Note for Java users: Due to type checking in Java, inputs and outputs are formated quite differently in this language. See the footnotes of the description.
You have the following lattice points with their corresponding coordinates and each one with an specific colour.
Point [x , y] Colour
A [ 3, 4] Blue
B [-7, -1] Red
C [ 7, -6] Yellow
D [ 2, 5] Yellow
E [ 1, -5] Red
F [-1, 4] Red
G [ 1, 7] Red
H [-3, 5] Red
I [-3, -5] Blue
J [ 4, 1] Blue
We want to count the triangles that have the three vertices with the same colour. The following picture shows the distribution of the points in the plane with the required triangles.
The input that we will have for the field of lattice points described above is:
[[[3, -4], "blue"], [[-7, -1], "red"], [[7, -6], "yellow"], [[2, 5], "yellow"],
[[1, -5], "red"], [[-1, 4], "red"], [[1, 7], "red"], [[-3, 5], "red"],
[[-3, -5], "blue"], [[4, 1], "blue"] ]
We see the following result from it:
Colour Amount of Triangles Triangles
Yellow 0 -------
Blue 1 AIJ
As we have 5 different points in red and each combination of 3 points that are not aligned.
We need a code that may give us the following information in order:
1) Total given points
2) Total number of colours
3) Total number of possible triangles
4) and 5) The colour (or colours, sorted alphabetically) with the highest amount of triangles
In Python our function will work like:
[10, 3, 11, ["red",10]]) == count_col_triang([[[3, -4], "blue"], [[-7, -1], "red"], [[7, -6], "yellow"], [[2, 5], "yellow"],
[[1, -5], "red"], [[-1, 4], "red"], [[1, 7], "red"], [[-3, 5], "red"],
[[-3, -5], "blue"], [[4, 1], "blue"] ])
In the following case we have some points that are aligned and we have less triangles that can be formed:
[10, 3, 7, ["red", 6]] == count_col_triang([[[3, -4], "blue"], [[-7, -1], "red"], [[7, -6], "yellow"], [[2, 5], "yellow"],
[[1, -5], "red"], [[1, 1], "red"], [[1, 7], "red"], [[1, 4], "red"],
[[-3, -5], "blue"], [[4, 1], "blue"] ])
Just to see the change with the previous case we have this:
In the special case that the list of points does not generate an even single triangle, the output will be like this case:
[9, 3, 0, []] == count_col_triang([[[1, -2], "red"], [[7, -6], "yellow"], [[2, 5], "yellow"], [[1, -5], "red"],
[[1, 1], "red"], [[1, 7], "red"], [[1, 4], "red"], [[-3, -5], "blue"],
[[4, 1], "blue"] ])
It will be this case:
If in the result we have two or more colours with the same maximum amount of triangles, the last list should be like (e.g)
[35, 6, 35, ["blue", "red", "yellow", 23]] # having the names of the colours sorted alphabetically
For the condition of three algined points A, B, C, you should know that the the following determinant should be 0.
| xA yA 1|
| xB yB 1| = 0
| xC yC 1|
In the list you have unique points, so a point can have only one colour.
All the inputs are valid
Enjoy it!
For java users:
Two immutable objects, ColouredPoint and TriangleResult, have been designed for you in the preloaded part. You will receive inputs as lists of ColouredPoint objects and will return a TriangleResult object. For the last one, you may note the organization of the arguments of the constructor which differs a bit from the description above.
You may find below the signatures of the available methods of these objects:
class ColouredPoint {
public ColouredPoint(final int[] pos, final String color)
public int[] getPosition()
public String getColour()
@Override public boolean equals(Object other)
@Override public int hashCode()
@Override public String toString() // String representation formated as "[[x, y], red]"
class TriangleResult {
public TriangleResult()
public TriangleResult(final int nGivenPoints, final int nGivenColours, final int nTriangles, final List<String> colours, final int maxFromColour)
@Override public boolean equals(Object other)
@Override public int hashCode()
@Override public String toString() // String representation formated as "[nGivenPoints, nGivenColours, nTriangles, [red, blue], maxFromColour]"