Quarto is a markdown-type language that can be used to make (among others) presentations and reports. More on Quarto and how to install it can be found here.
This template makes it easier to include code and functions in your presentations due to the markdown nature of Quarto. The code is integrated into the slides and you can directly show the output of the code in the presentation. Quarto also allows you to generate html presentations, PowerPoint presentations, or pdf presentations from the same quarto file (This template is optimized for an html presentation). This standardized template also ensures you do not have to bother with the formatting every time you need to make a new presentation.
The template is made to create presentations in html using quarto for Tilburg University presentations. The templates contains information on how to format the slides and how to insert things like tables and figures.
This template can be used to create presentations with standard formatting and the Tilburg University logo included. To use this template in a new presentation simply run the following line in the command prompt:
quarto use template tilburgsciencehub/quarto_templates
This will ask you to specify the name of the folder you want the new presentation to be created in. The name of template.qmd will also be changed to this new name.
The easiest way to edit the content of the template is by opening the qmd file in RStudio or Visual Studio Code here all contents can be changed as preferred.
You can edit all the content of the template below the yaml specification. Within this specification, you can change the title, author, footer and the name of the .bib file if necessary. YOu can also choose to use an alternative form of the Tilburg university logo by uncommenting the second logo line and commenting the first one.
More functionalities will be added as examples to this template in the future