removeAttr('data-slick-index')
+ .each(function(){
+ $(this).attr('style', $(this).data('originalStyling'));
+ });
+ _.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide).detach();
+ _.$slideTrack.detach();
+ _.$list.detach();
+ _.$slider.append(_.$slides);
+ }
+ _.cleanUpRows();
+ _.$slider.removeClass('slick-slider');
+ _.$slider.removeClass('slick-initialized');
+ _.$slider.removeClass('slick-dotted');
+ _.unslicked = true;
+ if(!refresh) {
+ _.$slider.trigger('destroy', [_]);
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.disableTransition = function(slide) {
+ var _ = this,
+ transition = {};
+ transition[_.transitionType] = '';
+ if (_.options.fade === false) {
+ _.$slideTrack.css(transition);
+ } else {
+ _.$slides.eq(slide).css(transition);
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.fadeSlide = function(slideIndex, callback) {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (_.cssTransitions === false) {
+ _.$slides.eq(slideIndex).css({
+ zIndex: _.options.zIndex
+ });
+ _.$slides.eq(slideIndex).animate({
+ opacity: 1
+ }, _.options.speed, _.options.easing, callback);
+ } else {
+ _.applyTransition(slideIndex);
+ _.$slides.eq(slideIndex).css({
+ opacity: 1,
+ zIndex: _.options.zIndex
+ });
+ if (callback) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ _.disableTransition(slideIndex);
+ callback.call();
+ }, _.options.speed);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.fadeSlideOut = function(slideIndex) {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (_.cssTransitions === false) {
+ _.$slides.eq(slideIndex).animate({
+ opacity: 0,
+ zIndex: _.options.zIndex - 2
+ }, _.options.speed, _.options.easing);
+ } else {
+ _.applyTransition(slideIndex);
+ _.$slides.eq(slideIndex).css({
+ opacity: 0,
+ zIndex: _.options.zIndex - 2
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.filterSlides = Slick.prototype.slickFilter = function(filter) {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (filter !== null) {
+ _.$slidesCache = _.$slides;
+ _.unload();
+ _.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide).detach();
+ _.$slidesCache.filter(filter).appendTo(_.$slideTrack);
+ _.reinit();
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.focusHandler = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.$slider
+ .off('focus.slick blur.slick')
+ .on('focus.slick blur.slick',
+ '*:not(.slick-arrow)', function(event) {
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ var $sf = $(this);
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ if( _.options.pauseOnFocus ) {
+ _.focussed = $sf.is(':focus');
+ _.autoPlay();
+ }
+ }, 0);
+ });
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.getCurrent = Slick.prototype.slickCurrentSlide = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ return _.currentSlide;
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.getDotCount = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ var breakPoint = 0;
+ var counter = 0;
+ var pagerQty = 0;
+ if (_.options.infinite === true) {
+ while (breakPoint < _.slideCount) {
+ ++pagerQty;
+ breakPoint = counter + _.options.slidesToScroll;
+ counter += _.options.slidesToScroll <= _.options.slidesToShow ? _.options.slidesToScroll : _.options.slidesToShow;
+ }
+ } else if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
+ pagerQty = _.slideCount;
+ } else {
+ while (breakPoint < _.slideCount) {
+ ++pagerQty;
+ breakPoint = counter + _.options.slidesToScroll;
+ counter += _.options.slidesToScroll <= _.options.slidesToShow ? _.options.slidesToScroll : _.options.slidesToShow;
+ }
+ }
+ return pagerQty - 1;
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.getLeft = function(slideIndex) {
+ var _ = this,
+ targetLeft,
+ verticalHeight,
+ verticalOffset = 0,
+ targetSlide;
+ _.slideOffset = 0;
+ verticalHeight = _.$slides.first().outerHeight(true);
+ if (_.options.infinite === true) {
+ if (_.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ _.slideOffset = (_.slideWidth * _.options.slidesToShow) * -1;
+ verticalOffset = (verticalHeight * _.options.slidesToShow) * -1;
+ }
+ if (_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll !== 0) {
+ if (slideIndex + _.options.slidesToScroll > _.slideCount && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ if (slideIndex > _.slideCount) {
+ _.slideOffset = ((_.options.slidesToShow - (slideIndex - _.slideCount)) * _.slideWidth) * -1;
+ verticalOffset = ((_.options.slidesToShow - (slideIndex - _.slideCount)) * verticalHeight) * -1;
+ } else {
+ _.slideOffset = ((_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll) * _.slideWidth) * -1;
+ verticalOffset = ((_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll) * verticalHeight) * -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (slideIndex + _.options.slidesToShow > _.slideCount) {
+ _.slideOffset = ((slideIndex + _.options.slidesToShow) - _.slideCount) * _.slideWidth;
+ verticalOffset = ((slideIndex + _.options.slidesToShow) - _.slideCount) * verticalHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ _.slideOffset = 0;
+ verticalOffset = 0;
+ }
+ if (_.options.centerMode === true && _.options.infinite === true) {
+ _.slideOffset += _.slideWidth * Math.floor(_.options.slidesToShow / 2) - _.slideWidth;
+ } else if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
+ _.slideOffset = 0;
+ _.slideOffset += _.slideWidth * Math.floor(_.options.slidesToShow / 2);
+ }
+ if (_.options.vertical === false) {
+ targetLeft = ((slideIndex * _.slideWidth) * -1) + _.slideOffset;
+ } else {
+ targetLeft = ((slideIndex * verticalHeight) * -1) + verticalOffset;
+ }
+ if (_.options.variableWidth === true) {
+ if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow || _.options.infinite === false) {
+ targetSlide = _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideIndex);
+ } else {
+ targetSlide = _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideIndex + _.options.slidesToShow);
+ }
+ if (_.options.rtl === true) {
+ if (targetSlide[0]) {
+ targetLeft = (_.$slideTrack.width() - targetSlide[0].offsetLeft - targetSlide.width()) * -1;
+ } else {
+ targetLeft = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ targetLeft = targetSlide[0] ? targetSlide[0].offsetLeft * -1 : 0;
+ }
+ if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
+ if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow || _.options.infinite === false) {
+ targetSlide = _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideIndex);
+ } else {
+ targetSlide = _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideIndex + _.options.slidesToShow + 1);
+ }
+ if (_.options.rtl === true) {
+ if (targetSlide[0]) {
+ targetLeft = (_.$slideTrack.width() - targetSlide[0].offsetLeft - targetSlide.width()) * -1;
+ } else {
+ targetLeft = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ targetLeft = targetSlide[0] ? targetSlide[0].offsetLeft * -1 : 0;
+ }
+ targetLeft += (_.$list.width() - targetSlide.outerWidth()) / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ return targetLeft;
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.getOption = Slick.prototype.slickGetOption = function(option) {
+ var _ = this;
+ return _.options[option];
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.getNavigableIndexes = function() {
+ var _ = this,
+ breakPoint = 0,
+ counter = 0,
+ indexes = [],
+ max;
+ if (_.options.infinite === false) {
+ max = _.slideCount;
+ } else {
+ breakPoint = _.options.slidesToScroll * -1;
+ counter = _.options.slidesToScroll * -1;
+ max = _.slideCount * 2;
+ }
+ while (breakPoint < max) {
+ indexes.push(breakPoint);
+ breakPoint = counter + _.options.slidesToScroll;
+ counter += _.options.slidesToScroll <= _.options.slidesToShow ? _.options.slidesToScroll : _.options.slidesToShow;
+ }
+ return indexes;
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.getSlick = function() {
+ return this;
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.getSlideCount = function() {
+ var _ = this,
+ slidesTraversed, swipedSlide, centerOffset;
+ centerOffset = _.options.centerMode === true ? _.slideWidth * Math.floor(_.options.slidesToShow / 2) : 0;
+ if (_.options.swipeToSlide === true) {
+ _.$slideTrack.find('.slick-slide').each(function(index, slide) {
+ if (slide.offsetLeft - centerOffset + ($(slide).outerWidth() / 2) > (_.swipeLeft * -1)) {
+ swipedSlide = slide;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ slidesTraversed = Math.abs($(swipedSlide).attr('data-slick-index') - _.currentSlide) || 1;
+ return slidesTraversed;
+ } else {
+ return _.options.slidesToScroll;
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.goTo = Slick.prototype.slickGoTo = function(slide, dontAnimate) {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.changeSlide({
+ data: {
+ message: 'index',
+ index: parseInt(slide)
+ }
+ }, dontAnimate);
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.init = function(creation) {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (!$(_.$slider).hasClass('slick-initialized')) {
+ $(_.$slider).addClass('slick-initialized');
+ _.buildRows();
+ _.buildOut();
+ _.setProps();
+ _.startLoad();
+ _.loadSlider();
+ _.initializeEvents();
+ _.updateArrows();
+ _.updateDots();
+ _.checkResponsive(true);
