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logo in the header and the space between homeinfo and the first post #547

Answered by pixelfabs
1mfaasj asked this question in Q&A
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I'm wondering how to add an image/logo to the header? see:

That's quite a task. The section you're referring to is not as simple as it seems. It holds the theme toggle switch, links you can define via config file (menu: whatever) and language switch links. It uses CSS flex box which adjust depending on screen size. My advice: just don't, You add more than 3 items, it doesn't look great on mobile devices. Remove stuff, it breaks. The theme toggle switch for example is 2 parts, one part in header.html and the other in footer.html

I made a new flex box container underneath the default one and while it takes a bit more space, it definitely doesn't break things and far…

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