- Linux/MacOS
- Docker, Docker Compose, allowing non-root users
- Python 3.8.5+
Ocean barge
runs ganache (local blockchain), Provider (data service), and Aquarius (metadata cache).
In a new console:
#grab repo
git clone https://github.com/oceanprotocol/barge
cd barge
#clean up old containers (to be sure)
docker system prune -a --volumes
#run barge: start ganache, Provider, Aquarius; deploy contracts; update ~/.ocean
./start_ocean.sh --with-provider2
In a new console:
#Initialize virtual environment and activate it.
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
#Install the ocean.py library. Install wheel first to avoid errors.
pip install wheel
pip install ocean-lib
#set envvars
export TEST_PRIVATE_KEY1=0xc594c6e5def4bab63ac29eed19a134c130388f74f019bc74b8f4389df2837a58
#set the address file only for ganache
export ADDRESS_FILE=~/.ocean/ocean-contracts/artifacts/address.json
#set network URL
#go into python
In the Python console:
import os
from ocean_lib.example_config import ExampleConfig
from ocean_lib.ocean.ocean import Ocean
from ocean_lib.web3_internal.wallet import Wallet
private_key = os.getenv('TEST_PRIVATE_KEY1')
config = ExampleConfig.get_config()
ocean = Ocean(config)
print("create wallet: begin")
wallet = Wallet(ocean.web3, private_key, config.block_confirmations, config.transaction_timeout)
print(f"create wallet: done. Its address is {wallet.address}")
print("create datatoken: begin.")
datatoken = ocean.create_data_token("Dataset name", "dtsymbol", from_wallet=wallet)
print(f"created datatoken: done. Its address is {datatoken.address}")
Congrats, you've created your first Ocean datatoken! 🐋