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Wordpress Ecs fargate Template

this is ready for deploy Aws ecs fargate template


  1. AWS account.

  2. aws cli installed.


  1. Installing ecs cli

Folders Structure

config // nginx and php-fpm configuration

ops // json definitions for aws roles and processes

site // app files

.gitignore //ready to use with bedrock from

buidspec.yml // code build instructions

*.Dockerfile // both of the dockers that will be build at the process. YOU SHOULD CHANGE THEIR FROM SECTION. // here i am

How to use this repo

mkdir ${name-of-your-project}
cd ${name-of-your-project}

git clone ./

ECR - if not exsits

  1. create two ECR repositories: one for php-app and one for nginx: create-repository --repository-name ${applicationName}-${environment}-fpm && create-repository --repository-name ${applicationName}-${environment}-nginx.


  1. change all {} content at ops/codePipelineServiceRole.json create codePipeline service role by aws iam create-role --role-name ${applicationName}-${environment} --assume-role-policy-document file://ops/codePipelineServiceRole.json
  2. modify ops/codePipeline.json with the correct name for your app. create new codePipeline using aws cli aws codepipeline create-pipeline --cli-input-json file://ops/codePipeline.json or manually.

Lambda function - if not exists

  1. change all {} content at ops/lambdaServiceRole.json create service role by aws iam create-role --role-name arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/updateECSImage-service-role --assume-role-policy-document file://ops/codePiplineServiceRole.json
  2. zip lambda file zip ops/ ops/
  3. deploy lambda function aws lambda create-function --function-name updateECSImage --zip-file fileb://ops/ --handler lambda.handler --runtime python2,7 --role arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/updateECSImage-service-role

ECS Task

  1. change all {} content at ops/ecsTaskExecutionRole.json create service role by aws iam create-role --role-name arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole file://ops/ecsTaskExecutionRole.json.
  2. change all {} content at ops/task-definition.json and register the task aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://ops/task-definition.json

ECS Service

  1. create cluster if doesn't exists aws ecs create-cluster --cluster-name "${application-name}"
  2. create service aws ecs create-service --service-name ${app name}-${environment}-service --task-definition {task-definition family name} --desired-count 1 (you can use any other desired count)


  1. add declarative loadBalancer security groups, target group and https configuration.

App files

It's recommended to use bedrock.

cd site
composer create-project roots/bedrock ./

before initial commit you Should add php-fpm docker image path to fpm.Dockerfile (line 1). I Use Wp-Engine as php-fpm container.

How Does It work

  1. dockerBuild install dependencies and create 2 docker image and push them into ECR repo.

  2. Nginx and PHP-FPM configuration (from config/ folder) being copied to the containers.

  3. With the help of a simple lambda function (ops/, i updated ECS service, and reDeployed it.