RealNotes is a real-time note-taking application that enables users to create, edit, and share notes seamlessly.
- 📝 Real-time note writing and editing
- 🔐 User authentication with Firebase Auth
- 🌐 Cross-platform compatibility
- Frontend: React (TypeScript)
- Backend: Express.js (TypeScript)
- Database: Firebase Realtime Database
- Authentication: Firebase Auth
- Hosting: Vercel, Keyob
- Node.js (v20.14.0)
- npm or yarn
To get started with realnotes, clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd realnotes
yarn install or npm run install
yarn dev or npm run dev
Now we will add the environment variables in the frontend/ and backend/
- Log in to the Firebase Console
- Create a new project and set up Realtime Database and Authentication
- Generate a Firebase Admin SDK JSON file from the Service Accounts section in Project Settings
- Place the generated JSON file in the backend folder root, named firebase.json
NODE_ENV= production | development
FIREBASE_API_KEY= firebase web api key
JWT_SECRET= random key
FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL= firebase realtime database url
FRONTEND_URL= frontend url
ENCRYPT_KEY_SECRET= random pharas
VITE_SERVER_URL= backend url