+ _.focusHandler();
+ }
+ if (creation) {
+ _.$slider.trigger('init', [_]);
+ }
+ if (_.options.accessibility === true) {
+ _.initADA();
+ }
+ if ( _.options.autoplay ) {
+ _.paused = false;
+ _.autoPlay();
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.initADA = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.$slides.add(_.$slideTrack.find('.slick-cloned')).attr({
+ 'aria-hidden': 'true',
+ 'tabindex': '-1'
+ }).find('a, input, button, select').attr({
+ 'tabindex': '-1'
+ });
+ _.$slideTrack.attr('role', 'listbox');
+ _.$slides.not(_.$slideTrack.find('.slick-cloned')).each(function(i) {
+ $(this).attr({
+ 'role': 'option',
+ 'aria-describedby': 'slick-slide' + _.instanceUid + i + ''
+ });
+ });
+ if (_.$dots !== null) {
+ _.$dots.attr('role', 'tablist').find('li').each(function(i) {
+ $(this).attr({
+ 'role': 'presentation',
+ 'aria-selected': 'false',
+ 'aria-controls': 'navigation' + _.instanceUid + i + '',
+ 'id': 'slick-slide' + _.instanceUid + i + ''
+ });
+ })
+ .first().attr('aria-selected', 'true').end()
+ .find('button').attr('role', 'button').end()
+ .closest('div').attr('role', 'toolbar');
+ }
+ _.activateADA();
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.initArrowEvents = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ _.$prevArrow
+ .off('click.slick')
+ .on('click.slick', {
+ message: 'previous'
+ }, _.changeSlide);
+ _.$nextArrow
+ .off('click.slick')
+ .on('click.slick', {
+ message: 'next'
+ }, _.changeSlide);
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.initDotEvents = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (_.options.dots === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ $('li', _.$dots).on('click.slick', {
+ message: 'index'
+ }, _.changeSlide);
+ }
+ if ( _.options.dots === true && _.options.pauseOnDotsHover === true ) {
+ $('li', _.$dots)
+ .on('mouseenter.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, true))
+ .on('mouseleave.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, false));
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.initSlideEvents = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ if ( _.options.pauseOnHover ) {
+ _.$list.on('mouseenter.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, true));
+ _.$list.on('mouseleave.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, false));
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.initializeEvents = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.initArrowEvents();
+ _.initDotEvents();
+ _.initSlideEvents();
+ _.$list.on('touchstart.slick mousedown.slick', {
+ action: 'start'
+ }, _.swipeHandler);
+ _.$list.on('touchmove.slick mousemove.slick', {
+ action: 'move'
+ }, _.swipeHandler);
+ _.$list.on('touchend.slick mouseup.slick', {
+ action: 'end'
+ }, _.swipeHandler);
+ _.$list.on('touchcancel.slick mouseleave.slick', {
+ action: 'end'
+ }, _.swipeHandler);
+ _.$list.on('click.slick', _.clickHandler);
+ $(document).on(_.visibilityChange, $.proxy(_.visibility, _));
+ if (_.options.accessibility === true) {
+ _.$list.on('keydown.slick', _.keyHandler);
+ }
+ if (_.options.focusOnSelect === true) {
+ $(_.$slideTrack).children().on('click.slick', _.selectHandler);
+ }
+ $(window).on('orientationchange.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, $.proxy(_.orientationChange, _));
+ $(window).on('resize.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, $.proxy(_.resize, _));
+ $('[draggable!=true]', _.$slideTrack).on('dragstart', _.preventDefault);
+ $(window).on('load.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, _.setPosition);
+ $(document).on('ready.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, _.setPosition);
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.initUI = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ _.$prevArrow.show();
+ _.$nextArrow.show();
+ }
+ if (_.options.dots === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ _.$dots.show();
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.keyHandler = function(event) {
+ var _ = this;
+ //Dont slide if the cursor is inside the form fields and arrow keys are pressed
+ if(!event.target.tagName.match('TEXTAREA|INPUT|SELECT')) {
+ if (event.keyCode === 37 && _.options.accessibility === true) {
+ _.changeSlide({
+ data: {
+ message: _.options.rtl === true ? 'next' : 'previous'
+ }
+ });
+ } else if (event.keyCode === 39 && _.options.accessibility === true) {
+ _.changeSlide({
+ data: {
+ message: _.options.rtl === true ? 'previous' : 'next'
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.lazyLoad = function() {
+ var _ = this,
+ loadRange, cloneRange, rangeStart, rangeEnd;
+ function loadImages(imagesScope) {
+ $('img[data-lazy]', imagesScope).each(function() {
+ var image = $(this),
+ imageSource = $(this).attr('data-lazy'),
+ imageToLoad = document.createElement('img');
+ imageToLoad.onload = function() {
+ image
+ .animate({ opacity: 0 }, 100, function() {
+ image
+ .attr('src', imageSource)
+ .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200, function() {
+ image
+ .removeAttr('data-lazy')
+ .removeClass('slick-loading');
+ });
+ _.$slider.trigger('lazyLoaded', [_, image, imageSource]);
+ });
+ };
+ imageToLoad.onerror = function() {
+ image
+ .removeAttr( 'data-lazy' )
+ .removeClass( 'slick-loading' )
+ .addClass( 'slick-lazyload-error' );
+ _.$slider.trigger('lazyLoadError', [ _, image, imageSource ]);
+ };
+ imageToLoad.src = imageSource;
+ });
+ }
+ if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
+ if (_.options.infinite === true) {
+ rangeStart = _.currentSlide + (_.options.slidesToShow / 2 + 1);
+ rangeEnd = rangeStart + _.options.slidesToShow + 2;
+ } else {
+ rangeStart = Math.max(0, _.currentSlide - (_.options.slidesToShow / 2 + 1));
+ rangeEnd = 2 + (_.options.slidesToShow / 2 + 1) + _.currentSlide;
+ }
+ } else {
+ rangeStart = _.options.infinite ? _.options.slidesToShow + _.currentSlide : _.currentSlide;
+ rangeEnd = Math.ceil(rangeStart + _.options.slidesToShow);
+ if (_.options.fade === true) {
+ if (rangeStart > 0) rangeStart--;
+ if (rangeEnd <= _.slideCount) rangeEnd++;
+ }
+ }
+ loadRange = _.$slider.find('.slick-slide').slice(rangeStart, rangeEnd);
+ loadImages(loadRange);
+ if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ cloneRange = _.$slider.find('.slick-slide');
+ loadImages(cloneRange);
+ } else
+ if (_.currentSlide >= _.slideCount - _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ cloneRange = _.$slider.find('.slick-cloned').slice(0, _.options.slidesToShow);
+ loadImages(cloneRange);
+ } else if (_.currentSlide === 0) {
+ cloneRange = _.$slider.find('.slick-cloned').slice(_.options.slidesToShow * -1);
+ loadImages(cloneRange);
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.loadSlider = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.setPosition();
+ _.$slideTrack.css({
+ opacity: 1
+ });
+ _.$slider.removeClass('slick-loading');
+ _.initUI();
+ if (_.options.lazyLoad === 'progressive') {
+ _.progressiveLazyLoad();
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.next = Slick.prototype.slickNext = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.changeSlide({
+ data: {
+ message: 'next'
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.orientationChange = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.checkResponsive();
+ _.setPosition();
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.pause = Slick.prototype.slickPause = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.autoPlayClear();
+ _.paused = true;
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.play = Slick.prototype.slickPlay = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.autoPlay();
+ _.options.autoplay = true;
+ _.paused = false;
+ _.focussed = false;
+ _.interrupted = false;
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.postSlide = function(index) {
+ var _ = this;
+ if( !_.unslicked ) {
+ _.$slider.trigger('afterChange', [_, index]);
+ _.animating = false;
+ _.setPosition();
+ _.swipeLeft = null;
+ if ( _.options.autoplay ) {
+ _.autoPlay();
+ }
+ if (_.options.accessibility === true) {
+ _.initADA();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.prev = Slick.prototype.slickPrev = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.changeSlide({
+ data: {
+ message: 'previous'
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.preventDefault = function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.progressiveLazyLoad = function( tryCount ) {
+ tryCount = tryCount || 1;
+ var _ = this,
+ $imgsToLoad = $( 'img[data-lazy]', _.$slider ),
+ image,
+ imageSource,
+ imageToLoad;
+ if ( $imgsToLoad.length ) {
+ image = $imgsToLoad.first();
+ imageSource = image.attr('data-lazy');
+ imageToLoad = document.createElement('img');
+ imageToLoad.onload = function() {
+ image
+ .attr( 'src', imageSource )
+ .removeAttr('data-lazy')
+ .removeClass('slick-loading');
+ if ( _.options.adaptiveHeight === true ) {
+ _.setPosition();
+ }
+ _.$slider.trigger('lazyLoaded', [ _, image, imageSource ]);
+ _.progressiveLazyLoad();
+ };
+ imageToLoad.onerror = function() {
+ if ( tryCount < 3 ) {
+ /**
+ * try to load the image 3 times,
+ * leave a slight delay so we don't get
+ * servers blocking the request.
