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Appium server arguments

Usage: node . [flags]

Server flags

All flags are optional, but some are required in conjunction with certain others.


Flag Default Description Example
--shell null Enter REPL mode
--localizable-strings-dir en.lproj IOS only: the relative path of the dir where Localizable.strings file resides --localizable-strings-dir en.lproj
--app null IOS: abs path to simulator-compiled .app file or the bundle_id of the desired target on device; Android: abs path to .apk file --app /abs/path/to/
--ipa null (IOS-only) abs path to compiled .ipa file --ipa /abs/path/to/my.ipa
-q, --quiet false Don't use verbose logging output (deprecated, use --log-level instead)
-U, --udid null Unique device identifier of the connected physical device --udid 1adsf-sdfas-asdf-123sdf
-a, --address IP Address to listen on --address
-p, --port 4723 port to listen on --port 4723
-ca, --callback-address (same as --address) IP Address to use to for http callback --callback-address
-cp, --callback-port (same as --port) port to use to for http callback --port 4723
-bp, --bootstrap-port 4724 (Android-only) port to use on device to talk to Appium --bootstrap-port 4724
-r, --backend-retries 3 (iOS-only) How many times to retry launching Instruments before saying it crashed or timed out --backend-retries 3
--session-override false Enables session override (clobbering)
--full-reset false (iOS) Delete the entire simulator folder. (Android) Reset app state by uninstalling app instead of clearing app data. On Android, this will also remove the app after the session is complete.
--no-reset false Don't reset app state between sessions (IOS: don't delete app plist files; Android: don't uninstall app before new session)
-l, --pre-launch false Pre-launch the application before allowing the first session (Requires --app and, for Android, --app-pkg and --app-activity)
-lt, --launch-timeout 90000 (iOS-only) how long in ms to wait for Instruments to launch
-g, --log null Also send log output to this file --log /path/to/appium.log
--log-level debug log level (default: debug) --log-level debug
--log-timestamp false Show timestamps in console output
--local-timezone false Use local timezone for timestamps
--log-no-colors false Don't use colors in console output
-G, --webhook null Also send log output to this HTTP listener --webhook localhost:9876
--native-instruments-lib false (IOS-only) IOS has a weird built-in unavoidable delay. We patch this in appium. If you do not want it patched, pass in this flag.
--app-pkg null (Android-only) Java package of the Android app you want to run (e.g., --app-pkg
--app-activity null (Android-only) Activity name for the Android activity you want to launch from your package (e.g., MainActivity) --app-activity MainActivity
--app-wait-package false (Android-only) Package name for the Android activity you want to wait for (e.g., --app-wait-package
--app-wait-activity false (Android-only) Activity name for the Android activity you want to wait for (e.g., SplashActivity) --app-wait-activity SplashActivity
--android-coverage false (Android-only) Fully qualified instrumentation class. Passed to -w in adb shell am instrument -e coverage true -w --android-coverage
--avd null (Android-only) Name of the avd to launch --avd @default
--avd-args null (Android-only) Additional emulator arguments to launch the avd --avd-args -no-snapshot-load
--device-ready-timeout 5 (Android-only) Timeout in seconds while waiting for device to become ready --device-ready-timeout 5
--intent-action android.intent.action.MAIN (Android-only) Intent action which will be used to start activity android.intent.action.VIEW
--intent-category android.intent.category.LAUNCHER (Android-only) Intent category which will be used to start activity android.intent.category.APP_CONTACTS
--intent-flags 0x10200000 (Android-only) Flags that will be used to start activity 0x10200000
--intent-args null (Android-only) Additional intent arguments that will be used to start activity. See Intent arguments --esn <EXTRA_KEY>, --ez <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_BOOLEAN_VALUE>
--safari false (IOS-Only) Use the safari app
--device-name null Name of the mobile device to use --device-name iPhone Retina (4-inch), Android Emulator
--platform-name null Name of the mobile platform: iOS, Android, or FirefoxOS --platform-name iOS
--platform-version null Version of the mobile platform --platform-version 7.1
--automation-name null Name of the automation tool: Appium or Selendroid --automation-name Appium
--browser-name null Name of the mobile browser: Safari or Chrome --browser-name Safari
--default-device, -dd false (IOS-Simulator-only) use the default simulator that instruments launches on its own
--force-iphone false (IOS-only) Use the iPhone Simulator no matter what the app wants
--force-ipad false (IOS-only) Use the iPad Simulator no matter what the app wants
--language null Language for the iOS simulator / Android Emulator --language en
--locale null Locale for the iOS simulator / Android Emulator --locale en_US
--calendar-format null (IOS-only) calendar format for the iOS simulator --calendar-format gregorian
--orientation null (IOS-only) use LANDSCAPE or PORTRAIT to initialize all requests to this orientation --orientation LANDSCAPE
--tracetemplate null (IOS-only) .tracetemplate file to use with Instruments --tracetemplate /Users/me/Automation.tracetemplate
--show-sim-log false (IOS-only) if set, the iOS simulator log will be written to the console
--nodeconfig null Configuration JSON file to register appium with selenium grid --nodeconfig /abs/path/to/nodeconfig.json
-ra, --robot-address IP Address of robot --robot-address
-rp, --robot-port -1 port for robot --robot-port 4242
--selendroid-port 8080 Local port used for communication with Selendroid --selendroid-port 8080
--chromedriver-port 9515 Port upon which ChromeDriver will run --chromedriver-port 9515
--chromedriver-executable null ChromeDriver executable full path
--use-keystore false (Android-only) When set the keystore will be used to sign apks.
--keystore-path /Users/user/.android/debug.keystore (Android-only) Path to keystore
--keystore-password android (Android-only) Password to keystore
--key-alias androiddebugkey (Android-only) Key alias
--key-password android (Android-only) Key password
--show-config false Show info about the appium server configuration and exit
--no-perms-check false Bypass Appium's checks to ensure we can read/write necessary files
--command-timeout 60 The default command timeout for the server to use for all sessions. Will still be overridden by newCommandTimeout cap
--keep-keychains false (iOS) Whether to keep keychains (Library/Keychains) when reset app between sessions
--strict-caps false Cause sessions to fail if desired caps are sent in that Appium does not recognize as valid for the selected device
--tmp null Absolute path to directory Appium can use to manage temporary files, like built-in iOS apps it needs to move around. On *nix/Mac defaults to /tmp, on Windows defaults to C:\Windows\Temp
--trace-dir null Absolute path to directory Appium uses to stor trace, defaults
to <tmpDir>/appium-instruments