This document explains why certain conflicts were added to composer.json
references related issues.
symfony/cache": "^6.0
, "symfony/amqp-messenger": "^6.0", "symfony/doctrine-messenger": "^6.0", "symfony/error-handler": "^6.0", "symfony/redis-messenger": "^6.0", "symfony/stopwatch": "^6.0", "symfony/twig-bridge": "^6.0", "symfony/var-dumper": "^6.0", "symfony/var-exporter": "^6.0",:These libraries still happen to be installed with Sylius if no flex is used. As we don't support Sf6 yet they are conflicted. Installation of symfony/cache v6.0 results with following error:
Uncaught Error: Class "Symfony\Component\Cache\DoctrineProvider" not found
symfony/password-hasher": "^6.0
:Symfony in version 5.3 change password hashing logic, and in version 6.0 they removed BC layer
References: Sylius#13358
:This version makes Gedmo Doctrine Extensions fail (tree and position behaviour mostly).
References: doctrine/DoctrineBundle#1305
:This version contains service with a wrong constructor arguments:
Invalid definition for service ".container.private.profiler": argument 4 of "JMS\SerializerBundle\Debug\DataCollector::__construct()" accepts "JMS\SerializerBundle\Debug\TraceableDriver", "JMS\SerializerBundle\Debug\TraceableMetadataFactory" passed.
References: schmittjoh/JMSSerializerBundle#902
:This version is causing a problem with mink session:
InvalidArgumentException: Specify session name to get in vendor/friends-of-behat/mink/src/Mink.php:198
, Psalm error:UndefinedDocblockClass: Docblock-defined class, interface or enum named UnitEnum does not exist
. -
:This version is causing a problem with returning null as token from
which leads to wrong solving path prefix bySylius\Bundle\ApiBundle\Provider\PathPrefixProvider
in API scenarios -
:The FQCN of
has changed to:ApiPlatform\Metadata\Resource\ResourceNameCollection
and due to this factSylius\Bundle\ApiBundle\Swagger\AcceptLanguageHeaderDocumentationNormalizer
references this class throws an exceptionClass "ApiPlatform\Core\Metadata\Resource\ResourceNameCollection" not found
:Due to the changes in the skolem IRI generation (see this PR)