+ */
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ _.progressiveLazyLoad( tryCount + 1 );
+ }, 500 );
+ } else {
+ image
+ .removeAttr( 'data-lazy' )
+ .removeClass( 'slick-loading' )
+ .addClass( 'slick-lazyload-error' );
+ _.$slider.trigger('lazyLoadError', [ _, image, imageSource ]);
+ _.progressiveLazyLoad();
+ }
+ };
+ imageToLoad.src = imageSource;
+ } else {
+ _.$slider.trigger('allImagesLoaded', [ _ ]);
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.refresh = function( initializing ) {
+ var _ = this, currentSlide, lastVisibleIndex;
+ lastVisibleIndex = _.slideCount - _.options.slidesToShow;
+ // in non-infinite sliders, we don't want to go past the
+ // last visible index.
+ if( !_.options.infinite && ( _.currentSlide > lastVisibleIndex )) {
+ _.currentSlide = lastVisibleIndex;
+ }
+ // if less slides than to show, go to start.
+ if ( _.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow ) {
+ _.currentSlide = 0;
+ }
+ currentSlide = _.currentSlide;
+ _.destroy(true);
+ $.extend(_, _.initials, { currentSlide: currentSlide });
+ _.init();
+ if( !initializing ) {
+ _.changeSlide({
+ data: {
+ message: 'index',
+ index: currentSlide
+ }
+ }, false);
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.registerBreakpoints = function() {
+ var _ = this, breakpoint, currentBreakpoint, l,
+ responsiveSettings = _.options.responsive || null;
+ if ( $.type(responsiveSettings) === 'array' && responsiveSettings.length ) {
+ _.respondTo = _.options.respondTo || 'window';
+ for ( breakpoint in responsiveSettings ) {
+ l = _.breakpoints.length-1;
+ currentBreakpoint = responsiveSettings[breakpoint].breakpoint;
+ if (responsiveSettings.hasOwnProperty(breakpoint)) {
+ // loop through the breakpoints and cut out any existing
+ // ones with the same breakpoint number, we don't want dupes.
+ while( l >= 0 ) {
+ if( _.breakpoints[l] && _.breakpoints[l] === currentBreakpoint ) {
+ _.breakpoints.splice(l,1);
+ }
+ l--;
+ }
+ _.breakpoints.push(currentBreakpoint);
+ _.breakpointSettings[currentBreakpoint] = responsiveSettings[breakpoint].settings;
+ }
+ }
+ _.breakpoints.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return ( _.options.mobileFirst ) ? a-b : b-a;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.reinit = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.$slides =
+ _.$slideTrack
+ .children(_.options.slide)
+ .addClass('slick-slide');
+ _.slideCount = _.$slides.length;
+ if (_.currentSlide >= _.slideCount && _.currentSlide !== 0) {
+ _.currentSlide = _.currentSlide - _.options.slidesToScroll;
+ }
+ if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ _.currentSlide = 0;
+ }
+ _.registerBreakpoints();
+ _.setProps();
+ _.setupInfinite();
+ _.buildArrows();
+ _.updateArrows();
+ _.initArrowEvents();
+ _.buildDots();
+ _.updateDots();
+ _.initDotEvents();
+ _.cleanUpSlideEvents();
+ _.initSlideEvents();
+ _.checkResponsive(false, true);
+ if (_.options.focusOnSelect === true) {
+ $(_.$slideTrack).children().on('click.slick', _.selectHandler);
+ }
+ _.setSlideClasses(typeof _.currentSlide === 'number' ? _.currentSlide : 0);
+ _.setPosition();
+ _.focusHandler();
+ _.paused = !_.options.autoplay;
+ _.autoPlay();
+ _.$slider.trigger('reInit', [_]);
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.resize = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ if ($(window).width() !== _.windowWidth) {
+ clearTimeout(_.windowDelay);
+ _.windowDelay = window.setTimeout(function() {
+ _.windowWidth = $(window).width();
+ _.checkResponsive();
+ if( !_.unslicked ) { _.setPosition(); }
+ }, 50);
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.removeSlide = Slick.prototype.slickRemove = function(index, removeBefore, removeAll) {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (typeof(index) === 'boolean') {
+ removeBefore = index;
+ index = removeBefore === true ? 0 : _.slideCount - 1;
+ } else {
+ index = removeBefore === true ? --index : index;
+ }
+ if (_.slideCount < 1 || index < 0 || index > _.slideCount - 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ _.unload();
+ if (removeAll === true) {
+ _.$slideTrack.children().remove();
+ } else {
+ _.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide).eq(index).remove();
+ }
+ _.$slides = _.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide);
+ _.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide).detach();
+ _.$slideTrack.append(_.$slides);
+ _.$slidesCache = _.$slides;
+ _.reinit();
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.setCSS = function(position) {
+ var _ = this,
+ positionProps = {},
+ x, y;
+ if (_.options.rtl === true) {
+ position = -position;
+ }
+ x = _.positionProp == 'left' ? Math.ceil(position) + 'px' : '0px';
+ y = _.positionProp == 'top' ? Math.ceil(position) + 'px' : '0px';
+ positionProps[_.positionProp] = position;
+ if (_.transformsEnabled === false) {
+ _.$slideTrack.css(positionProps);
+ } else {
+ positionProps = {};
+ if (_.cssTransitions === false) {
+ positionProps[_.animType] = 'translate(' + x + ', ' + y + ')';
+ _.$slideTrack.css(positionProps);
+ } else {
+ positionProps[_.animType] = 'translate3d(' + x + ', ' + y + ', 0px)';
+ _.$slideTrack.css(positionProps);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.setDimensions = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (_.options.vertical === false) {
+ if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
+ _.$list.css({
+ padding: ('0px ' + _.options.centerPadding)
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ _.$list.height(_.$slides.first().outerHeight(true) * _.options.slidesToShow);
+ if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
+ _.$list.css({
+ padding: (_.options.centerPadding + ' 0px')
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ _.listWidth = _.$list.width();
+ _.listHeight = _.$list.height();
+ if (_.options.vertical === false && _.options.variableWidth === false) {
+ _.slideWidth = Math.ceil(_.listWidth / _.options.slidesToShow);
+ _.$slideTrack.width(Math.ceil((_.slideWidth * _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').length)));
+ } else if (_.options.variableWidth === true) {
+ _.$slideTrack.width(5000 * _.slideCount);
+ } else {
+ _.slideWidth = Math.ceil(_.listWidth);
+ _.$slideTrack.height(Math.ceil((_.$slides.first().outerHeight(true) * _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').length)));
+ }
+ var offset = _.$slides.first().outerWidth(true) - _.$slides.first().width();
+ if (_.options.variableWidth === false) _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').width(_.slideWidth - offset);
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.setFade = function() {
+ var _ = this,
+ targetLeft;
+ _.$slides.each(function(index, element) {
+ targetLeft = (_.slideWidth * index) * -1;
+ if (_.options.rtl === true) {
+ $(element).css({
+ position: 'relative',
+ right: targetLeft,
+ top: 0,
+ zIndex: _.options.zIndex - 2,
+ opacity: 0
+ });
+ } else {
+ $(element).css({
+ position: 'relative',
+ left: targetLeft,
+ top: 0,
+ zIndex: _.options.zIndex - 2,
+ opacity: 0
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ _.$slides.eq(_.currentSlide).css({
+ zIndex: _.options.zIndex - 1,
+ opacity: 1
+ });
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.setHeight = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (_.options.slidesToShow === 1 && _.options.adaptiveHeight === true && _.options.vertical === false) {
+ var targetHeight = _.$slides.eq(_.currentSlide).outerHeight(true);
+ _.$list.css('height', targetHeight);
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.setOption =
+ Slick.prototype.slickSetOption = function() {
+ /**
+ * accepts arguments in format of:
+ *
+ * - for changing a single option's value:
+ * .slick("setOption", option, value, refresh )
+ *
+ * - for changing a set of responsive options:
+ * .slick("setOption", 'responsive', [{}, ...], refresh )
+ *
+ * - for updating multiple values at once (not responsive)
+ * .slick("setOption", { 'option': value, ... }, refresh )
+ */
+ var _ = this, l, item, option, value, refresh = false, type;
+ if( $.type( arguments[0] ) === 'object' ) {
+ option = arguments[0];
+ refresh = arguments[1];
+ type = 'multiple';
+ } else if ( $.type( arguments[0] ) === 'string' ) {
+ option = arguments[0];
+ value = arguments[1];
+ refresh = arguments[2];
+ if ( arguments[0] === 'responsive' && $.type( arguments[1] ) === 'array' ) {
+ type = 'responsive';
+ } else if ( typeof arguments[1] !== 'undefined' ) {
+ type = 'single';
+ }
+ }
+ if ( type === 'single' ) {
+ _.options[option] = value;
+ } else if ( type === 'multiple' ) {
+ $.each( option , function( opt, val ) {
+ _.options[opt] = val;
+ });
+ } else if ( type === 'responsive' ) {
+ for ( item in value ) {
+ if( $.type( _.options.responsive ) !== 'array' ) {
+ _.options.responsive = [ value[item] ];
+ } else {
+ l = _.options.responsive.length-1;
+ // loop through the responsive object and splice out duplicates.
