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File metadata and controls

691 lines (521 loc) · 18.3 KB

Based on Java8 + Netty4 to create a lightweight, high-performance, simple and elegant Web framework 😋

Spend 1 hour to learn it to do something interesting, a tool in addition to the other available frameworks.

🐾 Quick Start | 🎬 Video Tutorial | 🌚 Documentation | 📗 Guidebook | 💰 Donate | 🇨🇳 简体中文

What Is Blade?

Blade is a pursuit of simple, efficient Web framework, so that JavaWeb development becomes even more powerful, both in performance and flexibility. If you like to try something interesting, I believe you will love it. If you think it's good, you can support it with a star or by donating 😊


  • A new generation MVC framework that doesn't depend on other libraries
  • Get rid of SSH's bloated, modular design
  • Source is less than 500kb, learning it is also simple
  • RESTful-style routing design
  • Template engine support, view development more flexible
  • High performance, 100 concurrent qps 20w/s
  • Run the JAR package to open the web service
  • Streams-style API
  • CSRF and XSS defense
  • Basic Auth and Authorization
  • Supports plug-in extensions
  • Support webjars resources
  • Tasks based on cron expressions
  • Built-in a variety of commonly used middleware
  • Built-in JSON output
  • JDK8 +


» Simplicity: The design is simple, easy to understand and doesn't introduce many layers between you and the standard library. The goal of this project is that the users should be able to understand the whole framework in a single day.
» Elegance: blade supports the RESTful style routing interface, has no invasive interceptors and provides the writing of a DSL grammar.
» Easy deploy: supports maven package jar file running.

Quick Start

Create a basic Maven or Gradle project.

Do not create a webapp project, Blade does not require much trouble.

Run with Maven:


or Gradle:

compile 'com.bladejava:blade-mvc:2.0.14.RELEASE'

Write the main method and the Hello World:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Blade.of().get("/", ctx -> ctx.text("Hello Blade")).start();

Open http://localhost:9000 in your browser to see your first Blade application!


Register Route


public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Create Blade,using GET、POST、PUT、DELETE
        .get("/user/21", getting)
        .post("/save", posting)
        .delete("/remove", deleting)
        .put("/putValue", putting)


public class IndexController {

    public String signin(){
        return "signin.html";

    public RestResponse doSignin(RouteContext ctx){
        // do something
        return RestResponse.ok();


Get Request Parameters

Form Parameters

Here is an example:

By Context

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Blade.of().get("/user", ctx -> {
        Integer age = ctx.fromInt("age");
        System.out.println("age is:" + age);

By Annotation

public void savePerson(@Param String username, @Param Integer age){
    System.out.println("username is:" + username + ", age is:" + age)

Test it with sample data from the terminal

curl -X GET
curl -X POST -F username=jack -F age=16

Path Parameters

By RouteContext

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Blade blade = Blade.of();
    // Create a route: /user/:uid
    blade.get("/user/:uid", ctx -> {
        Integer uid = ctx.pathInt("uid");
        ctx.text("uid : " + uid);

    // Create two parameters route
    blade.get("/users/:uid/post/:pid", ctx -> {
        Integer uid = ctx.pathInt("uid");
        Integer pid = ctx.pathInt("pid");
        String msg = "uid = " + uid + ", pid = " + pid;
    // Start blade

By Annotation

public void userTopics(@PathParam String username, @PathParam Integer page){
    System.out.println("username is:" + usernam + ", page is:" + page)

Test it with sample data from the terminal

curl -X GET

Body Parameters

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Blade.of().post("/body", ctx -> {
        System.out.println("body string is:" + ctx.bodyToString())

Test it with sample data from the terminal

curl -X POST -d '{"username":"biezhi","age":22}'

Parse To Model

This is the User model.

public class User {
    private String username;
    private Integer age;
    // getter and setter

By Annotation

public void saveUser(@Param User user){
    System.out.println("user => " + user);

Test it with sample data from the terminal

curl -X POST -F username=jack -F age=16

Custom model identification

public void saveUser(@Param(name="u") User user){
    System.out.println("user => " + user);

Test it with sample data from the terminal

curl -X POST -F u[username]=jack -F u[age]=16

Body Parameter To Model

public void getUser(@BodyParam User user){
    System.out.println("user => " + user);

Test it with sample data from the terminal

curl -X POST -d '{"username":"biezhi","age":22}'

Get Environment

Environment environment = WebContext.blade().environment();
String version = environment.get("app.version", "0.0.1");

