All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- entrypoint support pass-through ENV[GODEBUG]
- Referrer-policy changed to 'no-referrer' as suggested by
- RFC 9116 support
- FIX: fetching ACME certs was broken, don't use 2.2.x!
- updated Github workflows
- updated dependenies
- updated Github workflows
- use go-1.21.x
- fix some dependenies
- require v0.17.0
- valid Cache-Control header
- log TLS version and cipher
- log 404 errors, too
- use go-1.18
- minor updates on buildfiles and documentation
- Apache-2.0 License (as the code heavily based on
- Github Workflow: shellcheck
- Github Workflow: markdownlint
- SECURITY: escape new line characters in referer and user-agent before writing to stdout/log
implemented- module dependencies update
- src rewritten as suggested by gofmt