+ while( l >= 0 ) {
+ if( _.options.responsive[l].breakpoint === value[item].breakpoint ) {
+ _.options.responsive.splice(l,1);
+ }
+ l--;
+ }
+ _.options.responsive.push( value[item] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( refresh ) {
+ _.unload();
+ _.reinit();
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.setPosition = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.setDimensions();
+ _.setHeight();
+ if (_.options.fade === false) {
+ _.setCSS(_.getLeft(_.currentSlide));
+ } else {
+ _.setFade();
+ }
+ _.$slider.trigger('setPosition', [_]);
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.setProps = function() {
+ var _ = this,
+ bodyStyle = document.body.style;
+ _.positionProp = _.options.vertical === true ? 'top' : 'left';
+ if (_.positionProp === 'top') {
+ _.$slider.addClass('slick-vertical');
+ } else {
+ _.$slider.removeClass('slick-vertical');
+ }
+ if (bodyStyle.WebkitTransition !== undefined ||
+ bodyStyle.MozTransition !== undefined ||
+ bodyStyle.msTransition !== undefined) {
+ if (_.options.useCSS === true) {
+ _.cssTransitions = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _.options.fade ) {
+ if ( typeof _.options.zIndex === 'number' ) {
+ if( _.options.zIndex < 3 ) {
+ _.options.zIndex = 3;
+ }
+ } else {
+ _.options.zIndex = _.defaults.zIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bodyStyle.OTransform !== undefined) {
+ _.animType = 'OTransform';
+ _.transformType = '-o-transform';
+ _.transitionType = 'OTransition';
+ if (bodyStyle.perspectiveProperty === undefined && bodyStyle.webkitPerspective === undefined) _.animType = false;
+ }
+ if (bodyStyle.MozTransform !== undefined) {
+ _.animType = 'MozTransform';
+ _.transformType = '-moz-transform';
+ _.transitionType = 'MozTransition';
+ if (bodyStyle.perspectiveProperty === undefined && bodyStyle.MozPerspective === undefined) _.animType = false;
+ }
+ if (bodyStyle.webkitTransform !== undefined) {
+ _.animType = 'webkitTransform';
+ _.transformType = '-webkit-transform';
+ _.transitionType = 'webkitTransition';
+ if (bodyStyle.perspectiveProperty === undefined && bodyStyle.webkitPerspective === undefined) _.animType = false;
+ }
+ if (bodyStyle.msTransform !== undefined) {
+ _.animType = 'msTransform';
+ _.transformType = '-ms-transform';
+ _.transitionType = 'msTransition';
+ if (bodyStyle.msTransform === undefined) _.animType = false;
+ }
+ if (bodyStyle.transform !== undefined && _.animType !== false) {
+ _.animType = 'transform';
+ _.transformType = 'transform';
+ _.transitionType = 'transition';
+ }
+ _.transformsEnabled = _.options.useTransform && (_.animType !== null && _.animType !== false);
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.setSlideClasses = function(index) {
+ var _ = this,
+ centerOffset, allSlides, indexOffset, remainder;
+ allSlides = _.$slider
+ .find('.slick-slide')
+ .removeClass('slick-active slick-center slick-current')
+ .attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
+ _.$slides
+ .eq(index)
+ .addClass('slick-current');
+ if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
+ centerOffset = Math.floor(_.options.slidesToShow / 2);
+ if (_.options.infinite === true) {
+ if (index >= centerOffset && index <= (_.slideCount - 1) - centerOffset) {
+ _.$slides
+ .slice(index - centerOffset, index + centerOffset + 1)
+ .addClass('slick-active')
+ .attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ } else {
+ indexOffset = _.options.slidesToShow + index;
+ allSlides
+ .slice(indexOffset - centerOffset + 1, indexOffset + centerOffset + 2)
+ .addClass('slick-active')
+ .attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ }
+ if (index === 0) {
+ allSlides
+ .eq(allSlides.length - 1 - _.options.slidesToShow)
+ .addClass('slick-center');
+ } else if (index === _.slideCount - 1) {
+ allSlides
+ .eq(_.options.slidesToShow)
+ .addClass('slick-center');
+ }
+ }
+ _.$slides
+ .eq(index)
+ .addClass('slick-center');
+ } else {
+ if (index >= 0 && index <= (_.slideCount - _.options.slidesToShow)) {
+ _.$slides
+ .slice(index, index + _.options.slidesToShow)
+ .addClass('slick-active')
+ .attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ } else if (allSlides.length <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ allSlides
+ .addClass('slick-active')
+ .attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ } else {
+ remainder = _.slideCount % _.options.slidesToShow;
+ indexOffset = _.options.infinite === true ? _.options.slidesToShow + index : index;
+ if (_.options.slidesToShow == _.options.slidesToScroll && (_.slideCount - index) < _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ allSlides
+ .slice(indexOffset - (_.options.slidesToShow - remainder), indexOffset + remainder)
+ .addClass('slick-active')
+ .attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ } else {
+ allSlides
+ .slice(indexOffset, indexOffset + _.options.slidesToShow)
+ .addClass('slick-active')
+ .attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (_.options.lazyLoad === 'ondemand') {
+ _.lazyLoad();
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.setupInfinite = function() {
+ var _ = this,
+ i, slideIndex, infiniteCount;
+ if (_.options.fade === true) {
+ _.options.centerMode = false;
+ }
+ if (_.options.infinite === true && _.options.fade === false) {
+ slideIndex = null;
+ if (_.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
+ infiniteCount = _.options.slidesToShow + 1;
+ } else {
+ infiniteCount = _.options.slidesToShow;
+ }
+ for (i = _.slideCount; i > (_.slideCount -
+ infiniteCount); i -= 1) {
+ slideIndex = i - 1;
+ $(_.$slides[slideIndex]).clone(true).attr('id', '')
+ .attr('data-slick-index', slideIndex - _.slideCount)
+ .prependTo(_.$slideTrack).addClass('slick-cloned');
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < infiniteCount; i += 1) {
+ slideIndex = i;
+ $(_.$slides[slideIndex]).clone(true).attr('id', '')
+ .attr('data-slick-index', slideIndex + _.slideCount)
+ .appendTo(_.$slideTrack).addClass('slick-cloned');
+ }
+ _.$slideTrack.find('.slick-cloned').find('[id]').each(function() {
+ $(this).attr('id', '');
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.interrupt = function( toggle ) {
+ var _ = this;
+ if( !toggle ) {
+ _.autoPlay();
+ }
+ _.interrupted = toggle;
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.selectHandler = function(event) {
+ var _ = this;
+ var targetElement =
+ $(event.target).is('.slick-slide') ?
