StreamingRelationStrategy Execution Planning Strategy for StreamingRelation and StreamingExecutionRelation Logical Operators
is an streaming execution planning strategy (i.e. Strategy
) that converts StreamingRelation
and StreamingExecutionRelation
logical operators (in the logical query plan of a streaming Dataset) to StreamingRelationExec
physical operator.
StreamingRelation logical operator represents a streaming source in a logical plan and is created when StreamingExecutionRelation logical operator also represents a streaming source in a logical plan, but is used internally when |
is used exclusively when IncrementalExecution plans the logical plan of a streaming Dataset for explain operator.
converts StreamingRelation and StreamingExecutionRelation logical operators in a logical query plan to a StreamingRelationExec physical operator (with their sourceName
and output
schema) to give a corresponding physical query plan.
is available using SessionState
(of a SparkSession
val rates = spark.
load // <-- gives a streaming Dataset with a logical plan with StreamingRelation logical operator
// StreamingRelation logical operator for the rate streaming source
scala> println(rates.queryExecution.logical.numberedTreeString)
00 StreamingRelation DataSource(org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession@31ba0af0,rate,List(),None,List(),None,Map(),None), rate, [timestamp#0, value#1L]
// StreamingRelationExec physical operator (shown without "Exec" suffix)
scala> rates.explain
== Physical Plan ==
StreamingRelation rate, [timestamp#0, value#1L]
// Let's do the planning manually
import spark.sessionState.planner.StreamingRelationStrategy
val physicalPlan = StreamingRelationStrategy.apply(rates.queryExecution.logical).head
scala> println(physicalPlan.numberedTreeString)
00 StreamingRelation rate, [timestamp#0, value#1L]