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Run Tests

Jacky Sun edited this page May 30, 2024 · 29 revisions

We introduce a new way to run nala tests Usage: bash Copy code node run.js [options] Options: -p, --project: Specify the project to run tests on, e.g., milo-live-chrome. Use 'all' for all projects or a comma-separated list of projects. -c, --config: Specify the name of the configuration file, e.g., milo. -g, --grep: Filter tests by grep pattern, e.g., '@milo'. -r, --reporter: Specify the reporter to use, e.g., 'html'. -h, --help: Display this help message and exit. --headed: Run tests in headed mode. --headless: Run tests in headless mode (default). Examples: Run uar test on uar-live:

bash Copy code node run.js -c uar -g "@uar-quiz-basic-milo" -p uar-live-chrome Run uar test on milo-live:

bash Copy code node run.js -c uar -g "@uar-quiz-basic-milo" -p milo-live-chrome Run milo test on milo-live:

bash Copy code node run.js -c milo -g "@milo" -p milo-live-chrome You can also use '=':

bash Copy code node run.js -c=milo -g="@milo" -p=milo-live-chrome Or long options:

bash Copy code node run.js --config=milo --grep="@milo" --project=milo-live-chrome Support run on all projects with -p 'all':

bash Copy code node run.js -c milo -p all -g "@milo" Support run some projects with a comma-separated list of projects:

bash Copy code node run.js -c milo -p milo-live-chrome,milo-live-firefox -g "@milo" Some rules: We set testDir: '../tests/xxx' in xxx.config.js to control test scopes. In other words, you can't run others' tests, but you can run your tests on different websites.

For example, if you want to run milo tests on all bacom, you need to add this into milo.config.js:

javascript Copy code { name: 'bacom-live-chrome', use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome'], baseURL: envs['@bacom_live'], }, }, { name: 'bacom-live-firefox', use: { ...devices['Desktop Firefox'], baseURL: envs['@bacom_live'], }, }, { name: 'bacom-live-webkit', use: { ...devices['Desktop Safari'], baseURL: envs['@bacom_live'], }, },

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