+ $(event.target) :
+ $(event.target).parents('.slick-slide');
+ var index = parseInt(targetElement.attr('data-slick-index'));
+ if (!index) index = 0;
+ if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ _.setSlideClasses(index);
+ _.asNavFor(index);
+ return;
+ }
+ _.slideHandler(index);
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.slideHandler = function(index, sync, dontAnimate) {
+ var targetSlide, animSlide, oldSlide, slideLeft, targetLeft = null,
+ _ = this, navTarget;
+ sync = sync || false;
+ if (_.animating === true && _.options.waitForAnimate === true) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_.options.fade === true && _.currentSlide === index) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (sync === false) {
+ _.asNavFor(index);
+ }
+ targetSlide = index;
+ targetLeft = _.getLeft(targetSlide);
+ slideLeft = _.getLeft(_.currentSlide);
+ _.currentLeft = _.swipeLeft === null ? slideLeft : _.swipeLeft;
+ if (_.options.infinite === false && _.options.centerMode === false && (index < 0 || index > _.getDotCount() * _.options.slidesToScroll)) {
+ if (_.options.fade === false) {
+ targetSlide = _.currentSlide;
+ if (dontAnimate !== true) {
+ _.animateSlide(slideLeft, function() {
+ _.postSlide(targetSlide);
+ });
+ } else {
+ _.postSlide(targetSlide);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ } else if (_.options.infinite === false && _.options.centerMode === true && (index < 0 || index > (_.slideCount - _.options.slidesToScroll))) {
+ if (_.options.fade === false) {
+ targetSlide = _.currentSlide;
+ if (dontAnimate !== true) {
+ _.animateSlide(slideLeft, function() {
+ _.postSlide(targetSlide);
+ });
+ } else {
+ _.postSlide(targetSlide);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( _.options.autoplay ) {
+ clearInterval(_.autoPlayTimer);
+ }
+ if (targetSlide < 0) {
+ if (_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll !== 0) {
+ animSlide = _.slideCount - (_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll);
+ } else {
+ animSlide = _.slideCount + targetSlide;
+ }
+ } else if (targetSlide >= _.slideCount) {
+ if (_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll !== 0) {
+ animSlide = 0;
+ } else {
+ animSlide = targetSlide - _.slideCount;
+ }
+ } else {
+ animSlide = targetSlide;
+ }
+ _.animating = true;
+ _.$slider.trigger('beforeChange', [_, _.currentSlide, animSlide]);
+ oldSlide = _.currentSlide;
+ _.currentSlide = animSlide;
+ _.setSlideClasses(_.currentSlide);
+ if ( _.options.asNavFor ) {
+ navTarget = _.getNavTarget();
+ navTarget = navTarget.slick('getSlick');
+ if ( navTarget.slideCount <= navTarget.options.slidesToShow ) {
+ navTarget.setSlideClasses(_.currentSlide);
+ }
+ }
+ _.updateDots();
+ _.updateArrows();
+ if (_.options.fade === true) {
+ if (dontAnimate !== true) {
+ _.fadeSlideOut(oldSlide);
+ _.fadeSlide(animSlide, function() {
+ _.postSlide(animSlide);
+ });
+ } else {
+ _.postSlide(animSlide);
+ }
+ _.animateHeight();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dontAnimate !== true) {
+ _.animateSlide(targetLeft, function() {
+ _.postSlide(animSlide);
+ });
+ } else {
+ _.postSlide(animSlide);
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.startLoad = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ _.$prevArrow.hide();
+ _.$nextArrow.hide();
+ }
+ if (_.options.dots === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ _.$dots.hide();
+ }
+ _.$slider.addClass('slick-loading');
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.swipeDirection = function() {
+ var xDist, yDist, r, swipeAngle, _ = this;
+ xDist = _.touchObject.startX - _.touchObject.curX;
+ yDist = _.touchObject.startY - _.touchObject.curY;
+ r = Math.atan2(yDist, xDist);
+ swipeAngle = Math.round(r * 180 / Math.PI);
+ if (swipeAngle < 0) {
+ swipeAngle = 360 - Math.abs(swipeAngle);
+ }
+ if ((swipeAngle <= 45) && (swipeAngle >= 0)) {
+ return (_.options.rtl === false ? 'left' : 'right');
+ }
+ if ((swipeAngle <= 360) && (swipeAngle >= 315)) {
+ return (_.options.rtl === false ? 'left' : 'right');
+ }
+ if ((swipeAngle >= 135) && (swipeAngle <= 225)) {
+ return (_.options.rtl === false ? 'right' : 'left');
+ }
+ if (_.options.verticalSwiping === true) {
+ if ((swipeAngle >= 35) && (swipeAngle <= 135)) {
+ return 'down';
+ } else {
+ return 'up';
+ }
+ }
+ return 'vertical';
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.swipeEnd = function(event) {
+ var _ = this,
+ slideCount,
+ direction;
+ _.dragging = false;
+ _.interrupted = false;
+ _.shouldClick = ( _.touchObject.swipeLength > 10 ) ? false : true;
+ if ( _.touchObject.curX === undefined ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( _.touchObject.edgeHit === true ) {
+ _.$slider.trigger('edge', [_, _.swipeDirection() ]);
+ }
+ if ( _.touchObject.swipeLength >= _.touchObject.minSwipe ) {
+ direction = _.swipeDirection();
+ switch ( direction ) {
+ case 'left':
+ case 'down':
+ slideCount =
+ _.options.swipeToSlide ?
+ _.checkNavigable( _.currentSlide + _.getSlideCount() ) :
+ _.currentSlide + _.getSlideCount();
+ _.currentDirection = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'right':
+ case 'up':
+ slideCount =
+ _.options.swipeToSlide ?
+ _.checkNavigable( _.currentSlide - _.getSlideCount() ) :
+ _.currentSlide - _.getSlideCount();
+ _.currentDirection = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ if( direction != 'vertical' ) {
+ _.slideHandler( slideCount );
+ _.touchObject = {};
+ _.$slider.trigger('swipe', [_, direction ]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( _.touchObject.startX !== _.touchObject.curX ) {
+ _.slideHandler( _.currentSlide );
+ _.touchObject = {};
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.swipeHandler = function(event) {
+ var _ = this;
+ if ((_.options.swipe === false) || ('ontouchend' in document && _.options.swipe === false)) {
+ return;
+ } else if (_.options.draggable === false && event.type.indexOf('mouse') !== -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _.touchObject.fingerCount = event.originalEvent && event.originalEvent.touches !== undefined ?
