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A highly customizable streaming flow builder. The registration ability can flexibly customize your nodes, different types of node display and form, etc.

demo1 demo2

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yarn add react-flow-builder


npm install react-flow-builder


// index.tsx
import React, { useState, useContext } from 'react';
import FlowBuilder, {
} from 'react-flow-builder';

import './index.css';

const StartNodeDisplay: React.FC = () => {
  const node = useContext(NodeContext);
  return <div className="start-node">{}</div>;

const EndNodeDisplay: React.FC = () => {
  const node = useContext(NodeContext);
  return <div className="end-node">{}</div>;

const OtherNodeDisplay: React.FC = () => {
  const node = useContext(NodeContext);
  return <div className="other-node">{}</div>;

const ConditionNodeDisplay: React.FC = () => {
  const node = useContext(NodeContext);
  return <div className="condition-node">{}</div>;

const registerNodes: IRegisterNode[] = [
    type: 'start',
    name: 'start node',
    displayComponent: StartNodeDisplay,
    isStart: true,
    type: 'end',
    name: 'end node',
    displayComponent: EndNodeDisplay,
    isEnd: true,
    type: 'node',
    name: 'other node',
    displayComponent: OtherNodeDisplay,
    type: 'condition',
    name: 'condition node',
    displayComponent: ConditionNodeDisplay,
    type: 'branch',
    name: 'branch node',
    conditionNodeType: 'condition',

const Demo = () => {
  const [nodes, setNodes] = useState<INode[]>([]);

  const handleChange = (nodes: INode[]) => {
    console.log('nodes change', nodes);

  return (

export default Demo;

// index.css
.start-node, .end-node {
  height: 64px;
  width: 64px;
  border-radius: 50%;
  line-height: 64px;
  color: #fff;
  text-align: center;

.start-node {
  background-color: #338aff;

.end-node {
  background-color: #666;

.other-node, .condition-node {
  width: 224px;
  border-radius: 4px;
  color: #666;
  background: #fff;
  box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08);

.other-node {
  height: 118px;
  padding: 16px;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

.condition-node {
  height: 44px;
  padding: 12px 16px;



Property Description Type Required Default Version
backgroundColor The color of background string #F7F7F7
className The class name of the container string -
draggable drag and drop boolean false 1.0.0
DragComponent custom drag component React.FC<DragComponent> - 1.0.0
DropComponent custom drop component React.FC<DropComponent> - 1.0.0
drawerProps Extra props of Drawer Component from antd. visible and onClose have already in FlowBuilder, and {title: "Configuration", width: 480, destroyOnClose: true, maskClosable: false} DrawerProps -
drawerVisibleWhenAddNode Drawer visible when add node boolean false
historyTool undo and redo boolean | HistoryToolConfig false
layout Use vertical or horizontal layout vertical | horizontal vertical
lineColor The color of line string #999999
nodes The nodes of FlowBuilder Node[] -
readonly Readonly mode, cannot add, remove, configure. boolean false
registerNodes The registered nodes RegisterNode[] -
registerRemoteNodes The registered remote nodes RegisterRemoteNode[] - 1.3.0
showPracticalBranchNode - boolean false 1.1.0
showPracticalBranchRemove - boolean false 1.1.0
sortable Condition nodes can be dragged and sorted in branch boolean false 1.4.0
sortableAnchor Anchor for start dragging 序 ReactNode - 1.4.0
spaceX Horizontal spacing between nodes number 16
spaceY Vertical spacing between nodes number 16
zoomTool zoom boolean | ZoomToolConfig false
onChange Callback function for when the data change (nodes: Node[], changeEvent?: string) => void -
onHistoryChange (undoDisabled: boolean, redoDisabled: boolean) => void -
onZoomChange (outDisabled: boolean, value: number, inDisabled: boolean) => void -


Property Description Type Default
hidden boolean false
max number 10


Property Description Type Default
hidden boolean false
initialValue number 100
min number 10
max number 200
step number 10


Property Description Type Version
onDragStart The dragStart event of the custom drag component needs to call this method to set the dragged type( dragType in BuilderContext ) (nodeType: string) => void 1.0.0
onDragEnd The dragEnd event of the custom drag component needs to call this method to clear the dragged type( dragType in BuilderContext ) () => void 1.0.0


Property Description Type Version
onDrop The drop event of the custom drop component needs to call this method to add the new node type () => void 1.0.0


Name Description Type Version
add add node (node: INode, newNodeType: string) => void | (newNodeType: string) => void
history undo, redo (type: 'undo' | 'redo') => void
remove remove noded (nodes: INode | INode[] = useContext(NodeContext)) => void
zoom zoom (type: 'out' | 'in' | number) => void
closeDrawer close drawer () => void
context BuilderContext BuilderContext 1.3.5


