- The Neophyte's Guide to Scala
- Scala Tour
- Applicative ramblings in Scala
- Introduction to Category Theory in Scala
- Functors and things using Scala
- Number crunching in Scala
- Scala Math - Numerical (Matlab-like) and Symbolic (Mathematica-like) tool
- «Перегрузка операторов» в Scala
- Scala. Всем выйти из сумрака! (i.e. scala implicits)
- Cake pattern in depth
- ScalaZ3 for Scala 2.10 : an example of using JNI
- A Simple Java Native Interface (JNI) example in Java and Scala
- Scala Design Patterns
Scala to native code
Depedent Types, Scala and Idris
От зависимых типов к гомотопической теории типов на Scala + Shapeless + ProvingGround