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262 lines (208 loc) · 11.4 KB

File metadata and controls

262 lines (208 loc) · 11.4 KB

hic file format


  • Header
  • Body
    • Matrix
    • Block
  • Footer
    • Master index
    • Expected value vectors


Field Description Type Value
Magic HiC magic string String HIC
Version Version number int 8
footerPosition File position of the Footer section, containing the master index, expected values, and normalization vectors. long
genomeId Genome identifier (e.g. hg19, mm9, etc) String
nAttributes Number of key-value pair attributes int
List of key-value pair attributes (n = nAttributes). See notes on common attributes below.
key Attribute key String
value Attribute value String
nChrs Number of chromosomes int
List of chromosome lengths (n = nChrs)
chrName Chromosome name String
chrLength Chromosome length int
nBpResolutions Number of base pair resolutions int
List of bin sizes for bp resolution levels (n = nBpResolutions)
resBP Bin size in base pairs int
nFragResolutions Number of fragment resolutions int
List of bin sizes for frag resolution levels (n = nFragResolutions)
resFrag Bin size in fragment units (1, 2, 5, etc) int
List of fragment site positions per chromosome, in same order as chromosome list above (n = nChrs). This section absent if nFragResolutions = 0.
nSites Number of sites for this chromosome int
List of sites (n = nSites)
sitePosition Site position in base pairs int


The Header section is followed immediatly by the Body, which containe the contact map data for each chromosome-chromosome pairing and each resolution.

Matrix metadata

This section contains metadata for the contact matrices. It is repeated for all each chromosome-chromosome pair.
The master index contains an entry for each combination and is used to randomly access a specific matrix as needed. The metadata in this section includes an index for data blocks which contain the actual contact data.

Field Description Type Value
chr1Idx Index for chromosome 1. This is the index into the array of chromosomes defined in the header above. The first chromosome has index 0. int
chr2Idx Index for chromosome 2. int
nResolutions Total number of resolutions for this chromosome-chromosome pair, including base pair and fragment resolutions. int
Resolution metadata. Repeat for each resolution. (n = nResolutions)
unit Distance unit, base-pairs or fragments String BP or FRAG
resIdx Index number for this resolution level, an Array index into the bin size list of the header, first element is 0. int
sumCounts Sum of all counts (or scores) across all bins at current resolution. float
occupiedCellCount Total count of cells that are occupied. Not currently used int 0
percent5 Estimate of 5th percentile of counts among occupied bins. Not currently used float 0
percent95 Estimate of 95th percentile of counts among occupied bins Not currently used float 0
binSize The bin size in base-pairs or fragments int
blockSize Dimension of each block in bins. Blocks are square, so the total number of bins is blockSize^2. See description of grid strcture below int
blockColumnCount The number of columns in the grid of blocks. int
blockCount The number of blocks stored in the file. Note empty blocks are not stored.
Block index. Repeat for each resolution (n = nResolutions)
blockNumber Numeric id for block. This is the linear position of the block in the grid when counted in row-major order. blockNumber = column * blockColumnCount + row where first row and column 0 int
blockPosition File position of block long
blockSizeBytes Size of block in bytes int
Block data
blocks Compressed blocks for all matrices and resolutions. See description below.


A block represents a square sub-matrix of a contact map.

Note: Blocks are indivdually compressed with ZLib

Field Description Type Value
nRecords Number or contact records in this block int
binXOffset X offset for the contact records in this block. The binX value below is relative to this offset.
binYOffset Y offset for the contact records in this block. The binX value below is relative to this offset.
useFloat Flag indicating the value field in contact records for this block are recorded with data type float. If == 1 a float is used, otherwise type is short byte
matrixRepresentation Representation of matrix used for the contact records. If == 1 the representation is a list of rows, if == 2 dense. byte
blockData The block matrix data. See descriptions below, also in the notes section.
Block data - list of rows
Field Description Type Value
rowCount Number or rows short
rows (n = rowCount)
rowNumber Matrix row number, first row is 0 short
recordCount Number of records for this row. Row is sparse, zeroes are not recorded. short
contact records (n = cellCount)
binX X axis index short
value Value (counts or score). The data type is determined by the useFloat flag above. float : short
Block data - dense
Field Description Type Value
nRecords Number of contact records in this block. int
w Width of the dense block. This can be < the blockSize if the edge columns on either side are zeroes. See discussion on block representation below short
contact records (n = nRecords)
value Value (counts or score). The data type is determined by the useFloat flag above. float : short


Field Description Type Value
nBytesV5 Number of bytes for the “version 5” footer, that is everything up to the normalized expected vectors. This field (nBytesV5) is not included, so the total number of bytes between footerPosition and nNormVectors is nBytesV5 + 4. int

Master index

Field Description Type Value
nEntries Number of index entries int
List of index entries (n = nEntries)
key A key constructed from the indeces of the two chromosomes for this matrix. The indeces are defined by the list of chromosomes in the header section with the first chromosome occupying index 0 String
position Position of the start of the chromosome-chromosome matrix record in bytes long
size Size of the chromosome-chromsome matrix record in bytes. This does not include the Block data. int

Expected value vectors

Field Description Type Value
nExpectedValueVectors Number of expected value vectors to follow. These are expected values from the non-normalized observed matrix. int
List of expected value vectors (n = nExpectedValueVectors)
unit Bin units either FRAG or BP. String FRAG : BP
binSize Bin (grid) size for this calculation int
nValues Size of the vector int
List of expected values (n = nValues)
value Expected value double
nChrScaleFactors Number of chromosome normalization factors int
List of normalization factors (n = nChrScaleFactors)
chrIndex Chromosome index int
chrScaleFactor Chromosome scale factor double

Normalized expected value vectors

Field Description Type Value
nNormExpectedValueVectors Number of normalized expected value vectors to follow int
List of normalized vectors (n = nNormExpectedValueVectors)
type Indicates type of normalization String VC:KR:INTER_KR:INTER_VC:GW_KR:GW_VC
unit Bin units either FRAG or BP. String FRAG : BP
binSize Bin (grid) size for this calculation int
nValues Size of the vector int
List of expected values (n = nValues)
value Expected value double
nChrScaleFactors Number of normalizatoin factos for this vector
List of normalization factors (n = nChrScaleFactors)
chrIndex Chromosome index int
chrScaleFactor Chromosome scale factor double

Normalization vectors

Field Description Type Value
nNormVectors Number of normalization vectors int
List of normalization vectors (n= nNormalizationVectors)
type Indicates type of normalization String VC:KR:INTER_KR:INTER_VC:GW_KR:GW_VC
chrIdx Chromosome index int
unit Bin units either FRAG or BP. String FRAG : BP
binSize Resolution int
position File position of value array long
nBytes Size in bytes of value array int
Normalization vector arrays (repeat for each entry above)
nValues Number of values in array int
Normalization vector values (n= nValues)


Data types
  • Strings are null (0) terminated. So for example the string "HIC" is represented by 4 bytes [48 49 43 0]
  • Other data types are Java
    • short - 16 bit integer
    • int - 32 bit integer
    • long - 64 bit integer
    • float - 32 bit floating point
    • double - 64 bit floating point

The attributes table in the header can contain an arbitrary number of key-value string pairs. The Juicer tool inserts one or more of the following attributes.

  • "statistics":
  • "graphs":
  • "software":
  • "nviIndex": reserved for future use
  • "nviLength": reserved for future use

Grid structure

Each chr-chr matrix at a given resolution is subdivided into a grid structure of square blocks. Each block consists of NxN bins, where N is referred to as blockSize. In older versions of the spec, and in code, this parameter is referred to as blockBinCount.

For intra chromosome matrices (chr1 == chr2) only the lower diagonal is stored (row >= column). The upper diagonal can be inferred upon reading by tansposition.

Block matrix representation

The spatial unit for a block is a bin, which can be computed from a genomic position with the formulat

bin = floor(position / binSize).

The origin of a block is then

floor(x / binsSize), floor(y / binSize)

where x and y are genomic positions in either base pairs or fragment number, depending on the

  • List of rows

The list of rows is a sparse matrix format. Each row is represented as follows

rowNumber rowSize [binX1 value1, binX2 value2, ...]

The first row in the matrix has rowNumber = 0. The highest row number possible is blockSize - 1

  • Dense

In dense matrix format all values including zero are output in row major order. Allowance is made however for the possibility that only a sub-matrix of the block is populated, specifically that leading or trailing columns of the block might have no contacts (value = 0). To account for this possibility the maximum column number within the block which has at least 1 non-zero value is determined, which we will call binXMax. The width of the block can then be determined and used to obtain the x and y coordinates in bin units for each value as follows.

     w = (binXMax - binXOffset + 1);
     row = floor(i / w);
     col = i - row * w;
     binX = binXOffset + col;
     binY = binYOffset + row;