- Added elb support to attach new instances.
- Added an environment variable for all hash mappings "#{key}_keys" that will hold the keys in the hash.
- Added an environment variable for hash and array mappings "#{key}_json" that stores a JSON dump of the hash or array.
- Added support for block device mappings.
- Added support for deleting values when merging using "--" as a knockout prefix.
- Shell commands will have leading and trailing whitespace removed
- All tags will now be explictly converted to strings (AWS doesn't handle implicit conversion)
- Added a new environment variable for all array mappings "#{key}_length" that will hold the length of the array.
- Properties with characters outside of [a-zA-Z0-9_] will have those characters converted to _ before being set as environment variables.
- Make the --yes option automatically accept defaults (as per it's documentation)
- Added a changelog
- Handle an uncommon race condition where the instance has not been created before tags are set