App that fetches data from the Magic the Gathering API.
Follow the next instructions to get a copy of the project up and running in your local machine.
- Install Node.
Run the following commands:
git clone
npm install
Run the following command:
npm run dev
This is the folder structure:
|-- pages/ Next.js pages
|-- src Source code
| |-- apis/ APIs (magic)
| |-- assets/ Assets (images, fonts, etc...)
| |-- components/ Dumb components
| |-- containers/ Containers AKA smart components
| |-- hoc/ High order components
| |-- scss/ SCSS files using ITCSS
| |-- store/ Global store using Redux
| `-- utils/ Util libs
|-- .gitignore Files that GIT will ignore
|-- next.config.js Next.js configuration file
|-- package.json npm configuration and dependencies
|-- package-lock.json npm fixed version dependencies
|-- Your are looking at it
|-- webpack.junk.js Fake webpack config for IDE settings
Our CSS architecture is using ITCSS. We are also using BEM Methodology for components.
In this project, we used three 3rd party libraries (axios, normalizr and swiper).