An automatic lesson generator for Psittacus.
PALG auto-generates language lessons, in a json format compatible with that of Psittacus. It mines sentences randomly from a chosen corpus (a text file), and uses them to create lessons leveraging the power of TTS and automatic language translation apis. It supports both online and offline generation of lessons.
You can 'play' lessons generated by PALG on Psittacus.
python3 ./src/ --corpus path/to/corpus.txt --target-lang italian --native-lang english --lesson-size 5 --output path/to/mylesson.txt
This will mine 5 (lesson-size) random sentences from path/to/corpus.txt, a corpus of italian sentences (target-lang), and save the lesson json-file to path/to/mylesson.txt (output). The lesson will be targeted to english-speakers (native-lang).
python3 ./src/ --corpus res/corpus_fr.txt --target-lang french --native-lang italian --lesson-size 5 --output out/lesson.txt