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442 lines (278 loc) · 35.8 KB

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442 lines (278 loc) · 35.8 KB


Minor Issues

  • isPublishedToCommunity does not check that the _communityID exists. It can return true for non-published projects by passing in a _communityID of 0. This enables for instance to call unpublishProject on unpublished projects (or paying the publish fee for a non-existing project with _communityID = 0. While this is not a major issue, it can be confusing (because events are emitted) and building upon this modifier in the future can be dangerous. Consider validating the _communityID.
  • In escrow, it is possible that the _agent is the zero address, in which case signature validation succeeds with any invalid signature (i.e., no actual escrow, as there is no agent). Consider adding a check that the _agent is non-zero.
  • In Community, adding members and updating the community hash is possible when the system is changed. As these also change the system state, consider also requiring that the system is not paused.
  • There is no way to remove members of a community (e.g., misbehaving members), which might be desirable.
  • The comment "// Burn _interestEarned amount wrapped token to lender" is wrong (, this should be mint instead of burn.
  • In general, it is considered good practice to provide a deadline for signatures and a way to revoke them (e.g., when a private key is compromised), which is both currently not implemented.
  • In changeOrder, it is not checked if the task actually exists. While changing the cost for a non-existing task is not possible (because of the getAlerts check), the owner can be set: First, the task will be unapproved, setting the status to inactive. Then, the subcontractor is invited, which succeeds, as the task is inactive. The subcontractor can even accept the invitation, which marks the task as active, although he was never created / initialized. Consider adding a check if the task already exists.
  • raiseDispute does not include any replay protection, meaning that anyone can raise the same dispute again after one was submitted.
  • It is possible to raise disputes for not (yet) existing tasks in raiseDispute, which should not be possible
  • It is mentioned that "This can be useful when trying to deploy new version of HomeFiProxy". However, there is currently no clean way to do this. When a new HomeFi proxy is deployed and initialized, new proxies are deployed (i.e., the state is lost). Consider adding a way to initialize a new proxy with already existing proxy addresses.
  • SignatureDecoder.recoverKey does not support EIP-1271, meaning there is no support for smart contracts in all places that use signatures (which are many), which hinders different applications (e.g., building on top of the protocol).
  • The number of currencies (3) is hard-coded in different places, consider storing this information in arrays, which enables easy additions of new ones.
  • There is no upper limit for the lender fee ( Consider enforcing a limit of 1,000 (or even something like 200) to avoid errors and give users an upper limit for the fee.
  • initiateHomeFi is documented with "Can only be called by HomeFiProxy owner", but this is not true. The function is callable by anyone and sets the owner.
  • recoverTokens has a hardcoded 3 ( instead of using the enum value, which can lead to problems when updating the possible enum values.
  • checkPrecision does not take the number of decimals into account. For USDC with 6 decimals means rounding to 0.1 pennies, whereas the precision is much higher (probably too high, which you want to avoid) for DAI with 18 decimals.

High: Untyped data signing


Impact & Proof Of Concepts

In many places of the project (see affected code), untyped application data is directly hashed and signed. This is strongly disencouraged, as it enables different attacks (that each could be considered their own issue / vulnerability, but I submitted it as one, as they have all the same root cause):

1.) Signature reuse across different Rigor projects: While some signature contain the project address, not all do. For instance, updateProjectHash only contains a _hash and a _nonce. Therefore, we can have the following scenario: Bob is the owner of project A and signs / submit updateProjectHash with nonce 0 and some hash. Then, a project B that also has Bob as the owner is created. Attacker Charlie can simply take the _data and _signature that Bob previously submitted to project A and send it to project B. As this project will have a nonce of 0 (fresh created), it will accept it. updateTaskHash is also affected by this. 2.) Signature reuse across different chains: Because the chain ID is not included in the data, all signatures are also valid when the project is launched on a chain with another chain ID. For instance, let's say it is also launched on Polygon. An attacker can now use all of the Ethereum signatures there. Because the Polygon addresses of user's (and potentially contracts, when the nonces for creating are the same) are often identical, there can be situations where the payload is meaningful on both chains. 3.) Signature reuse across Rigor functions: Some functions accept and decode data / signatures that were intended for other functions. For instance, see this example of providing the data & signature that was intended for inviteContractor to setComplete:

diff --git a/test/utils/projectTests.ts b/test/utils/projectTests.ts
index ae9e202..752e01f 100644
--- a/test/utils/projectTests.ts
+++ b/test/utils/projectTests.ts
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ export const projectTests = async ({