+ event.originalEvent.touches.length : 1;
+ _.touchObject.minSwipe = _.listWidth / _.options
+ .touchThreshold;
+ if (_.options.verticalSwiping === true) {
+ _.touchObject.minSwipe = _.listHeight / _.options
+ .touchThreshold;
+ }
+ switch (event.data.action) {
+ case 'start':
+ _.swipeStart(event);
+ break;
+ case 'move':
+ _.swipeMove(event);
+ break;
+ case 'end':
+ _.swipeEnd(event);
+ break;
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.swipeMove = function(event) {
+ var _ = this,
+ edgeWasHit = false,
+ curLeft, swipeDirection, swipeLength, positionOffset, touches;
+ touches = event.originalEvent !== undefined ? event.originalEvent.touches : null;
+ if (!_.dragging || touches && touches.length !== 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ curLeft = _.getLeft(_.currentSlide);
+ _.touchObject.curX = touches !== undefined ? touches[0].pageX : event.clientX;
+ _.touchObject.curY = touches !== undefined ? touches[0].pageY : event.clientY;
+ _.touchObject.swipeLength = Math.round(Math.sqrt(
+ Math.pow(_.touchObject.curX - _.touchObject.startX, 2)));
+ if (_.options.verticalSwiping === true) {
+ _.touchObject.swipeLength = Math.round(Math.sqrt(
+ Math.pow(_.touchObject.curY - _.touchObject.startY, 2)));
+ }
+ swipeDirection = _.swipeDirection();
+ if (swipeDirection === 'vertical') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (event.originalEvent !== undefined && _.touchObject.swipeLength > 4) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ positionOffset = (_.options.rtl === false ? 1 : -1) * (_.touchObject.curX > _.touchObject.startX ? 1 : -1);
+ if (_.options.verticalSwiping === true) {
+ positionOffset = _.touchObject.curY > _.touchObject.startY ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ swipeLength = _.touchObject.swipeLength;
+ _.touchObject.edgeHit = false;
+ if (_.options.infinite === false) {
+ if ((_.currentSlide === 0 && swipeDirection === 'right') || (_.currentSlide >= _.getDotCount() && swipeDirection === 'left')) {
+ swipeLength = _.touchObject.swipeLength * _.options.edgeFriction;
+ _.touchObject.edgeHit = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_.options.vertical === false) {
+ _.swipeLeft = curLeft + swipeLength * positionOffset;
+ } else {
+ _.swipeLeft = curLeft + (swipeLength * (_.$list.height() / _.listWidth)) * positionOffset;
+ }
+ if (_.options.verticalSwiping === true) {
+ _.swipeLeft = curLeft + swipeLength * positionOffset;
+ }
+ if (_.options.fade === true || _.options.touchMove === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (_.animating === true) {
+ _.swipeLeft = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ _.setCSS(_.swipeLeft);
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.swipeStart = function(event) {
+ var _ = this,
+ touches;
+ _.interrupted = true;
+ if (_.touchObject.fingerCount !== 1 || _.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
+ _.touchObject = {};
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (event.originalEvent !== undefined && event.originalEvent.touches !== undefined) {
+ touches = event.originalEvent.touches[0];
+ }
+ _.touchObject.startX = _.touchObject.curX = touches !== undefined ? touches.pageX : event.clientX;
+ _.touchObject.startY = _.touchObject.curY = touches !== undefined ? touches.pageY : event.clientY;
+ _.dragging = true;
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.unfilterSlides = Slick.prototype.slickUnfilter = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (_.$slidesCache !== null) {
+ _.unload();
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+ _.$slidesCache.appendTo(_.$slideTrack);
+ _.reinit();
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.unload = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ $('.slick-cloned', _.$slider).remove();
+ if (_.$dots) {
+ _.$dots.remove();
+ }
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+ _.$prevArrow.remove();
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+ _.$nextArrow.remove();
+ }
+ _.$slides
+ .removeClass('slick-slide slick-active slick-visible slick-current')
+ .attr('aria-hidden', 'true')
+ .css('width', '');
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.unslick = function(fromBreakpoint) {
+ var _ = this;
+ _.$slider.trigger('unslick', [_, fromBreakpoint]);
+ _.destroy();
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.updateArrows = function() {
+ var _ = this,
+ centerOffset;
+ centerOffset = Math.floor(_.options.slidesToShow / 2);
+ if ( _.options.arrows === true &&
+ _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow &&
+ !_.options.infinite ) {
+ _.$prevArrow.removeClass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'false');
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+ } else if (_.currentSlide >= _.slideCount - _.options.slidesToShow && _.options.centerMode === false) {
+ _.$nextArrow.addClass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'true');
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+ } else if (_.currentSlide >= _.slideCount - 1 && _.options.centerMode === true) {
+ _.$nextArrow.addClass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'true');
+ _.$prevArrow.removeClass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'false');
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.updateDots = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (_.$dots !== null) {
+ _.$dots
+ .find('li')
+ .removeClass('slick-active')
+ .attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
+ _.$dots
+ .find('li')
+ .eq(Math.floor(_.currentSlide / _.options.slidesToScroll))
+ .addClass('slick-active')
+ .attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ }
+ };
+ Slick.prototype.visibility = function() {
+ var _ = this;
+ if ( _.options.autoplay ) {
+ if ( document[_.hidden] ) {
+ _.interrupted = true;
+ } else {
+ _.interrupted = false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ $.fn.slick = function() {
+ var _ = this,
+ opt = arguments[0],
+ args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),
+ l = _.length,
+ i,
+ ret;
+ for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ if (typeof opt == 'object' || typeof opt == 'undefined')
+ _[i].slick = new Slick(_[i], opt);
+ else
+ ret = _[i].slick[opt].apply(_[i].slick, args);
+ if (typeof ret != 'undefined') return ret;
+ }
+ return _;
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d2c9cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/slick.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ _ _ _ _
+ ___| (_) ___| | __ (_)___
+/ __| | |/ __| |/ / | / __|
+\__ \ | | (__| < _ | \__ \
+|___/_|_|\___|_|\_(_)/ |___/
+ |__/
+ Version: 1.5.9
+ Author: Ken Wheeler
+ Website: http://kenwheeler.github.io
+ Docs: http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick
+ Repo: http://github.com/kenwheeler/slick
+ Issues: http://github.com/kenwheeler/slick/issues
+ */
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b,a=this;b=Math.floor(a.options.slidesToShow/2),a.options.arrows===!0&&a.slideCount>a.options.slidesToShow&&!a.options.infinite&&(a.$prevArrow.removeClass("slick-disabled").attr("aria-disabled","false"),a.$nextArrow.removeClass("slick-disabled").attr("aria-disabled","false"),0===a.currentSlide?(a.$prevArrow.addClass("slick-disabled").attr("aria-disabled","true"),a.$nextArrow.removeClass("slick-disabled").attr("aria-disabled","false")):a.currentSlide>=a.slideCount-a.options.slidesToShow&&a.options.centerMode===!1?(a.$nextArrow.addClass("slick-disabled").attr("aria-disabled","true"),a.$prevArrow.removeClass("slick-disabled").attr("aria-disabled","false")):a.currentSlide>=a.slideCount-1&&a.options.centerMode===!0&&(a.$nextArrow.addClass("slick-disabled").attr("aria-disabled","true"),a.$prevArrow.removeClass("slick-disabled").attr("aria-disabled","false")))},b.prototype.updateDots=function(){var a=this;null!==a.$dots&&(a.$dots.find("li").removeClass("slick-active").attr("aria-hidden","true"),a.$dots.find("li").eq(Math.floor(a.currentSlide/a.options.slidesToScroll)).addClass("slick-active").attr("aria-hidden","false"))},b.prototype.visibility=function(){var a=this;document[a.hidden]?(a.paused=!0,a.autoPlayClear()):a.options.autoplay===!0&&(a.paused=!1,a.autoPlay())},b.prototype.initADA=function(){var b=this;b.$slides.add(b.$slideTrack.find(".slick-cloned")).attr({"aria-hidden":"true",tabindex:"-1"}).find("a, input, button, select").attr({tabindex:"-1"}),b.$slideTrack.attr("role","listbox"),b.$slides.not(b.$slideTrack.find(".slick-cloned")).each(function(c){a(this).attr({role:"option","aria-describedby":"slick-slide"+b.instanceUid+c})}),null!==b.$dots&&b.$dots.attr("role","tablist").find("li").each(function(c){a(this).attr({role:"presentation","aria-selected":"false","aria-controls":"navigation"+b.instanceUid+c,id:"slick-slide"+b.instanceUid+c})}).first().attr("aria-selected","true").end().find("button").attr("role","button").end().closest("div").attr("role","toolbar"),b.activateADA()},b.prototype.activateADA=function(){var a=this;a.$slideTrack.find(".slick-active").attr({"aria-hidden":"false"}).find("a, input, button, select").attr({tabindex:"0"})},b.prototype.focusHandler=function(){var b=this;b.$slider.on("focus.slick blur.slick","*",function(c){c.stopImmediatePropagation();var d=a(this);setTimeout(function(){b.isPlay&&(d.is(":focus")?(b.autoPlayClear(),b.paused=!0):(b.paused=!1,b.autoPlay()))},0)})},a.fn.slick=function(){var f,g,a=this,c=arguments[0],d=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1),e=a.length;for(f=0;e>f;f++)if("object"==typeof c||"undefined"==typeof c?a[f].slick=new b(a[f],c):g=a[f].slick[c].apply(a[f].slick,d),"undefined"!=typeof g)return g;return a}});
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88db5c9
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/AS.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35636ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/admin.php
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ $value)
+ {
+ $array['slides_ids'][$key] = (int)$value;
+ }
+ update_option('AVED_slider_option',$array);
+ }
+ }
+ if($_POST['Save'] == 'SAVE' )
+ {
+ echo '';
+ }
+ $params = get_option('AVED_slider_option');
+ $_POST['AVED_slider_option'] = array();
+ if(gettype($params) != 'array'){ $params = ''; }
+ $count_slides = count( $params['slides']);
+ ?>
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd97d53
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+++ b/includes/class-admin-functions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
= $slide->name; ?>
Slider Type : = AVS_base_operation::type_decode($slide->type);?>
Use this shortcode: = AVS_slider_admin::get_shortcode_by_type($slide->ID,$slide->type);?>
Not found Sliders
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/includes/class-admin-pages.php b/includes/class-admin-pages.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93eb05d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/class-admin-pages.php
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
AvedSoft Slider
Slider with the possibility of withdraw the goods by the ID of products. Just pointing id you will quickly fill the slider, and also you will be able to insert it into any page of your site very fast.
Count Sliders: [ = AVS_data_op_API::get_count_sliders(); ?> ], View in Lists
Accsess Now
* Created Sliders Carousel
* Create slider by product ID
* Create slider by product category page
* Create slider by viewed products
* Create slider by product category
* Dynamic editor
* Custom CSS Editor
Accsess By Premium
* Created slider by posts
* New Core
* Support
* More templates
Adding New Slider
Custom CSS Editor
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/includes/class-base-operation.php b/includes/class-base-operation.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..483c267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/class-base-operation.php
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ 1,
+ 'init' => true,
+ 'count_slides' => 0,
+ 'options_AVS' => 'default'
+ );
+ update_option('AVS_SLIDER_OP',$options);
+ }
+ }
+ public static function get_increment(){
+ $incr = get_option('AVS_SLIDER_OP');
+ if(!isset($incr)){return false;}
+ $in = $incr['increment'];
+ $incr['increment'] = $incr['increment']+1;
+ update_option('AVS_SLIDER_OP',$incr);
+ return $in;
+ }
+ public static function get_options()
+ {
+ $options = get_option('AVS_SLIDER_OP');
+ if(!isset($options))
+ {
+ $this::is_init();
+ $options = get_option('AVS_SLIDER_OP');
+ }
+ return $options;
+ }
+class AVS_base_install
+ public static function create_table($baseName)
+ {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $baseName = $wpdb->prefix.$baseName;
+ if($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$baseName."'") != $baseName) {
+ $sql = "CREATE TABLE ".$baseName." (ID int (10) AUTO_INCREMENT,params longtext,count_slides int,type longtext, name longtext ,PRIMARY KEY (ID))";
+ $wpdb->get_results($sql);
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a88e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/class-creator-params.php
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ $slide_id) {
+ $params['params']['slides'][$slide] = $slide_id;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $params['count_slides'] = 0;
+ }
+ $params['params']['visible'] = $options['count_visible'];
+ // Main config
+ $params['params']['slidesToScroll'] = $options['slidesToScroll'];
+ $params['params']['autoplaySpeed'] = $options['autoplaySpeed'];
+ $params['params']['pauseOnScrool'] = $options['pauseOnScrool'];
+ $params['params']['arrowVisible'] = $options['arrowVisible'];
+ $params['params']['autoplay'] = $options['autoplay'];
+ $params['params']['druggable'] = $options['druggable'];
+ // End main config
+ return $params;
+ }
+ public static function creator_by_product_viewed($options,$params)
+ {
+ if(!isset($options) || !isset($params)){return false;}
+ $params['name'] = $options['name'];
+ $params['type'] = $options['slider_type'];
+ $params['count_slides'] = $options['count_slides'];
+ $params['params']['visible'] = $options['count_visible'];
+ // Main config
+ $params['params']['slidesToScroll'] = $options['slidesToScroll'];
+ $params['params']['autoplaySpeed'] = $options['autoplaySpeed'];
+ $params['params']['pauseOnScrool'] = $options['pauseOnScrool'];
+ $params['params']['arrowVisible'] = $options['arrowVisible'];
+ $params['params']['autoplay'] = $options['autoplay'];
+ $params['params']['druggable'] = $options['druggable'];
+ // End main config
+ return $params;
+ }
+ public static function creator_by_product_category($options,$params)
+ {
+ if(!isset($options) || !isset($params)){return false;}
+ $params['name'] = $options['name'];
+ $params['type'] = $options['slider_type'];
+ $params['count_slides'] = $options['count_slides'];
+ $params['params']['visible'] = $options['count_visible'];
+ $params['params']['category'] = $options['category_product'];
+ // Main config
+ $params['params']['slidesToScroll'] = $options['slidesToScroll'];
+ $params['params']['autoplaySpeed'] = $options['autoplaySpeed'];
+ $params['params']['pauseOnScrool'] = $options['pauseOnScrool'];
+ $params['params']['arrowVisible'] = $options['arrowVisible'];
+ $params['params']['autoplay'] = $options['autoplay'];
+ $params['params']['druggable'] = $options['druggable'];
+ // End main config
+ return $params;
+ }
+ public static function creator_by_product_page_category($options,$params)
+ {
+ if(!isset($options) || !isset($params)){return false;}
+ $params['name'] = $options['name'];
+ $params['type'] = $options['slider_type'];
+ $params['count_slides'] = $options['count_slides'];
+ $params['params']['visible'] = $options['count_visible'];
+ // Main config
+ $params['params']['slidesToScroll'] = $options['slidesToScroll'];
+ $params['params']['autoplaySpeed'] = $options['autoplaySpeed'];
+ $params['params']['pauseOnScrool'] = $options['pauseOnScrool'];
+ $params['params']['arrowVisible'] = $options['arrowVisible'];
+ $params['params']['autoplay'] = $options['autoplay'];
+ $params['params']['druggable'] = $options['druggable'];
+ // End main config
+ return $params;
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f531f1b
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+++ b/includes/class-data-library.php
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+insert($wpdb->prefix.'avs_sliders_data_S',array( "params" => $params, "count_slides" => $count_slides, "type" => $type, "name" => $name ));
+ }
+ public static function delete_slider_by_id($id)
+ {
+ if(!isset($id)){return false;}
+ global $wpdb;
+ $wpdb->delete($wpdb->prefix.'avs_sliders_data_S', array("ID" => $id) );
+ }
+ public static function get_slider_by_id($id)
+ {
+ if(!isset($id)){return false;}
+ global $wpdb;
+ $slider = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix.'avs_sliders_data_S'." WHERE ID = ".$id);
+ $slider->params = AVS_base_operation::decode_array($slider->params);
+ return $slider;
+ }
+ public static function get_count_sliders()
+ {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $count = $wpdb->query('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->prefix.'avs_sliders_data_S'.'');
+ return $count;
+ }
+ public static function get_sliders(){
+ global $wpdb;
+ $sliders = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->prefix.'avs_sliders_data_S'.'');
+ return $sliders;
+ }
+ public static function update_slider_by_id($id,$name,$count_slides,$params,$type)
+ {
+ if(!isset($id) || !isset($name) || !isset($count_slides) || !isset($params) || !isset($type) ){return false;}
+ global $wpdb;
+ $params = AVS_base_operation::encode_array($params);
+ $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix.'avs_sliders_data_S',
+ array( "params" => $params, "count_slides" => $count_slides, "type" => $type, "name" => $name ),
+ array( 'ID' => $id )
+ );
+ }
+ public static function create_slider_params($options)
+ {
+ require_once(AVS_SLIDER_DIR.'includes/class-creator-params.php');
+ $params = array();
+ // Set Type slider
+ switch ($options['slider_type']) {
+ case '1': $params['type'] = 'product_id'; $params = AVS_creator_params::creator_by_product_id($options,$params); break;
+ case '2': $params['type'] = 'product_category'; $params = AVS_creator_params::creator_by_product_category($options,$params); break;
+ case '3': $params['type'] = 'prodyct_page_category'; $params = AVS_creator_params::creator_by_product_page_category($options,$params); break;
+ case '4': $params['type'] = 'prodyct_views'; $params = AVS_creator_params::creator_by_product_viewed($options,$params); break;
+ default: return false; break;
+ }
+ // End setting type slider
+ return $params;
+ }
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
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+++ b/includes/class-shortcode-generator.php
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92d9f86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/class-slide-editor.php
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
AVSS Editor
+ On
+ Off
+ On
+ Off
+ Title
+ type) {
+ case '1':
