This is the readme file for the repo VencordDBC, summarizing what I have added/modified in the original repository (I did not include this in the original repo's readme because it might get lost).
- Summary: Allows the extension to operate on any URL (specifically localhost).
- Changes:
"host_permissions": [ "*://**", "*", "*://localhost:*/*" ], "content_scripts": [ { "run_at": "document_start", "matches": ["*://**", "*://localhost:*/*"], "js": ["content.js"], "all_frames": true, "world": "ISOLATED" }, { "run_at": "document_start", "matches": ["*://**", "*://localhost:*/*"], "js": ["dist/Vencord.js"], "all_frames": true, "world": "MAIN" } ], "web_accessible_resources": [ { "resources": ["dist/*", "third-party/*"], "matches": ["*://**", "*://localhost:*/*"] } ],
- Summary: Automatically creates an Extension file and moves it to the root folder containing Discord Bot Client.
- Changes:
import { readFileSync, existsSync, renameSync, rmSync } from "fs"; // Move folder (BotClient only) if (existsSync("../VencordExtension")) rmSync("../VencordExtension", { recursive: true }); renameSync("dist/chromium-unpacked", "../VencordExtension"); rmSync("dist", { recursive: true });"Moved folder Extension to ../VencordExtension");
- Summary: Displays DBC version in settings.
- Changes:
get botClientVersion() { return window.BotClientNative?.getBotClientVersion() || "^3.6.0"; }, getInfoRows() { const { electronVersion, chromiumVersion, additionalInfo, botClientVersion } = this; const rows = [`Vencord ${gitHash}${additionalInfo}`]; if (botClientVersion) rows.push(`BotClient ${botClientVersion}`); if (electronVersion) rows.push(`Electron ${electronVersion}`); if (chromiumVersion) rows.push(`Chromium ${chromiumVersion}`); return rows; },
- Summary: Disable Sentry
- Changes:
const { stack } = new Error();
if (!(stack?.includes("") || stack?.includes("") || stack?.includes("localhost")) || !String(this).includes("exports:{}") || this.c != null) {
- Summary: Contains botClient plugin and necessary components.
- Summary: Ensures that the extension works properly.
- Changes:
if ((stack?.includes("") || stack?.includes("") || stack?.includes("localhost")) && !Array.isArray(v)) ...
The above is a summary of the changes to help contributors identify what has been modified compared to the original Vencord repository.
- You should check the features according to the following list: #183.