-  it('should be able to invite contractor', async () => {
+  it.only('should be able to invite contractor', async () => {
     expect(await project.contractor()).to.equal(ethers.constants.AddressZero);
     const data = {
       types: ['address', 'address'],
@@ -452,6 +452,7 @@ export const projectTests = async ({
     const tx = await project.inviteContractor(encodedData, signature);
+    const tx2 = await project.setComplete(encodedData, signature);
     await expect(tx)
       .to.emit(project, 'ContractorInvited')

While this reverts because there is no task that corresponds to the address that is signed there, this is not always the case. 4.) Signature reuse from different Ethereum projects & phishing Because the payload of these signatures is very generic (two addresses, a byte and two uints), there might be situations where a user has already signed data with the same format for a completely different Ethereum application. Furthermore, an attacker could set up a DApp that uses the same format and trick someone into signing the data. Even a very security-conscious owner that has audited the contract of this DApp (that does not have any vulnerabilities and is not malicious, it simply consumes signatures that happen to have the same format) might be willing to sign data for this DApp, as he does not anticipate that this puts his Rigor project in danger.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

I strongly recommend to follow EIP-712 and not implement your own standard / solution. While this also improves the user experience, this topic is very complex and not easy to get right, so it is recommended to use a battle-tested approach that people have thought in detail about. All of the mentioned attacks are not possible with EIP-712: 1.) There is always a domain separator that includes the contract address. 2.) The chain ID is included in the domain separator 3.) There is a type hash (of the function name / parameters) 4.) The domain separator does not allow reuse across different projects, phishing with an innocent DApp is no longer possible (it would be shown to the user that he is signing data for Rigor, which he would off course not do on a different site)

High: Significant rounding errors for interest calculation



The _noOfDays calculation in returnToLender rounds down to 0. In extreme cases (see Proof Of Concept), this leads to situations where no or only 50% of the interest is paid. These extreme cases are relatively improbable (as it involves steps from the lenders that are generally against his interest, although he might not be aware of that), however situations in between (e.g., only 75% of interest is paid in the end) are possible. This can either happen by accident (a lender often calls lendToProject / reduceDebt because a project is very fast moving) or because a builder that knows this weakness tricks the lender to call these functions often. The financial (and reputational damage) can be quite severe, especially for large home construction projects. For instance, if a lender lends $5 million at a 6% APR and 25% of all interest is lost, this is a financial damage of $75,000 for the lender. Moreover, he probably will never use the platform again, as he was promised a 6% APR, but only got 4.5%.

Proof Of Concept

1.) No interest paid: Just before one day would be over since lastTimestamp was updated the last time, a lender calls lendToProject with a very small amount. This causes claimInterest to be called and lastTimeStamp to be updated, even if no interest was paid out. Because the _noOfDays that is used when calling claimInterest is zero, no interest is added. When this is repeated every 24 hours (or rather every 24 hours - 10 seconds), interest is never accrued. See the following diff for an example:

diff --git a/test/utils/communityTests.ts b/test/utils/communityTests.ts
index 51dc09e..d1b403f 100644
--- a/test/utils/communityTests.ts
+++ b/test/utils/communityTests.ts
@@ -976,7 +976,24 @@ export const communityTests = async ({
     // project-1
     it('returnToLender(): should accrue interest', async () => {
-      await mineBlock(lendingTimestamp + ONE_DAY);
+      await mineBlock(lendingTimestamp + ONE_DAY - 10);
+      const lender = signers[2].address;
+      const attackLendingPrincipal = 1020;
+      const attackFee = (attackLendingPrincipal * lenderFee) / (lenderFee + 1000);
+      const attackAmountToProject = attackLendingPrincipal - attackFee;
+      // totalLent += amountToProject;
+      await mockDAIContract.mock.transferFrom
+        .withArgs(lender, treasury, attackFee)
+        .returns(true);
+      await mockDAIContract.mock.transferFrom
+        .withArgs(lender, projectAddress, attackAmountToProject)
+        .returns(true);
+      const tx = await communityContract
+        .connect(signers[2])
+        .lendToProject(1, projectAddress, attackLendingPrincipal, sampleHash);
+      await tx.wait();
+      await mineBlock(lendingTimestamp + ONE_DAY + 20);
       const numDays = 1;
       const totalInterest = Math.floor(
         (lendingPrincipal * apr * numDays) / 365000,
@@ -988,8 +1005,8 @@ export const communityTests = async ({
       ] = await communityContract.returnToLender(1, projectAddress);
-      expect(_lendingPrincipal).to.equal(lendingPrincipal);
-      expect(_amountToReturn).to.equal(amountToReturn);
+      expect(_lendingPrincipal).to.equal(lendingPrincipal + attackLendingPrincipal);
+      // expect(_amountToReturn).to.equal(amountToReturn);

2.) Only ~50% of interest paid Alternatively, if the lender calls reduceDebt every 1.99 days, we have the following scenario: Interest will be accrued (which causes the lastTimestamp to be updated in this case), but only for 1 day, meaning almost 50% of all interest (.99 days every 2 days) is lost.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Calculate with a much more detailed granularity (in seconds instead of days).

High: changeOrder signatures replayable



The signatures of changeOrder include no nonce or other replay protection mechanism. An attacker can therefore simply take the _data and _signature of an old transaction and submit it again. While this is not problematic when there is only one changeOrder call, it becomes very problematic when there are multiple for the same task.

Proof Of Concept

Task 1 initially has a cost of 50,000 USD. Then, there is a material shortage, so the builder, contractor and subcontractor agree to change the cost to 70,000 USD (via changeOrder). Because the material shortage was not so bad after all, they agree to change it back to 50,000 USD (via changeOrder). Now, an attacker can simply resubmit the first call to change it back to 70,000 USD again. Of course, the same can also be done when changing subcontractors.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Include replay protection (nonces or storing already processed hashes) for changeOrder.

Medium: Members for not yet existing community can be added



When a _communityID that does not exist yet is passed to addMember, _community.owner will be address(0). SignatureDecoder.recoverKey (that is used within checkSignatureValidity) returns address(0) for invalid signatures. Therefore, it is easily possible to add a member to a community that does not exist yet (i.e. with a community ID higher than the current maximum value), as the signature validation succeeds for the owner when an invalid signature is passed. This has two negative consequences: 1.) Members can add itself to a community without the permission of the future owner, which is of course not desired. 2.) As soon as the community is created, the entry in the members array is overwritten and memberCount is set to 1. However, the isMember entry remains true. Therefore, we have membersCount = 1, members.length = 1, but there are two addresses such that isMember[addr] = true (the new owner and the previously added member). If multiple (say N) members are added previously, the consequences are even worse, as we will have membersCount = 1, members.length = N and (N + 1) addresses where isMember is true. This breaks invariants of the protocol (that are not fixable by anyone). For instance, it enables situations where an address is not returned in members(communityID), but can still call publishProject, as isMember is true for the address.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Only allow adding members for communities that exist.

Medium: Expensive task blocks allocation of cheaper ones



In allocateFunds, the loop is exited when there is one task that is more expensive than the current funds. However, there may be other (cheaper) tasks behind this that could be allocated. This decreases the capital efficiency of the protocol significantly.

Proof Of Concept

For the sake of example let's say that there are 5 tasks with the following costs: [1000, 1, 1, 1, 1] The last four will only be allocated when the funds available are larger than 1000, although they could be allocated much earlier.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Continue looping and reorder the tasks afterwards.

Medium: Multiple payouts for the same task possible


Impact & Proof Of Concept

When a task is marked as complete, Lifecycle.TaskAllocated remains true. Therefore, we can have the following steps:

  • A task is marked as complete via setComplete, the sub-contractor is paid.
  • changeOrder is used to change the sub-contractor, unApprove sets Lifecycle.SCConfirmed to false and the status to inactive.
  • The new sub-contractor accepts the invitation Lifecycle.SCConfirmed is now true and the status active again.
  • Because Lifecycle.TaskAllocated is still true, the call to setComplete succeeds.

This is even worse when the change of sub-contractors is A -> B -> A, as the signature that was used to initially pay out A can then be replayed to pay out A again (which could be another issue in itself, that signature replay there is possible, but I did not create a separate one for this).