Get Header

By Context

public void getHeader(RouteContext ctx){
    System.out.println("Host => " + ctx.header("Host"));
    // get useragent
    System.out.println("UserAgent => " + ctx.userAgent());
    // get client ip
    System.out.println("Client Address => " + ctx.address());

By Annotation

public void getHeader(@HeaderParam String Host){
    System.out.println("Host => " + Host);

Get Cookie

By Context

public void getCookie(RouteContext ctx){
    System.out.println("UID => " + ctx.cookie("UID"));

By Annotation

public void getCookie(@CookieParam String UID){
    System.out.println("Cookie UID => " + UID);

Static Resource

Blade builds a few static resource catalog, as long as you will save the resource file in the static directory under the classpath, and then browse

If you want to customize the static resource URL


Of course you can also specify it in the configuration file. (location in classpath)


Upload File

By Request

public void upload(Request request){
    request.fileItem("img").ifPresent(fileItem -> {
        fileItem.moveTo(new File(fileItem.getFileName()));

By Annotation

public void upload(@MultipartParam FileItem fileItem){
    // Save to new path
    fileItem.moveTo(new File(fileItem.getFileName()));

Set Session

public void login(Session session){
    // if login success
    session.attribute("login_key", SOME_MODEL);

Render To Browser

Render JSON

By Context

public void printJSON(RouteContext ctx){
    User user = new User("biezhi", 18);

By Annotation

This form looks more concise 😶

public User printJSON(){
    return new User("biezhi", 18);

Render Text

public void printText(RouteContext ctx){
    ctx.text("I Love Blade!");

Render Html

public void printHtml(RouteContext ctx){
    ctx.html("<center><h1>I Love Blade!</h1></center>");

Render Template

By default all template files are in the templates directory; in most of the cases you do not need to change it.

Default Template

By default, Blade uses the built-in template engine, which is very simple. In a real-world web project, you can try several other extensions.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Blade.of().get("/hello", ctx -> {
        ctx.attribute("name", "biezhi");
    }).start(Hello.class, args);

The hello.html template

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Hello Page</title>

    <h1>Hello, ${name}</h1>


Jetbrick Template

Config Jetbrick Template

Create a BladeLoader class and load some config

public class TemplateConfig implements BladeLoader {

    public void load(Blade blade) {
        blade.templateEngine(new JetbrickTemplateEngine());


Write some data for the template engine to render

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Blade.of().get("/hello", ctx -> {
        User user = new User("biezhi", 50);
        ctx.attribute("user", user);
    }).start(Hello.class, args);

The hello.html template

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Hello Page</title>

    <h1>Hello, ${user.username}</h1>

    #if(user.age > 18)
        <p>Good Boy!</p>
        <p>Gooood Baby!</p>


Render API


public void redirectToGithub(RouteContext ctx){

Redirect API

Write Cookie

public void writeCookie(RouteContext ctx){
    ctx.cookie("hello", "world");
    ctx.cookie("UID", "22", 3600);

Cookie API

Web Hook

WebHook is the interface in the Blade framework that can be intercepted before and after the execution of the route.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // All requests are exported before execution before
    Blade.of().before("/*", ctx -> {


Blade uses slf4j-api as logging interface, the default implementation of a simple log package (modified from simple-logger); if you need complex logging you can also use a custom library, you only need to exclude the blade-log from the dependencies.

private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Hello.class);

public static void main(String[] args) {"Hello Info, {}", "2017");
    log.warn("Hello Warn");
    log.debug("Hello Debug");
    log.error("Hello Error");

Basic Auth

Blade includes a few middleware, like Basic Authentication; of course, it can also be customized to achieve more complex goals.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Blade.of().use(new BasicAuthMiddleware()).start();

Specify the user name and password in the configuration file.


Change Server Port

There are three ways to modify the port: hard coding it, in a configuration file, and through a command line parameter.

Hard Coding


Configuration For


Command Line

java -jar blade-app.jar --server.port=9001

Configuration SSL

Configuration For


Custom Exception Handler

Blade has an exception handler already implemented by default; if you need to deal with custom exceptions, you can do it like follows.

public class GlobalExceptionHandler extends DefaultExceptionHandler {
    public void handle(Exception e) {
        if (e instanceof CustomException) {
            CustomException customException = (CustomException) e;
            String code = customException.getCode();
            // do something
        } else {


Besides looking easy, the features above are only the tip of the iceberg, and there are more surprises to see in the documentation and sample projects:

Change Logs

See Here



Thanks goes to these wonderful people






David Dong

José Vieira Neto

Mohd Farid


Uday K

Antony Kwok


Contributions of any kind are welcome!


Please see Apache License