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Kostyrko Multiomics Analysis for Methylation EPIC and RNAseq


This repository contains a set of R scripts specifically designed for the data analysis performed in Kostyrko et al. The repository provides a set of R scripts for analyzing Methylation EPIC and RNAseq (correlation and survival analysis) used in the original paper. This respository is a resource for researchers looking to replicate or build upon the findings of Kostyrko et al.


Methylation EPIC Analysis & RNAseq Correlation:

  • This repo is tailored to handle Methylation EPIC data and RNAseq correlation analysis as performed in the Kostyrko et al study.
  • Survival Analysis & Miscellaneous RNAseq Analysis:


The dataset used for the Kostyrko et al study can be accessed from the GEO SuperSeries under the accession number GSE198289.

This SuperSeries is composed of the following SubSeries:

  • GSE198289 UHRF1 is a mediator of KRAS driven oncogenesis in lung adenocarcinoma [RNA-seq]
  • GSE198446 UHRF1 is a mediator of KRAS driven oncogenesis in lung adenocarcinoma [epic_methyl]
  • GSE209923 UHRF1 is a mediator of KRAS driven oncogenesis in lung adenocarcinoma [shRNA]
  • GSE233401 UHRF1 is a mediator of KRAS driven oncogenesis in lung adenocarcinoma [CRISPR_screen]

Minimum Requirements

  • Download and install R from here. R (3.6.2)

  • Download the dataset from GEO SuperSeries GSE198289.

  • R packages

    • edgeR (3.28.1)
    • Minfi (1.32)
    • EpiDISH (2.2.2)
    • limma package(3.42.2)
    • missMethyl (1.20.4)
    • DMRcate (2.0.7)
    • survminer ( and survival (3.1.11)
    • DGCA (1.0.2 )
    • methylGSA (1.4.9)

additional packages

Click to expand Bioinformatics and Genomics packages!

Genomic Data Annotation:

  1. library(biomaRt): Tools for BioMart databases (like Ensembl).
  2. library(BSgenome): Infrastructure for Bioconductor packages using large-scale genomic or other data.
  3. library( Mapping information for human genes.
  4. library(GenomicFeatures): Tools for making and manipulating transcript centric annotations.
  5. library(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19): Annotation data for the Illumina Human Methylation 450k array.
  6. library(IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b4.hg19): Annotation data for the Illumina Human Methylation EPIC array.
  7. library(IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICmanifest): Manifest file for Illumina's EPIC methylation arrays.
  8. library(Homo.sapiens): Annotation data for the human genome.
  9. library(rtracklayer): An interface to genome annotation files and the UCSC genome browser.

Genomic Data Analysis (Omics):

  1. library(DESeq2): Differential gene expression analysis based on the negative binomial distribution.
  2. library(edgeR): Empirical analysis of digital gene expression data in R.
  3. library(GenomicRanges): Representations and manipulations of genomic intervals and variables defined along a genome.
  4. library(GSVA): Gene set variation analysis for microarray and RNA-seq data.
  5. library(Gviz): Plotting data and annotation information along genomic coordinates.
  6. library(minfi): Tools to analyze Illumina's methylation arrays.
  7. library(missMethyl): Analyzes differential methylation in the context of GC content.
  8. library(methylGSA): Gene set testing for Illumina's methylation arrays.
  9. library(pathview): Plots pathway maps and overlays experimental data.
  10. library(sva): Surrogate Variable Analysis: identification and adjustment for hidden confounding factors.
  11. library(biovizBase): Basic graphic utilities for visualization of genomic data.
  12. library(ggbio): Visualization tools for genomic data.
  13. library(limma): Linear models for microarray data.
  14. library(pathfindR): An R package for comprehensive identification of enriched pathways in omics data through active subnetworks
  15. library (DGCA): #Differential Gene Correlation Analysis

Genomic Data Analysis (Epigenetics):

  1. library(EpiDISH): Epigenetic Dissection of Intra-Sample-Heterogeneity.
  2. library(DMRcate): Detecting differentially methylated regions in CpG methylation data.

