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Someday Feature Wishlist

lilliealbert edited this page Jan 21, 2013 · 5 revisions

Improving Post-Workshop Experience

  • People would take photos at every workshop and there would be a blog post afterwards.
    • Bridge Troll would help organizers identify who to specifically ask to blog about the workshop
    • Bridge Troll could help collect the tweets / posts about that specific workshop
  • Students would be aware of post-workshop resources
    • Online / well-known resources
    • In-person / less-advertised resources from RailsBridge volunteers
  • Teachers would get feedback

Increase Community Communication

  • Students would be able to see a list of the people in their group and be able to get in touch afterwards
  • Profiles that focus on community and teaching
    • Organizers could see whether people flake out, but public profiles should just show what they have done
  • Organizers to be able to know each other, and be able to easily see a list of organizers and/or volunteers sorted by how active they have been.

Study This Thing

  • Very someday: track people's success over time, understand quantitatively the efficacy of the workshops