Name Description Type
buildFlatNodes Translate to flat nodes (params: {registerNodes: IRegisterNode[], nodes: INode[]}) => INode[]
buildTreeNodes Translate to tree nodes (params: {nodes: INode[]}) => INode[]
createUuid Create uuid (prefix?: string) => string


Property Description Type Required Default Version
addableComponent React.FC<AddableComponent> -
addableNodeTypes The list of nodes that can be added below the node string[] -
addIcon The icon in addable node list (There are already some default icons) ReactNode -
addConditionIcon The icon of the branch node when adding a condition (The default icon already exists) ReactNode - 1.3.3
className The class name of node string - 1.3.4
conditionMinNum The min number of condition node number 1
conditionMaxNum The max number of condition node number -
conditionNodeType The type of condition node string -
configComponent The Component of configuring node form React.FC<ConfigComponent> -
configTitle The drawer title of configuring node string | ((node: INode, nodes: INode[]) => string) -
customRemove Custom remove button boolean false
displayComponent The Component of displaying node React.FC<DisplayComponent> -
initialNodeData the initial data when add new node Record<string, any> -
isStart Is start node boolean false
isEnd Is end node boolean false
name The name of node string -
removeConfirmTitle The confirmation information before deleting the node. The title of Popconfirm string | ReactNode Are you sure to remove this node?
showPracticalBranchNode - boolean false 1.1.0
showPracticalBranchRemove - boolean false 1.1.0
type The type of node, promise start is start node type and end is end node type string -


Property Description Type Required Default Version
url remote url string - 1.3.0
cssUrl remote css url string - 1.3.0


Property Description Type
node The all information of node (NodeContext is recommended since V1) Node
nodes (BuilderContext is recommended since V1) Node[]
readonly (BuilderContext is recommended since V1) boolean
remove Remove node (useAction is recommended since V1) (nodes?: INode | INode[]) => void


Property Description Type
cancel Called on cancel, used to close the drawer (useDrawer is recommended since V1) () => void
node The all information of node (NodeContext is recommended since V1) Node
nodes (BuilderContext is recommended since V1) Node[]
save Called on save node data (automatically close the drawer, no need to call cancel). FlowBuilder will set the validateStatusError property according to the second param (useDrawer is recommended since V1) (values: any, validateStatusError?: boolean) => void


Property Description Type
add (type: string) => void
node The all information of node (NodeContext is recommended since V1) Node
nodes (BuilderContext is recommended since V1) Node[]


Property Description Type
children The condition nodes array of branch node, or the next flow of condition node Node[]
configuring Whether configuring of node. The display Component can highlight the node according to this property boolean
data The data of node any
id The unique id of node string
name The name of node. Same as the name of the registered node string
path The full path in FlowBuilder string[]
type The type of node. Same as the type of the registered node string
validateStatusError The Component of configuring node form validate failed. The display Component can highlight the node according to this property boolean


Added since V1

In the context of FlowBuilder the following contexts can be used


Contains props and state. The following is the state:

Property Description Type
zoomValue current zoom value number
setZoomValue set zoomValue (zoomValue: number) => void
historyRecords history nodes records INode[][]
setHistoryRecords set historyRecords (records: INode[][]) => void
activeHistoryRecordIndex current index in history nodes records number
setActiveHistoryRecordIndex set activeHistoryRecordIndex (index: number) => void
selectedNode current selecred node INode | undefined
setSelectedNode set selectedNode (node: INode | undefined) => void
drawerTitle the title of Drawer string
setDrawerTitle set drawerTitle (title: string) => void
dragType dragged node type string
setDragType set dragType (type: string) => void


Get the data of the node where it is used. For details Node


Added since V1

In the context of FlowBuilder the following hooks can be used


Property Description Type
clickNode click node (node: INode = useContext(NodeContext)) => void
addNode add one node. (Get the current node through NodeContext when there is no node property) (node: INode, newNodeType: string) => void | (newNodeType: string) => void
removeNode remove one node or more nodes. (targetNode: INode | INode[] = useContext(NodeContext)) => void


Property Description Type
closeDrawer close Drawer and clear selectedNode () => void
saveDrawer save the content in Drawer (same as the save method in ConfigComponent) (values: any, validateStatusError?: boolean) => void


Property Description Type
minZoom minimum zoom value number
maxZoom maximum zoom value number
zoom change zoom value (same as the zoom method in FlowBuilderInstance) (type: 'out' | 'in' | number) => void


Property Description Type
maxLength Maximum length of history nodes records number
pushHistory add history nodes record (record?: INode[] = useContext(BuilderContext).nodes) => void
history undo, redo (same as the history method in FlowBuilderInstance) (type: 'undo' | 'redo') => void


Property Description Type Version
backward sort to backward (node: INode = useContext(NodeContext)) => void 1.4.3
forward sort to forward (node: INode = useContext(NodeContext)) => void 1.4.3
end sort to end (node: INode = useContext(NodeContext)) => void 1.4.3
start sort to start (node: INode = useContext(NodeContext)) => void 1.4.3