This project provides a library to interface third-party PDDL planners on Android.
It includes utilities to parse and manipulate PDDL strings and represent PDDL entities in Kotlin.
It provides various helpers to perform planning around the
that abstracts away the planner implementation.
It also provides a
service interface
to allow third-party implementations to be deployed as stand-alone applications.
This library is publicly available on Maven Central, but not in JCenter.
The build.gradle
at the root of your project should mention:
allprojects {
repositories {
Then add the following dependency in your module's build.gradle
implementation 'com.softbankrobotics.pddl:pddl-planning:1.4.0'
This project also provides
helpers to check expected plans for given PDDL problems.
It also includes some PDDL tests that you can run with a third-party planner.
Add the following test dependency in your module's build.gradle
androidTestImplementation 'com.softbankrobotics.pddl:pddl-planning-test:1.4.0'
Then, let a test extend the interface
to provide the included test units.
You can also get only the non-instrumented tests by defining the following dependency:
testImplementation 'com.softbankrobotics.pddl:pddl-planning-test:1.4.0'
Then, let a test extend the interface
to provide the included test units.
However there are much fewer tests with this interface.
This project is distributed under the BSD-3 license.