Contains dictionaries for many chord voicings. Used by @tonaljs/voicings.
import { VoicingDictionary } from "tonal";
const { VoicingDictionary } = require("tonal");
Maps a chord symbol to a set of voicings:
const lefthand = {
m7: ["3m 5P 7m 9M", "7m 9M 10m 12P"],
"7": ["3M 6M 7m 9M", "7m 9M 10M 13M"],
"^7": ["3M 5P 7M 9M", "7M 9M 10M 12P"],
"69": ["3M 5P 6A 9M"],
m7b5: ["3m 5d 7m 8P", "7m 8P 10m 12d"],
"7b9": ["3M 6m 7m 9m", "7m 9m 10M 13m"],
"7b13": ["3M 6m 7m 9m", "7m 9m 10M 13m"],
o7: ["1P 3m 5d 6M", "5d 6M 8P 10m"],
"7#11": ["7m 9M 11A 13A"],
"7#9": ["3M 7m 9A"],
mM7: ["3m 5P 7M 9M", "7M 9M 10m 12P"],
m6: ["3m 5P 6M 9M", "6M 9M 10m 12P"],
See @tonaljs/voicings for usage examples.