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Do not allow changing the sub-contractor for completed tasks. This seems to be intended anyway, as there is a comment * @dev modifier onlyActive above unApprove, but the modifier is missing.

Medium: Community does not respect delegation to contractor


Impact & Proof Of Concept

A project builder can use delegateContractor to (according to the docs) "delegate his authorisation to the contractor.". While this is respected in the Project contract, the Community contract ignores this delegation completely. All project related activities (either protected by onlyProjectBuilder or directly queried in publishProject and escrow) needs to originate from the builder, even if he delegated his authority.

This can have negative consequences. Let's say a builder goes on a 8-week vacation and delegates his authority to a contractor that he trusts. Because the project does not need as much money as anticipated, the contractor wants to repay the lender to reduce the interest amount. However, this fails, which means that the total cost for the project is unnecessarily increased.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Check if the builder has delegated his authority in Community, allow the contractor to act on behalf of the builder in this case.

High: Escrow messages replayable


Impact & Proof Of Concept

The payload of escrow does not include any nonces and there is no other replay protection. Therefore, a call to escrow can simply be replayed. If a builder and lender for instance agreed to reduce debt by 1,000 (and the agent agreed to that), one can simply replay the same payload / signatures 4 times more to reduce it by 5,000.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add a nonce or store the already used hashes.

High: Wrong APR can be used when project is unpublished and published again



When a project is unpublished from a community, it can still owe money to this community (on which it needs to pay interest according to the specified APR). However, when the project is later published again in this community, the APR can be overwritten and the overwritten APR is used for the calculation of the interest for the old project (when it was unpublished).

Proof Of Concept

1.) Project A is published in community I with an APR of 3%. The community lends 1,000,000 USD to the project. 2.) Project A is unpublished, the lentAmount is still 1,000,000 USD. 3.) During one year, no calls to repayLender, reduceDebt, or escrow happens, i.e. the interest is never added and the lastTimestamp not updated. 4.) After one year, the project is published again in the same community. Because the FED raised interest rates, it is specified that the APR should be 5% from now on. 5.) Another 1,000,000 USD is lent to the project by calling lendToProject. Now, claimInterest is called which calculates the interest of the last year for the first million. However, the function already uses the new APR of 5%, meaning the added interest is 50,000 USD instead of the correct $30,000.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

When publishing a project, if the lentAmount for the community is non-zero, calculate the interest before updating the APR.

Medium: raiseDispute may revert erroneously when builder == subcontractor or contractor == subcontractor


Impact & Proof Of Concept

In raiseDispute, when signer == tasks[_task].subcontractor, it is checked that the subcontractor has accepted the invitation. However, we can have the following situation: 1.) Bob is contractor for the project and invited as a subcontractor for task 1. 2.) Bob does not want to accept the invitation for the task 1, but he still wants to raise a dispute for the given task. This should be possible according to the specifications, as the builder and contractor should be able to raise disputes for all tasks. 3.) Because we have signer == tasks[_task].subcontractor in this scenario and getAlerts(_task)[2] == false, raiseDispute reverts, although it should not. Therefore, Bob is not able to raise his dispute.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Only use require(getAlerts(_task)[2]) when the last branch of the previous require (signer == tasks[_task].subcontractor) was really used. If it is true, but signer == builder or signer == contractor is also true, the invitation does not have to be accepted.

Medium: changeOrder requires subcontractor signature when the subcontractor address is 0



Via changeOrder, it is possible to set the subcontractor address to 0 (and it is zero when no one is invited). However, when it is updated later again, a signature of the "current subcontractor" (in this case address(0)) is still required. This is in contrast to contractors, where the signature is only required when the contractor address is non-zero.

Proof Of Concept

1.) Task 1 is assigned to the subcontractor Bob. 2.) changeOrder with Bob's signature is used to assign task 1 temporarily to address 0 while a new subcontractor is searched. 3.) The price of the task should be changed, which requires the signature of the "current subcontractor" (i.e., address(0))

To be fair, because SignatureDecoder.recoverKey returns address(0) for invalid signatures, an invalid signature could in theory be submitted in step 3. But I do not assume that this is really intended (for instance, there is also the check in checkSignatureTask, although one could simply use an invalid signature when it is address(0)) and a design that requires the user to submit invalid signatures in certain scenarios would also be very poor in my opinion.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Check if the subcontractor address is zero, do not require a valid signature in such cases.

