- Chainable Modifier and Attribute. Managers should have default methods for modifier's individual attributes.
- Retriever for chainable retrieving options. (With query params such as "limit", "before") Retrieve MessageHistory, Reactions, Audit Logs, Recent Mentions(Client).
- FriendSuggestion (Unknown json object)
- GuildWidget - Parse Guild Embed Json, and get widget png.
- Done : Tested and working.
- Half-Done : Missing stuff.
- Not Done
- Guild
- Member
- Role
- User
- Channel
- GuildChannel
- TextChannel
- VoiceChannel
- PrivateChannel
- Group
- IChannelManager (For both text and voice)
- Message
- Permission
- Emoji
- Invite
- InviteBuilder
- Webhook
- OAuth - Get information about the authorized users and perform actions.
- Client - Create objects such as Group, Connection, Friend, etc.
- Bot - Get the bot application information.
- MessageProcessor - Add the ability to ignore markdowns and mentions
- Command Line Interface - A built in command line interface, used to get status about the identity, and shutdown, startup identities and connections.
- Events - Events for clients, guild members, voice states.
- Audio Support - Add user voice states, connections. Add a new web socket client for voice connection. Get received and sent voice data. Built-in audio players, track loaders, easy to extend and customize.