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76 lines (53 loc) · 4.51 KB
order synopsis
A `Handler` designates a function that processes [`message`s](./ `Handler`s are specific to the module in which they are defined, and only process `message`s defined within the said module. They are called from `baseapp` during [`DeliverTx`](../core/


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handler type

The handler type defined in the Cosmos SDK specifies the typical structure of a handler function.


Let us break it down:

Implementation of a module handlers

Module handlers are typically implemented in a ./handler.go file inside the module's folder. The module manager is used to add the module's handlers to the application's router via the NewHandler() method. Typically, the manager's NewHandler() method simply calls a NewHandler() method defined in handler.go, which looks like the following:

func NewHandler(keeper Keeper) sdk.Handler {
	return func(ctx sdk.Context, msg sdk.Msg) sdk.Result {
		switch msg := msg.(type) {
		case MsgType1:
			return handleMsgType1(ctx, keeper, msg)
		case MsgType2:
			return handleMsgType2(ctx, keeper, msg)
			errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Unrecognized nameservice Msg type: %v", msg.Type())
			return sdk.ErrUnknownRequest(errMsg).Result()

This simple switch returns a handler function specific to the type of the received message. These handler functions are the ones that actually process messages, and usually follow the following 2 steps:

  • First, they perform stateful checks to make sure the message is valid. At this stage, the message's ValidateBasic() method has already been called, meaning stateless checks on the message (like making sure parameters are correctly formatted) have already been performed. Checks performed in the handler can be more expensive and require access to the state. For example, a handler for a transfer message might check that the sending account has enough funds to actually perform the transfer. To access the state, the handler needs to call the keeper's getter functions.
  • Then, if the checks are successfull, the handler calls the keeper's setter functions to actually perform the state transition.

Before returning, handler functions generally emit one or multiple events via the EventManager held in the ctx:

			eventType,  // e.g. sdk.EventTypeMessage for a message, types.CustomEventType for a custom event defined in the module
			sdk.NewAttribute(attributeKey, attributeValue),

These events are relayed back to the underlying consensus engine and can be used by service providers to implement services around the application. Click here to learn more about events.

Finally, the handler function returns a sdk.Result which contains the aforementioned events and an optional Data field.


Next is an example of how to return a Result from the gov module:


For a deeper look at handlers, see this example implementation of a handler function from the nameservice tutorial.

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