Heatmaps and Clustering:

  1. library(clusterProfiler): Statistical analysis and visualization of functional profiles for genes and gene clusters.
  2. library(ComplexHeatmap): Making complex heatmaps.
  3. library(d3heatmap): Interactive heatmaps.
  4. library(dendextend): Extending R's dendrogram functionality.
  5. library(dendroextras): Extra functions to cut, label and colour dendrogram clusters.
  6. library(parallelDist): Parallel distance matrix computation.


  1. library(corrplot): Visualization of a correlation matrix.
  2. library(factoextra): Extract and visualize the results of multivariate data analyses.
  3. library(ggdendro): Create dendrograms using ggplot.
  4. library(ggplot2): An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics.
  5. library(ggplotify): Convert plot function call to 'ggplot' objects.
  6. library(ggpubr): 'ggplot2' based publication ready plots.
  7. library(ggpval): Annotate statistical significance onto 'ggplot' objects.
  8. library(ggrepel): Automatically position non-overlapping text labels with 'ggplot2'.
  9. library(gplots): Various R programming tools for plotting data.
  10. library(gridExtra): Miscellaneous functions for "grid" graphics.
  11. library(kableExtra): Build complex HTML or 'LaTeX' tables using 'kable()' and pipe syntax.
  12. library(patchwork): The composer of ggplots.
  13. library(RColorBrewer): ColorBrewer palettes.
  14. library(VennDiagram): Generate high-resolution Venn and Euler plots.
  15. library(Vennerable): Venn and Euler area-proportional diagrams.
  16. library(wesanderson): Wes Anderson color palettes.
  17. library(igraph): Network analysis and visualization.
  18. library (ggbeeswarm) # Beeswarm plots helper
  19. library(forestplot) # forest plot helper, mostly use in meta-analysis
  20. library (ggridges) # Ridgeline plots
  21. library(cowplot) # functions to align plots and arrange them into complex compound figures

Statistical Analysis:

  1. library(FactoMineR): An R package for multivariate analysis.
  2. library(fgsea): Fast gene set enrichment analysis.
  3. library(MASS): Functions and datasets to support Venables and Ripley's MASS.
  4. library(matrixStats): Functions that apply to rows and columns of matrices (and to vectors).
  5. library(PerformanceAnalytics): Econometric tools for performance and risk analysis.
  6. library(psych): Procedures for psychological, psychometric, and personality research.
  7. library(survival): Survival analysis.
  8. library(survminer): Drawing survival curves using 'ggplot2'.
  9. library(vegan): Community Ecology Package.
  10. library(scales): Scale functions for visualization.
  11. library(Rtsne): T-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding using a Barnes-Hut implementation.
  12. library(umap): Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection.

Data Manipulation:

  1. library(data.table): Extension of data.frame.
  2. library(dplyr): A grammar of data manipulation.
  3. library(DT): A wrapper of the JavaScript library 'DataTables'.
  4. library(forcats): Tools for working with categorical variables (factors).
  5. library(plyr): Tools for splitting, applying and combining data.
  6. library(reshape): Flexibly reshape data.
  7. library(stringr): Simple, consistent wrappers for common string operations.
  8. library(tidyr): Easily tidy data with 'spread()' and 'gather()' functions.

Document Generation and Reporting:

  1. library(knitr): A general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R.
  2. library(pander): An R Pandoc writer.
  3. library(stargazer) # LATEX, HTML and ASCII tables from R statistical output

File I/O:

  1. library(openxlsx): Read, write and edit XLSX files.

Additional public datasets

LUAD, survival, correlations RNAseq Counts Broad GDAC ( Firehose )
Pathway database MSigDB
EPIC annotation Probe annotations Bioconductor
TSG annotation Annotations UTHealth
Probe Filter Annotations github
ERV Genomic annotation UCSC genome
RNAseq index Genomic index GENCODE
RNAseq GTF Gene Annotation GENCODE