If you enable Ceres event monitoring either by editing the Ceres.json or by issuing the command:
ceres setopt launch-monitor=true
then subsequently Ceres will attempt to launch a separate process with a console window that continuously displays statistics related to the running Ceres process.
Internally this monitoring is accomplished by Ceres automatically a launching at startup the .NET utility "dotnet-counters" with a command of the following form:
dotnet-counters monitor --process-id <CERES_PROCESS_ID> Ceres System.Runtime Ceres.MCTS.Environment.MCTSEventSource
Note that this requires that this .NET utility have already be installed (or updated to the latest version) for example with the following command:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-counters
The output of the montitoring tool consists of two sections. The first section show standard statistics associated with the .NET runtime, such as the memory consumption of the running process. The second section shows statistics specific to Ceres, such as the number of nodes evaluated per second. For example: