There are 8 balls numbered from 0 to 7. Seven of them have the same weight. One is heavier. Your task is to find its number.
Your function findBall
will receive single argument - scales
object. The scales
object contains an internally stored array of 8 elements (indexes 0-7), each having the same value except one, which is greater. It also has a public method named getWeight(left, right)
which takes two arrays of indexes and returns -1, 0, or 1 based on the accumulation of the values found at the indexes passed are heavier, equal, or lighter.
if left pan is heavier
if right pan is heavier
if both pans weight the same
Examples of scales.getWeight()
scales.getWeight([3], [7])
returns -1
if ball 3 is heavier than ball 7, 1
if ball 7 is heavier, or 0
i these balls have the same weight.
scales.getWeight([3, 4], [5, 2])
returns -1
if weight of balls 3 and 4 is heavier than weight of balls 5 and 2 etc.
So where's the catch, you may ask. Well - the scales is very old. You can use it only 4 TIMES before the scale breaks.
Too easy? Try higher levels: