The lucene index implementation on the record layer consists of several components. The first component is a Directory implementation backed by an FDB KeySpace.
- Directory Implementation
A Directory provides an abstraction layer for storing a list of files. A directory contains only files (no sub-folder hierarchy). Implementing classes must comply with the following: A file in a directory can be created (createOutput(java.lang.String,, appended to, then closed. A file open for writing may not be available for read access until the corresponding IndexOutput is closed. Once a file is created it must only be opened for input (openInput(java.lang.String,, or deleted (deleteFile(java.lang.String)). Calling createOutput(java.lang.String, on an existing file must throw FileAlreadyExistsException.
- Lucene Index Maintenance and Scans
The LuceneIndexMaintainer provides core functionality for scanning Lucene Indexes backed by FoundationDB. The core scan interface is the existing Lucene Query Parser syntax.