+ AVS_slider_editor::get_settings_product_id($slider);
+ break;
+ case '2':
+ AVS_slider_editor::get_setting_product_category($slider);
+ break;
+ case '3':
+ AVS_slider_editor::get_settings_product_page_category($slider);
+ break;
+ case '4':
+ AVS_slider_editor::get_setting_viewed_product($slider);
+ break;
+ }
+ // end
+ ?>
+ params['slides'] as $slide => $value) {
+ ?>
+ Select Count Slides :
+ Select category:
+ Select Category
+ term_id == $slider->params['category'])
+ {
+ echo ''.$category->name.' ';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo ''.$category->name.' ';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ?>
+ Select Count Slides :
+ Select Count Slides :
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25f5572
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+++ b/includes/class-slider-db-api.php
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+params = AVS_base_operation::decode_array($params->params);
+ $incr++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $obj = 'error';
+ }
+ return $obj;
+ }
+ public static function get_woocommerce_category_list()
+ {
+ $taxonomy = 'product_cat';
+ $orderby = 'name';
+ $show_count = 0; // 1 for yes, 0 for no
+ $pad_counts = 0; // 1 for yes, 0 for no
+ $hierarchical = 1; // 1 for yes, 0 for no
+ $title = '';
+ $empty = 0;
+ $args = array(
+ 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
+ 'orderby' => $orderby,
+ 'show_count' => $show_count,
+ 'pad_counts' => $pad_counts,
+ 'hierarchical' => $hierarchical,
+ 'title_li' => $title,
+ 'hide_empty' => $empty
+ );
+ $all_categories = get_categories( $args );
+ return $all_categories;
+ }
+ ?>
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diff --git a/includes/class-slider-products-codes.php b/includes/class-slider-products-codes.php
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/includes/class-slider-products-codes.php
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+ params['slides'])){return false;}
+ foreach ($slider_obj->params['slides'] as $key) {
+ ?>
+ = do_shortcode('[product id="'.$key.'"]');?>
+ request));
+ $category_slug = basename( $current_url );
+ if(!isset($category_slug))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!is_archive()){
+ return 'This page not category page!!!';
+ }
+ $slider_obj = AVS_data_op_API::get_slider_by_id($id);
+ if( !isset($slider_obj) ) { return false; }
+ // print_r($slider_obj);
+ $args = array(
+ 'post_type' => 'product',
+ 'post_status'=>'publish',
+ 'orderby' => 'post_date',
+ 'order' => 'DESC',
+ 'product_cat' => $category_slug,
+ 'post_per_page' => $slider_obj->count_slides
+ );
+ $posts = get_posts($args);
+ if( (!isset($posts)) || (!isset($slider_obj)) )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ ?>
= $slider_obj->name;?>
+ = do_shortcode('[product id="'.$post->ID.'"]');?>
+ count_slides )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ?>
+ = do_shortcode('[product id="'.$ID.'"]');?>
+ $params->count_slides,
+ 'no_found_rows' => 1,
+ 'post_status' => 'publish',
+ 'post_type' => 'product',
+ 'post__in' => $viewed_products,
+ 'orderby' => 'rand'
+ );
+ // Add meta_query to query args
+ $query_args['meta_query'] = array();
+ // Check products stock status
+ $query_args['meta_query'][] = $woocommerce->query->stock_status_meta_query();
+ // Create a new query
+ $r = new WP_Query($query_args);
+ // If query return results
+ if ( $r->have_posts() ) {
+ // Start the loop
+ $i = 0;
+ while ( $r->have_posts()) {
+ $r->the_post();
+ global $product;
+ $args_e[$i] = $product->id;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ return $args_e;
+ }
+class AVS_product_category
+ public static function get_code($id)
+ {
+ if(isset($id) && $id != 0)
+ {
+ $slider_obj = AVS_data_op_API::get_slider_by_id($id);
+ $category_id = $slider_obj->params['category'];
+ $arguments = array(
+ 'post_type' => 'product',
+ 'post_status' => 'publish',
+ 'posts_per_page' => $slider_obj->count_slides,
+ 'taxonomy' => 'product_category',
+ 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'product_cat', 'field' => 'term_id', 'terms' => $category_id, 'operator' => 'IN' ) )
+ );
+ $products = get_posts($arguments);
+ if( (!isset($products)) || (!isset($slider_obj)) || (!isset($category_id)) )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ ?>
+ = do_shortcode('[product id="'.$product->ID.'"]');?>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff42a9f
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@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7738450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+=== AVED Product Slider Lite ===
+Contributors: avedsoft
+Donate link: http://avedsoft.com
+Tags: carousel, product, slider, woocommerce, carousel slider, product slider, woocommerce slider, Woocommerce Product slider
+Requires at least: 4.5.2
+Tested up to: 4.6.1
+Stable tag: 2.0.0
+License: GPLv2 or later
+License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
+Responsive Carousel Slider for online-shops with WooCommerce.
+== Description ==
+Slider with the possibility of withdraw the goods by the ID of products. Just pointing id you will quickly fill the slider, and also you will be able to insert it into any page of your site very fast.
+This plugin allows you to create 4 different types of sliders for your online store based on
+Products slider by ID - this slider allows outputing products by ID.
+The slider by categories of goods - this slider allows outputing products by category.
+Viewed Products Slider - this slider displays the viewed products
+ Pages Product Category Slider - This slider is made for the template of product category, it displays slides of goods according to the chosen category (being in the category of "category one" will be displayed products in this category) .
+Each slider is highly customizable and has the general settings: Slides in page, Count Slides, Slides To Scrool, Autoplay Speed, Pause On Scrool, Autoplay, Druggable. As well as specific settings for each specific type of sliders.
+== Installation ==
+1. Download the plugin and install it
+2. Activate the plugin
+3. Go to the tab AVS Slider in WordPress console
+4. Select Create New Slider subpage
+5. Insert & Select options and press Create Slider
+6. Open Page "Create New Slider". There you'll see the slider that was made by you with his shortcode.
+7. Insert the shortcode in the right place
+== Frequently Asked Questions ==
+1. How to add a slider on the page? * Insert the shortcode, shortcode you see in List Sliders page in console
+2. What kind of sliders can be created? * Slider by ID products, Slider on product categories, Slider viewed products, Product category pages Slider.
+3. How to delete a slider? * On the page List Sliders, click on Delete Slider
+4. How to edit slider? * On the page List Sliders, Click edit button.
+5. Is it possible to create different sliders? * Yes, now active 4 sliders
+== Changelog ==
+= 2.0.0 =
+* New Core by PHP OOP
+* Shortcode generator by 4 different sliders
+* New settings
+ - customization output sliders
+ - dynamic editor
+* Custom CSS Editor
+= 1.2.0 =
+* New core
+* New slider system
+ - Add Sliders
+ - Add custom sliders in posts or pages
+ - shortcode generation by ID
+= 1.1.0 =
+* New Load Method
+* New Custom Fields
+ - Show\Hidden Image
+ - Show\Hidden Price
+ - Show\Hidden Name
+ - Show\Hidden Link
+ - Show\Hidden Button
+ - Text Button
+ - Slider Title
+= 1.0.0 =
+* Add slides
+* Remove slides
+* Shortcode generation
+== Upgrade Notice ==
+= 2.0.0 =
+* New Core
+* New Sliders
+* Shortcode generator fix
+= 1.2.0=
+* Upgrate core
+* Upgrate slider functions
+= 1.1.0 =
+* Bug fix
+* Upgrate customization
+= 1.0.0 =
+* The first boot to the repository
+== Screenshots ==
+Screenshots plugin dashboard
+1. layout 1
+2. layout 2
+3. layout 3
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