This ROS node will find the AprilTag 0 in the video stream and publish its pose in the TF tree
- ROS Kinetic
- OpenCV3
- Visp3 and visp_bridge (sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-vision-visp)
- libxml2
Installation: mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make install
Usage: rosrun agimus-vision tracker_box
There are some ros parameters used to configure the node:
- /imageTopic: Topic where the camera publish the RGB image (default: /camera/rgb/image_rect_color).
- /cameraInfoTopic: Topic where the camera publish the information about the camera settings (default: /camera/rgb/camera_info).
- /positionNode: Name of the TF node corresponding to the box position (default: box).
- /positionParentNode: Name of its parent node in the TF tree (default: rgbd_rbg_optical_frame).wn
Moved to gerard bauzil package.
- We emulate a virtual display on the robot. On the robot, run the command in a terminal and leave it open.
Xvfb :1 -screen 0 800x600x16
- We start the tracker node within this display, by setting the environment
variable DISPLAY to
for the tracker node executable.
export DISPLAY=:1
- Once the node is launched, you can ask for the debug to be published. There
are two parameters for this: ~debugDisplay and ~publishDebugDisplay.
Something similar to
rosparam set /vision/tracker/debugDisplay true
followed byrosparam set /vision/tracker/publishDebugDisplay true
should enable the publication.
rosparam set /vision/tracker/publishDebugDisplay true
rosparam set /vision/tracker/debugDisplay true
- On another terminal, possibly on another computer, run:
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/vision/tracker/debug _image_transport:=compressed