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Brokerage Engine

Sotiris Koussouris edited this page Jun 20, 2019 · 10 revisions

The blockchain for the Brokerage Engine of AEGIS was developed using Hyperledger Fabric v1.0 and Hyperledger Composer. The network consists of an Orderer, a CA authority, a peer and a CouchDB database for queries. Additional organizations, peers and orderers will be added in future versions.


Detailed installation steps can be found at the AEGIS Network Repository.


Along with the network, a REST API server is installed, allowing to interact with it. The following endpoints are available:

Users' API

  1. Get a list of all users registered with the brokerage engine:

     GET /api/User
  2. Add a user to the brokerage engine

     POST /api/User

    Example Body

        "$class": "eu.aegis.User",
        "uid": "[email protected]",
        "balance": "0.0",
        "externalAssets": [
  3. Get user's details:

     GET /api/User/{uid}
  4. Load currency to the balance of a user:

     POST /api/LoadBalance

    Example Body

        "$class": "eu.aegis.LoadBalance",
        "amount": 0,
        "user": "eu.aegis.User#[email protected]",
        "transactionId": "string",
        "timestamp": "2018-03-21T10:10:29.384Z"

Assets' API

  1. Get a list of all AEGIS assets:

     GET /api/AEGISAsset
  2. Add an asset to the brokerage engine:

     POST /api/AEGISAsset

    Example Body

        "$class": "eu.aegis.AEGISAsset",
        "aid": "1234",
        "type": "Dataset",
        "cost": "0.0",
        "status": "Free",
        "exclusivity": "None",
        "contractText": "Lorem Ipsum...",
        "owner": "eu.aegis.User#[email protected]"
  3. Get asset’s details:

     GET /api/AEGISAsset /{aid}
  4. Buy an asset:

     POST /api/BuyAsset

    Example Body

        "$class": "eu.aegis.BuyAsset",
        "buyer": "eu.aegis.User#[email protected]",
        "relatedAsset": "eu.aegis.AEGISAsset#1234",
        "transactionId": "string",
        "timestamp": "2018-03-21T10:10:29.343Z"
  5. Change the cost of an AEGIS asset:

     POST /api/ChangeAssetCost

    Example Body

        "$class": "eu.aegis.ChangeAssetCost",
        "newCost": 0,
        "relatedAsset": "eu.aegis.AEGISAsset#1234",
        "transactionId": "string",
        "timestamp": "2018-03-21T10:10:29.343Z"
  6. Change the status of an AEGIS asset (i.e. free, paid etc):

     POST /api/ChangeAssetStatus

    Example Body

        "$class": "eu.aegis.ChangeAssetStatus",
        "newStatus": "Free",
        "relatedAsset": "eu.aegis.AEGISAsset#1234",
        "transactionId": "string",
        "timestamp": "2018-03-21T10:10:29.356Z"
  7. Change the exclusivity of an AEGIS asset (i.e. none, lifetime etc):

     POST /api/ChangeExclusivity

    Example Body

        "$class": "eu.aegis.ChangeExclusivity",
        "newPeriod": "None",
        "relatedAsset": "eu.aegis.AEGISAsset#1234",
        "transactionId": "string",
        "timestamp": "2018-03-21T10:10:29.368Z"

User Management in the Brokerage Engine

  1. Create new user - Creates a user with user id (uid in the code snippet below) [email protected] , having an initial balance of 1000 tokens:

curl -XPOST https://localhost:3000/api/User -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "$class": "eu.aegis.User", "uid": "[email protected]", "balance": "1000.0" }'

  1. Get all users

     curl -XGET https://localhost:3000/api/User
  2. Get specific userʼs details - To get a specific userʼs information, add the uid at the end of the url. i.e.:

     curl -XGET https://localhost:3000/api/User/[email protected]
  3. Load tokens to a userʼs account - To load 200 tokens to (user with uid) [email protected] :

     CURL -XGET https://localhost:3000/api/LoadBalance -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "user": "resource:eu.aegis.User#[email protected]", "amount": 200 }'

Asset Management • Create a new asset To create an asset, you need to provide an asset id (aid below), its type (can be any of: Dataset , Microservice , Algorithm , Analysis , Visualization , Other ), the cost of the asset, its status (can be Free , Paid , Subscription or Private - i.e. not for sale) and its owner (the uid of the user that owns the dataset). curl -XPOST https://localhost:3000/api/AEGISAsset -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "$class": "eu.aegis.AEGISAsset", "aid": "1", "assetType": "Dataset", "cost": 100, "status": "Paid", "owner": "[email protected]" }'

• Get all assets curl -XGET https://localhost:3000/api/AEGISAsset

• Get details on a specific asset - As with user, we use the aid as a parameter curl -XGET https://localhost:3000/api/AEGISAsset/1

• Change the status of an asset - To change the status of asset with aid=1 to Private , use: curl -XPOST https://localhost:3000/api/ChangeAssetStatus -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "relatedAsset": "eu.aegis.AEGISAsset#1", "newStatus": "Private" }'

• Change the cost of an asset - To change the status of asset with aid=1 to Private , use: curl -XPOST https://localhost:3000/api/ChangeAssetCost -H 'Accept: application/json' d '{"relatedAsset": "eu.aegis.AEGISAsset#1", "newCost": "200" }'

Building Contracts • Create a new (draft) contract - To create a contract, you need to provide a transaction id (tid), the desired exclusivity (can be None , Subscription or Lifetime ), the amount (to be) paid, the status of the contract (always use Draft at this stage), a text containing the terms of the contract (optional), the buyer and the seller (using their uid s) and the asset to be sold (use its aid ). curl -XPOST https://localhost:3000/api/Contract -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "$class": "eu.aegis.Contract", "tid": "123", "exclusivity": "None", "amountPaid": "100.0", "status": "Draft", "text": "string", "seller": "[email protected]", "buyer": "[email protected]", "relatedAsset": "eu.aegis.AEGISAsset#1" }'

• Get all contracts curl -XGET https://localhost:3000/api/Contract

• Get all contracts involving assets bought/sold by someone - To get all contracts with a specific buyer/seller we need to filter the contracts. This is done by appending a (url encoded) filter in the url. For example, to get all contracts involving [email protected] as a buyer, the filter should be: {"where": {"buyer": {"eq":"resource:eu.aegis.User#[email protected]"}}} As a seller: {"where": {"seller": {"eq":"resource:eu.aegis.User#[email protected]"}}} curl -XGET https://localhost:3000/api/Contract?filter={...} The url encoded example of contracts with assets bought by [email protected] is curl -XGET https://localhost:3000/api/Contract?filter=%7B%22where%22%3A%20%7B%22buyer%

• Validate a contract - To validate (switch it from Draft it Active): curl -XPOST https://localhost:3000/api/ValidateContract -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "contract": "eu.aegis.Contract#123" }' where 123 is the tid (as set in the draft contract creation).

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