A mini (1.6kb compressed and 1.1kb gziped!) high-performance animation library.
Provide promise-based API.
In a browser:
<script src="https://s3.ssl.qhres.com/!ed7dc4fe/animator-0.3.2.js"></script>
Create an animation with duration
var a1 = new Animator(1000, function(p){
var tx = 100 * p;
block.style.transform = 'translateX('
+ tx + 'px)';
var a2 = new Animator(1000, function(p){
var ty = 100 * p;
block.style.transform = 'translate(100px,'
+ ty + 'px)';
var a3 = new Animator(1000, function(p){
var tx = 100 * (1-p);
block.style.transform = 'translate('
+ tx + 'px, 100px)';
var a4 = new Animator(1000, function(p){
var ty = 100 * (1-p);
block.style.transform = 'translateY('
+ ty + 'px)';
block.addEventListener('click', async function(){
await a1.animate();
await a2.animate();
await a3.animate();
await a4.animate();
Start the animation and return a promise.
Return a new animation with a new easing.
var easeInOutBack = BezierEasing(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55);
var a1 = new Animator(2000, function(ep,p){
var x = 200 * ep;
block.style.transform = 'translateX(' + x + 'px)';
}, easeInOutBack);
var a2 = a1.ease(p => easeInOutBack(1 - p)); //reverse a1
block.addEventListener('click', async function(){
await a1.animate();
await a2.animate();
Cancel the animation and reject the promise.
Download the codebase and run:
npm install
You can start a sever through:
npm start
Build and deploy the JS file:
npm run build