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Accelerating Local LLM-based Research and Development

Documentation python Static Badge GitHub License

OllaLab-Lean is a lean Docker stack designed to help both novice and experienced developers rapidly set up and begin working on LLM-based projects. This is achievable via simplified environment configuration and a cohesive set of tools for Research and Development (R&D). The project includes several key components.

  • Pre-made prompt templates and applications to accelerate research and developments.
  • Ollama for managing local openweight Large Language Models (LLMs).
  • LangChain for orchestrating LLM pipelines, allowing users to seamlessly connect, manage, and optimize their workflows.
  • Streamlit server to locally host dynamic LLM-based web applications.
  • Jupyter Lab server as the integrated development environment (IDE), providing users with an interactive space to write, test, and iterate code efficiently.
  • Neo4J vector database supporting retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) tasks.
  • Data analysis, AI, ML tools such as: DuckDB, AutoGluon, AutoViz, GenSim, etc.
  • Monitoring and Logging tools such as: Elastic Search, Kibana, Grafana, Prometheus.


Main Components of OllaLab Lean

Latest News

  • [2024/09/23] 🚀 Project Initialized

Table of Contents


OllaLab-Lean supports most LLM and Data Science R&D activities. A few sample use cases are:

  • Use pre-made prompt templates and the provided Simple Chat Streamlit application to generate initial codes for R&D projects in any language.
  • Use the provided "Chat with Local Folder" to interact with multiple documents stored in a local folder for research and learning purposes.
  • Use Jupyter Lab and the provided Jupyter Notebooks to learn and experiment with cutting edge topics such as Graph-based Retreival Augmented Generation (RAG), other advanced RAG techniques, knowledge graph algorithms, and so on.
  • Use Jupyter Lab and the installed AutoML, AutoViz packages to efficiently execute Data Science/AI/ML tasks.


You should be familiar with the command line interface, have Docker,Git, and other supporting CLI tools installed. If you are planning to use nVidia GPUs, you should have installed all nVidia supporting software. We will provide a detailed pre-installation instruction focusing on nVidia supporting stack at a later time. For now, please check out Installing Docker Desktop on Windows or Installing Docker Desktop on MAC if you don't have it installed. The below installation steps passed the test for AMD64 architecture, 12GB nVidia GPU, and Docker Compose for Widows on WSL2.

  1. Test if Docker and Docker Compose are running
docker --version
docker info
docker-compose --version
  1. Clean up Docker (optional but recommended)
docker system prune -f
docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)
  1. Clone this repository to your selected current working folder
git clone
  1. Rename the "env.sample" file to ".env". Change the default password/token/secret/salt values in the .env file
  2. Build the Docker Compose project with cache
docker-compose build

or without cache (recommended)

docker-compose build --no-cache
  1. Run the Docker Compose project with Default Services only (recommended for the lean-est stack)
docker-compose up

with Default Services and Monitoring Services

docker-compose --profile monitoring up

with Default Services and Logging Services

docker-compose --profile logging up

with Default Services, Monitoring Services, and Logging Services

docker-compose --profile monitoring --profile logging up
  1. Verify the set up Your running stack should look similar to this OllaLab-Lean Default Stack

  2. Download llama3.1:8b If you are using Docker Desktop, you can click on the Ollama instance and get to the "Exec" tab to get to the instance CLI. In the CLI, run:

ollama pull llama3.1:8b

After it is done, run the following command and verify if llama3.1:8b was successfully pulled.

ollama list

You may pull other models and interact with them via the CLI. However, llama3.1:8b must be pulled for the provided Streamlit apps to work. In the next release, we will allow the Streamlit apps to ask you for which LLMs you want to work with.

Planned Items

  • Add more prompt templates for R&D
  • Adjust the Jupyter Notebooks to be compatible with OllaLab-Lean stack
  • Add LLM-based JSON extractor app
  • Add "Chat with Git Repo" app
  • Add "Chat with API" app
  • Add tutorials for R&D use cases with OllaLab-Lean

File Structure

├── docker-compose.yml          # Main Docker Compose file
├── env.sample                  # Sample .env file, need to be changed to .env with proper values
├── images/                     # Relevant charts and images
├── jupyter_lab/
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── notebooks/
│   │   └── *.ipynb             # Curated notebooks for LLM R&D
│   └── requirements.txt                
├── prompt-templates/           # Prompt templates for LLM-driven R&D
├── streamlit_app/
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── app/
│   │   ├──             # Streamlit app home
│   │   └── pages/      
│   │       ├── folder_chat/    # Storing folders created by Folder Chat app
│   │       ├──  # App to chat with a folder's content
│   │       ├──     # App to chat with requested API data (underdevelopment)
│   │       ├──  # App to chat
│   │       └──      # Chat with a git repository    
│   └── requirements.txt
├── ollama/                     # LLM management and inference API
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   └── scripts/
│       └──       # Script to load LLM model
├── monitoring/
│   ├── prometheus/
│   │   └── prometheus.yml
│   └── grafana/
│       └── provisioning/
│           ├── dashboards/
│           └── datasources/
├── logging/
│   ├── elasticsearch/
│   ├── logstash/
│   │   └── logstash.conf
│   └── kibana/
├── tests/
│   └──
├── scripts/
│   └──       # Host-level firewall configurations
└── .gitignore


We welcome contributions to OllaLab-Lean especially on the Planned Items!

Please see our Contributing Guide for more information on how to get started.


CC0 1.0 Universal

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project and/or cloning the project, you agree to abide by its terms.