Medium: Hash approval not possible when contractor == subcontractor


Impact & Proof Of Concept

When a contractor (let's say Bob) is also a subcontractor (which can be a valid scenario), it is not possible to use the hash approval feature for checkSignatureTask. The first call to checkSignatureValidity will already delete approvedHashes[address(Bob)][_hash], the second call therefore fails.

Note that the same situation would also be possible for builder == contractor, or builder == subcontractor, although those situations are probably less likely to occur.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Delete the approval only when all checks are done.

Medium: Finished task can be changed



In changeOrder when the cost of a task is changed, it is not checked if the task is already finished. If this is the case (in which case tasks[_taskID].alerts[1] is true), the consequences are quite severe. When the new cost is lower than the old one, the difference is withdrawn to the builder's account. When the cost is higher, totalAllocated is either increased (resulting in wrong values for this variable) or the task is unapproved again and funds are unallocated.

Similarly, the owner can also be changed for a finished task, which sets the task to inactive again. This is especially bad in combinatin with recoverTokens, as the function requires all tasks to be finished when recovering funds for the currency of the project.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Do not allow any changes for finished tasks.

Medium: Funds are allocated to inactive tasks


Impact & Proof Of Concept

allocateFunds ignores the status of a task and will therefore be also called on inactive tasks. This reduces the capital efficiency significantly. A task may never become active, for instance because the subcontractor does not accept the invitation. In such a situation, the builder and contractor cannot even reduce the task cost to 0 (to get the allocated funds back), because they do not have the signature of the subcontractor. They need to invite another subcontractor, accept the invitation, and then change the cost to 0 with the signature of this new subcontractor, which is extremely cumbersome.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Only allocate funds for active tasks to increate the capital efficiency.

Medium: Usage of ERC2771 _msgSender() for access control checks



The ERC2771 _msgSender() (which extracts the real address in case the message originates from a relayer) is used for access control purposes (e.g., restricting calls only to the admin or another contract of the system) in different places. However, these calls will never go over a relayer. Nevertheless, a compromised relayer will be able to circumvent all access control checks.

Of course, I am aware that the relayer needs to be trusted when using ERC2711. However, security is multi-faceted and one should also try to reduce the implications when an attack happens. Currently, an exploiter of the relayer can take over the whole protocol. If _msgSender() would only be used where an end-user interacts with the protocol, the attack surface is smaller and no functionality would be lost with the change.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider using msg.sender for access control checks / whenever only direct calls happen.

Medium: Multiple parallel disputes with TaskAdd not supported



The payload of addTasks includes a taskCount which has to equal the current number of tasks. However, this becomes very problematic when there are multiple disputes in parallel that have TaskAdd as their action. This value has to be chosen at the time of the dispute submission, so what should it be? If it is set to the current task count, only the resolution of the first dispute will succeed, for all other ones, the count will be too high. If it is set to the current task count + the sum of all pending TaskAdd actions, it assumes that all previous disputes will succeed and will be resolved before this one.

Even if there is only one dispute with this action, another problem is if new tasks are added to the project between the submission and dispute resolution.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Use a different technique for the replay protection, e.g. storing the hashes.

Medium: recoverTokens may always revert



In allocateFunds, an upper limit for the loop is correctly enforced, as the maximum gas limit could be reached otherwise (when there are too many unallocated tasks). However, the same is not done in recoverTokens, where the loop iterates over all tasks when one tries to recover any left-over currency. Therefore, when there are many tasks, it can happen that recoverTokens with the currency address always reverts, meaning that the tokens are stuck forever.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Enforce an upper limit similarly to allocateFunds.

Medium: recoverTokens does not allow for cancelled tasks



There can be situations where a task remains in status inactive and is never completed (e.g., because no subcontractor accepted it). While the builder & contractor can use changeOrder to change the cost to 0, they will still not be able to use recoverTokens for retrieving any stuck currency, as the function requires that all tasks (even with cost 0) are finished. Therefore, this money is forever stuck in the contract.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Require that the task is either finished or has a cost of 0.