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File metadata and controls

181 lines (133 loc) · 5.17 KB

Shared Memory (SHM) Enablement

Update Provider Configuration File

Providers must be updated with attributes in order to bid on the SHM deplloyments.

NOTE - in the Akash Provider build documentation a provider.yaml file was created and which stores provider attribute/other settings. In this section we will update that provider.yaml file with SHM related attributes. The remainder of the pre-existing file should be left unchanged.

Access Provider Configuration File

  • Steps included in this code block create the necessary provider.yaml file in the expected directory
cd ~

cd provider

vim provider.yaml

Update the Provider YAML File With SHM Attribute

  • When the provider.yaml file update is complete look like the following example.
  - key: capabilities/storage/3/class
    value: ram
  - key: capabilities/storage/3/persistent
    value: false

Example Provider Config File

key: "$(cat ~/key.pem | openssl base64 -A)"
keysecret: "$(echo $KEY_PASSWORD | openssl base64 -A)"
domain: "$DOMAIN"
node: "$AKASH_NODE"
withdrawalperiod: 12h
  - key: host
    value: akash
  - key: tier
    value: community
  - key: capabilities/storage/3/class
    value: ram
  - key: capabilities/storage/3/persistent
    value: false

Update Provider Via Helm

helm upgrade --install akash-provider akash/provider -n akash-services -f provider.yaml \
--set bidpricescript="$(cat /root/provider/ | openssl base64 -A)"

Update the Inventory Operator with SHM Support

NOTE - when your Akash Provider was initially installed a step was included to also install the Akash Inventory Operator. In this step we will make any necessary changes to the inventory operator for SHM support.

Helm Chart - values.yaml file

  • The values.yaml file for the inventory operator defaults are as follows
  • To support SHM we must update the inventory operator to include SHM/ram class. We will update the inventory operator with such support in the subsequent step.
# Default values for inventory-operator.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.

  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

  # Allow users to specify cluster storage options
    - default
    - beta2
    nodes: []
    node_storage: []

Update Cluster Storage Cluster Setting

  • Use this command to update the cluster storage settings with SHM support

NOTE - in the example we include the support of persistent storage type of beta3 as well. Adjust this section appropriately based on your provider's support of persistent storage.

helm upgrade --install inventory-operator akash/akash-inventory-operator -n akash-services --set inventoryConfig.cluster_storage[0]=default,inventoryConfig.cluster_storage[1]=beta3,inventoryConfig.cluster_storage[2]=ram

Expected Output

root@node1:~/helm-charts/charts# helm install inventory-operator akash/akash-inventory-operator -n akash-services

NAME: inventory-operator
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu May  5 18:15:57 2022
NAMESPACE: akash-services
STATUS: deployed

Verify Health of Akash Provider

Use the following command to verify the health of the Akash Provider and Hostname Operator pods

kubectl get pods -n akash-services

Example/Expected Output

root@node1:~/provider# kubectl get pods -n akash-services
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
akash-hostname-operator-5c59757fcc-kt7dl   1/1     Running   0          17s
akash-provider-0                           1/1     Running   0          59s

Verify Provider Attributes On Chain

  • In this step we ensure that your updated Akash Provider Attributes have been updated on the blockchain. Ensure that the GPU model related attributes are now in place via this step.

NOTE - conduct this verification from your Kubernetes control plane node

# Ensure that a RPC node environment variable is present for query
export AKASH_NODE=

# Replace the provider address with your own value
provider-services query provider get <provider-address>

Example/Expected Output

provider-services query provider get akash1mtnuc449l0mckz4cevs835qg72nvqwlul5wzyf

- key: region
  value: us-central
- key: host
  value: akash
- key: tier
  value: community
- key: organization
  value: akash test provider
- key: capabilities/storage/3/class
  value: ram
- key: capabilities/storage/3/persistent
  value: false
  email: ""
  website: ""
owner: akash1mtnuc449l0mckz4cevs835qg72nvqwlul5wzyf

Verify Akash Provider Image

Verify the Provider image is correct by running this command:

kubectl -n akash-services get pod akash-provider-0 -o yaml | grep image: | uniq -c

Expected/Example Output

root@node1:~/provider# kubectl -n akash-services get pod akash-provider-0 -o yaml | grep image: | uniq -c
      4     image: