- "}}",
- ::testing::_),
- ::testing::ContainsRegex(
- "SpatialJoin needs two children, but at least one is missing"));
"?x ?y."
@@ -1800,6 +1807,90 @@ TEST(QueryPlanner, SpatialJoinService) {
::testing::ContainsRegex("unknown triple"));
+TEST(QueryPlanner, SpatialJoinLegacyMaxDistanceParsing) {
+ // test if the SpatialJoin operation parses the maximum distance correctly
+ auto testMaxDistance = [](std::string distanceIRI, long long distance,
+ bool shouldThrow) {
+ auto qec = ad_utility::testing::getQec();
+ TripleComponent subject{Variable{"?subject"}};
+ TripleComponent object{Variable{"?object"}};
+ SparqlTriple triple{subject, distanceIRI, object};
+ if (shouldThrow) {
+ parsedQuery::SpatialQuery{triple}.toSpatialJoinConfiguration());
+ } else {
+ auto config = std::make_shared(
+ parsedQuery::SpatialQuery{triple}.toSpatialJoinConfiguration());
+ std::shared_ptr spatialJoinOperation =
+ ad_utility::makeExecutionTree(qec, config, std::nullopt,
+ std::nullopt);
+ std::shared_ptr op = spatialJoinOperation->getRootOperation();
+ SpatialJoin* spatialJoin = static_cast(op.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(spatialJoin->getMaxDist().has_value());
+ ASSERT_EQ(spatialJoin->getMaxDist(), distance);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(spatialJoin->getMaxResults().has_value());
+ }
+ };
+ testMaxDistance("", 1000, false);
+ testMaxDistance("", 0, false);
+ testMaxDistance("", 20000000, false);
+ testMaxDistance("", 123456789, false);
+ // the following distance is slightly bigger than earths circumference.
+ // This distance should still be representable
+ testMaxDistance("", 45000000000, false);
+ // distance must be positive
+ testMaxDistance("", -10, true);
+ // some words start with an upper case
+ testMaxDistance("", 1000, true);
+ // wrong keyword for the spatialJoin operation
+ testMaxDistance("", 1000, true);
+ // "M" in meters is upper case
+ testMaxDistance("", 1000, true);
+ // two > at the end
+ testMaxDistance(">", 1000, true);
+ // distance must be given as integer
+ testMaxDistance("", 1000, true);
+ // distance must be given as integer
+ testMaxDistance(">", 1000, true);
+ // missing > at the end
+ testMaxDistance("", 1000, true);
+ // suffix after correct iri
+ testMaxDistance("", 1000, true);
+ // suffix after correct iri
+ testMaxDistance("", 1000, true);
+ // suffix after number.
+ // Note that the usual stoll function would return
+ // 1000 instead of throwing an exception. To fix this mistake, a for loop
+ // has been added to the parsing, which checks, if each character (which
+ // should be converted to a number) is a digit
+ testMaxDistance("", 1000, true);
+ // prefix before <
+ testMaxDistance("yxcv", 1000, true);
+ // suffix after >
+ testMaxDistance("dfgh", 1000, true);
// __________________________________________________________________________
TEST(QueryPlanner, BindAtBeginningOfQuery) {