This is a rough view of the roadmap for Angular Mobile Toolkit. Angular Mobile Toolkit is an unusual project, in that its tools span several projects, implementations, and partners. It's better to consider Angular Mobile as an initiative to help drive the state of the art of mobile development with Angular 2, with some of its own first-class tools.
This roadmap is primarily concerned with the tools under the Angular Mobile Toolkit, with some information about corresponding efforts in other projects like Universal, Angular Core, Ionic, NgRx, AngularFire etc.
Our roadmap is composed of milestones that are focused on some cohesive goal, with a list of deliverables for each milestone. For the active milestone, each deliverable includes a label indicating its current stage of development.
Here are what the stages mean:
- Stage 0: Not started
- Stage 1: Design has consensus
- Stage 2: Started
- Stage 3: Feature implemented and published. Ideally integrated with Angular CLI.
- Stage 4: Good e2e+unit test coverage. Feature has been dogfooded by one developer not on the Angular Mobile team. Feature is testable and debuggable by developer users.
- Stage 5: Released to npm or equivalent. Well-documented on or equivalent. Verified/accepted by one stakeholder in the feature as adequately solving a real problem.
- Stage 6: Used in production in a real, non-demo app.
A milestone can be considered complete when all of its deliverables are at at least stage 5.
Estimated Completion: July 2016
- App Shell universal plugin to generate App Shell with CLI with --mobile
- Stage 3
- Guide
- Implementation
- App Shell library provides directives and providers to show/hide content
- Stage 5
- Design
- Guide
- Implementation
- App Shell library parsing fully pre-rendered page to extrapolate app shell
- Stage 2
- Design
- Implementation
- Web App Manifest generation incorporated into CLI with --mobile
- Stage 4
- Guide
- Implementation
- Service Worker static asset pre-caching and offline support
- Stage 3
- Guide
- Implementation
- Service Worker script automatically generated by CLI with --mobile
- Stage 4
- Implementation
- Service Worker user-visible push notifications
- Stage 0
- End-to-end testing tooling for Service Worker
- Stage 2
- Self-updating Service-Worker
- Service Worker Debugging
- Service Worker dynamic data caching w/various strategies
- General-purpose cache hydration protocol in Universal
- Easy to write Web Worker services that interact with DOM
- Explore: make touch event bindings simple and native-like
- Service Worker HTTP/2-push-aware code loading protocol
- Service Worker HTTP/-delta pushing and expanding to urls+modules
- App serving and loading guidance (HTTP/2, http2-push, sw+http2, compression, route sharding)