Laravel Mpesa Package by Akika Digital
This Laravel package provides convenient methods for integrating Mpesa Daraja API's functionalities into your Laravel application.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require akika/laravel-mpesa
After installing the package, publish the configuration file using the following command:
php artisan mpesa:install
This will generate a mpesa.php file in your config directory where you can set your Mpesa credentials and other configuration options.
Add the following configurations into the .env file
NOTE: The mpesa.php config file sets the default MPESA_ENV
value to sandbox
. This will always load sandbox urls.
All responses, except the token generation response, conform to the responses documented on the daraja portal.
use Akika\LaravelMpesa\Mpesa;
$mpesa = new Mpesa();
You can fetch the token required for Mpesa API calls as follows:
$token = $mpesa->getToken();
You can fetch mpesa account balance as follows:
$balance = $mpesa->getBalance();
You can register validation and confirmation URLs for C2B transactions:
$response = $mpesa->c2bRegisterUrl();
You can register the C2B URLs using the provided command below:
php artisan mpesa:register-c2b-urls
The above command requires you to have set the below variables in your env or in the config file:
You can simulate payment requests from clients:
$response = $mpesa->c2bSimulate($amount, $phoneNumber, $billRefNumber, $commandID);
You can initiate online payment on behalf of a customer:
$response = $mpesa->stkPush($accountNumber, $phoneNumber, $amount, $transactionDesc);
can be null
You can query the result of a STK Push transaction:
$response = $mpesa->stkPushStatus($checkoutRequestID);
You can reverse a C2B M-Pesa transaction:
$response = $mpesa->reverse($transactionId, $amount, $receiverShortCode, $remarks);
is an optional field.
You can perform Business to Customer transactions:
$response = $mpesa->b2cTransaction($oversationId, $commandID, $msisdn, $amount, $remarks, $ocassion);
is an optional field.
This API enables you to load funds to a B2C shortcode directly for disbursement. The transaction moves money from your MMF/Working account to the recipient’s utility account.
$response = $mpesa->b2cTopup($accountReference, $receiverShortCode, $amount, $remarks);
: A unique (system generated) identifier for the transaction.$receiverShortCode
: The shortcode to which money will be moved$amount
: The transaction amount.$remarks
: Any additional information to be associated with the transaction.
You can perform Business to Business transactions:
$response = $mpesa->b2bPaybill($destShortcode, $amount, $remarks, $accountNumber, $resultUrl, $timeoutUrl, $requester = null);
: This is the party receiving the money.$accountNumber
: The account number to be associated with the payment. Up to 13 characters.$requester
is an optional field.
This api accepts variables as provided in section B2B Paybill above.
$response = $mpesa->b2bBuyGoods($destShortcode, $amount, $remarks, $accountNumber, $resultUrl, $timeoutUrl, $requester = null);
$response = $mpesa->b2bExpressCheckout($destShortcode, $partnerName, $amount, $paymentReference, $requestRefID);
: This is the party receiving the money.$partnerName
: This is the organization Friendly name used by the vendor as known by the Merchant.$paymentReference
: This is a reference to the payment being made. This will appear in the text for easy reference by the merchant. e.g. Order ID$requestRefID
: This is an auto-genarated reference ID generated by your system.
You can generate QR codes for making payments:
$response = $mpesa->dynamicQR($merchantName, $refNo, $trxCode, $cpi, $size, $amount = null);
is an optional field
You can optin to the bill manager service and send invoices:
$response = $mpesa->billManagerOptin($email, $phoneNumber, $sendReminders);
$response = $mpesa->sendInvoice($reference, $billedTo, $phoneNumber, $billingPeriod, $invoiceName, $dueDate, $amount, $items);
is a boolean field. Allows true or false (1 or 0)
You can remit tax to the government:
$response = $mpesa->taxRemittance($amount, $receiverShortCode, $accountReference, $remarks);
The Standing Order APIs enable teams to integrate with the standing order solution by initiating a request to create a standing order on the customer profile.
$response = $mpesa->ratiba($name, $startDate, $endDate, $transactionType, $type, $amount, $msisdn,$accountReference, $transactionDesc, $frequency)
: Name of standing order that must be unique for each customer.$startDate
: The date you wish for the standing order to start executing$endDate
: The date you wish for the standing order to stop executing$transactionType
: This is the transaction type that is used to identify the transaction when sending the request to M-PESA. Either till or paybill$type
: This is the transaction type that is used to identify the transaction when sending the request to M-PESA.$amount
: This is the money that the customer pays to the Shortcode.$phoneNumber
: The phone number sending money. The parameter expected is a Valid Safaricom Mobile Number that is M-PESA registered in the format 2547XXXXXXXX$accountReference
: This is a unique identifier for the transaction and is generated by the system. It has a maximum limit of 13 characters.$transactionDesc
: This is any additional information/comment that can be sent along with the request from your system. Maximum of 13 Characters$frequency
: The frequency of the standing order (one-off, daily, weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, half-year, annually)
The following API takes in the start and and end dates and returns the transactions between that period.
$response = $mpesa->mpesaTransactionsHistory($startDate, $endDate, $offset = 0);
"ResponseRefID": "8bab-42cc-bb85-5056a6c01e6915928124",
"ResponseCode": "1000",
"ResponseMessage": "Success",
"Response": [
"transactionId": "XXXXXXXXX",
"trxDate": "2025-01-24T10:56:11+03:00",
"msisdn": 2547XXXXXXXX,
"sender": "MPESA",
"transactiontype": "c2b-buy-goods-debit",
"billreference": "",
"amount": "2697.0",
"organizationname": "VENDOR"
$response has the following as a json object
"OriginatorConversationID": "5118-111210482-1",
"ConversationID": "AG_20230420_2010759fd5662ef6d054",
"ResponseCode": "0",
"ResponseDescription": "Accept the service request successfully."
A successful result body has the following structure
"ResultType": "0",
"ResultDesc": "The service request is processed successfully",
"Value":"{Amount={CurrencyCode=KES, MinimumAmount=618683, BasicAmount=6186.83}}"
"Value":"Working Account|KES|346568.83|6186.83|340382.00|0.00"
"Value":000000– Biller Companty
"Value":"{Amount={CurrencyCode=KES, MinimumAmount=618683, BasicAmount=6186.83}}"
{"Key":"BillReferenceNumber", "Value":"19008"},
{"Key":"QueueTimeoutURL", "Value":""}
An unsuccessful result body has the following structure
"ResultDesc":"The initiator information is invalid.",
The Laravel Mpesa package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.