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Natalie Prange edited this page Sep 19, 2024 · 3 revisions

List of Included Linkers

The following linkers can be used directly with Elevant's script to generate linking results:

  • ReFinED
  • REL
  • GPT (requires an OpenAI API key)
  • TagMe (requires an access token that can easily be obtained)
  • WAT (requires an access token that can easily be obtained)
  • DBPedia Spotlight
  • Babelfy (requires an access token that can easily be obtained)
  • A simple baseline based on prior probabilities
  • Oracle (i.e. predictions that correspond exactly to the ground truth labels)


ReFinED is a fast end-to-end entity linker based on Transformers that is capable of generalizing to entities not seen during training. It was developed by Ayoola et al. and described in the 2022 paper ReFinED: An Efficient Zero-shot-capable Approach to End-to-End Entity Linking.

In ELEVANT, you can use the ReFinED linker with the script and the linker name refined. In the corresponding config file configs/refined.config.json you can set the model name (e.g. aida_model for the fine-tuned model or wikipedia_model for the model trained on Wikipedia only) as well as the candidate set (wikipedia to restrict the candidate set to 6 million Wikidata entities that also have a Wikipedia page, or wikidata for a set of 33 million Wikidata entities).

python3 <experiment_name> -l refined -b <benchmark_name>

The ReFinED linker class is implemented here.


REL (Radboud Entity Linker) is a modular linking system developed by van Hulst et al. and described in the 2020 paper REL: An Entity Linker Standing on the Shoulders of Giants. The motivation behind REL is to provide a fast, modular state-of-the-art linking system where mention detection and disambiguation components can be easily exchanged and the underlying knowledge base (Wikipedia) can easily be updated.

Per default, REL uses Flair (Akbik et al., 2018) as NER component which is based on contextualized word embeddings. For the candidate selection, up to 4 candidate entities are selected based on their prior probability and up to 3 candidate entities are selected based on the similarity between the candidate entity's Wikipedia2Vec embedding and the embeddings of the words in the mention's context. For the disambiguation step, they combine local compatibility, which includes prior probability and context similarity, with coherence with other linking decisions in the document. They use a feed forward neural network to optimize the disambiguation step and train it on the AIDA-CoNLL training dataset.

In ELEVANT, you can use the REL linker with the script and the linker name rel. In the corresponding config file configs/rel.config.json, you can set the Wikipedia version and NER model name (consult the REL GitHub page for information on the available options: GitHub repo). When you first use the corresponding model, the necessary data will be automatically downloaded. Alternatively you can set use_api to true and set the api_url config parameter (the official REL API URL per default), to query an API for REL linking results. Note that in this case, the config parameters wiki_version and ner_model have no effect.

python3 <experiment_name> -l rel -b <benchmark_name>

The REL linker class is implemented here. REL predicts Wikipedia entity links. We map the predicted Wikipedia entities to Wikidata using our mappings.


GPT probably needs no introduction. NOTE: You will need your own OpenAI API key in order to use GPT within ELEVANT. Using the OpenAI API is not free. See for information about the pricing.

In ELEVANT, you can use GPT for entity linking with the script and the linker name gpt. In the corresponding config file configs/gpt.config.json, you can set your OpenAI API key with the openai_api_key field. If this is not set, ELEVANT will try to retrieve the API key from the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable. In the config, you can also set the model to be used. We recommend to use a model >= gpt-4, since gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 for example does not reliably produce the expected output format especially for long benchmark texts. You can also set the model temperature as well as a seed for reproducible outputs there. If you set the named_only field to true, GPT will be prompted to only link named entities. See here for the exact prompt. You can adjust the prompt if you like but make sure you don't ask for a different output format, otherwise you will need to adjust the parser code in parse_annotated_text().

python3 <experiment_name> -l gpt -b <benchmark_name>

The GPT linker class is implemented here. GPT predicts Wikipedia entity names. We map the predicted Wikipedia entities to Wikidata using our mappings.


TagMe was introduced by Ferragina & Scaiella in the 2010 paper TAGME: On-the-fly Annotation of Short Text Fragments (by Wikipedia Entities). TagMe particularly aims at linking entities in very short texts like tweets or snippets of search engine results. The code is available on Github .

In ELEVANT, you can use the TagMe linker with the script and the linker name tagme. In the corresponding config file configs/tagme.config.json you can additionally specify a score threshold. The threshold is a value between 0 and 1. Predicted entities with a score lower than the threshold will be discarded. Per default, the threshold is 0.2. NOTE: You need a personal access token to access the TagMe API which ELEVANT uses. The process is easy and is described at Once you have your token, specify it in the config file under the key word token.

python3 <experiment_name> -l tagme -b <benchmark_name>

The TagMe linker class is implemented here. TagMe predicts Wikipedia entity links. We map the predicted Wikipedia entities to Wikidata using our mappings.


WAT is an entity linker based on the TagMe linker introduced by Piccinno & Ferragina in the 2014 paper From TagME to WAT: a new Entity Annotator. A WAT API is hosted at d4science.

In ELEVANT, you can use the WAT linker with the script and the linker name wat. In the corresponding config file configs/wat.config.json you can additionally specify a score threshold. The threshold is a value between 0 and 1. Predicted entities with a score lower than the threshold will be discarded. Per default, the threshold is 0.266. NOTE: You need a personal access token to access the WAT API which ELEVANT uses. The process is easy and is described at Once you have your token, specify it in the config file under the key word token.

python3 <experiment_name> -l wat -b <benchmark_name>

The WAT linker class is implemented here. WAT predicts Wikipedia entity links. We map the predicted Wikipedia entities to Wikidata using our mappings.

DBpedia Spotlight

DBpedia Spotlight is a linking system developed by Daiber et al. and described in the 2013 paper Improving Efficiency and Accuracy in Multilingual Entity Extraction. The system links entities to their entries in DBpedia.

In ELEVANT, you can use the DBpedia linker with the script and the linker name dbpedia-spotlight. In the corresponding config file configs/dbpedia-spotlight.config.json you can set the API URL - the official DBpedia Spotlight API URL per default, but you can also run the system yourself, e.g. using Docker as described in the GitHub repo, and provide a custom API URL. You can also specify a confidence threshold, which is set to 0.35 per default.

python3 <experiment_name> -l dbpedia-spotlight -b <benchmark_name>

DBpedia predicts DBpedia entities which we map to Wikidata entities using our mappings. The DBpedia Spotlight linker class is implemented here.


Babelfy is a linking system developed by Moro et al. and described in the 2014 paper Entity Linking meets Word Sense Disambiguation: a Unified Approach. The system links entities and word senses to their entries in DBpedia or BabelNet.

In ELEVANT, you can use the Babelffy linker with the script and the linker name babelfy.

NOTE: You need a personal API key to access the Babelfy API which ELEVANT uses. The process is easy and is described at Once you have your API key, specify it in the config file configs/babelfy.config.json under the key word api_key.

python3 <experiment_name> -l babelfy -b <benchmark_name>

Babelfy predicts DBpedia entities which we map to Wikidata entities using our mappings. Predictions that only have a BabelNet reference and no DBpedia reference are linked to NIL. The Babelfy linker class is implemented here.


ELEVANT comes with a simple baseline that performs Entity Recognition using the SpaCy NER component and that links entities based on prior probabilities for recognized mention texts. These prior probabilities are computed using Wikipedia hyperlinks. The prior probability for an entity e given a mention text m is computed as the number of times the text m was linked to e in our Wikipedia training split) over the number of times the text m was linked to any entity in our Wikipedia training split.

You can use the Baseline by providing the linker name baseline to the linking script:

python3 <experiment_name> -l baseline -b <benchmark_name>

The Baseline linker class is implemented here.


You can also create oracle predictions (that is, predictions that correspond exactly to the ground truth labels) for any benchmark by specifying the linker name oracle. This can be useful e.g., to inspect a benchmark's ground truth labels.

python3 <experiment_name> -l oracle -b <benchmark_name>

The code for creating oracle predictions can be found here

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