All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
5.7.5 (2025-01-02)
5.7.4 (2024-11-25)
5.7.3 (2024-10-16)
5.7.2 (2024-10-15)
5.7.1 (2024-10-15)
5.7.0 (2024-10-09)
5.6.0 (2024-09-19)
5.5.2 (2024-07-10)
Note: Version bump only for package f2
5.5.1 (2024-06-14)
5.5.0 (2024-05-30)
- 增加Pictorial组件 (#1974) (24f5944)
- guide: 增加 PolylineGuide (#1960) (6680534)
- image、tag、rect guide 补充字段 (#1962) (ad38d32)
5.4.5 (2024-03-28)
5.4.4 (2024-03-22)
5.4.3 (2024-03-21)
5.4.2 (2024-03-11)
5.4.1 (2024-03-06)
5.4.0 (2024-02-26)
5.3.0 (2024-02-21)
5.2.2 (2024-01-05)
5.2.1 (2024-01-03)
- Axis: 坐标轴文本超界自动对齐 (#1918) (7bb11e3)
- candlestick: 蜡烛图开盘价收盘价一致时,颜色用上个交易日的比较 (#1917) (2446f22)
- 快扫动画进行中时,修改数据,图表显示异常 (#1916) (095ce5f)
5.2.0 (2024-01-02)
5.1.0 (2023-12-28)
5.0.39 (2023-11-27)
5.0.38 (2023-11-26)
5.0.37 (2023-11-24)
5.0.36 (2023-11-23)
5.0.35 (2023-11-22)
5.0.34 (2023-11-02)
5.0.33 (2023-10-24)
- Area: 修复面积图 x 为空时,图形不绘制 Closed #1867 (#1868) (5b8da58)
- pielabel event callback (#1857) (4b22fe5)
- 修复chart未清除缓存的组件的问题 (#1856) (9216d2b)
Note: Version bump only for package f2
5.0.31 (2023-09-05)
Note: Version bump only for package f2
Note: Version bump only for package f2
- fix axis style && tooltip (#1513) (42458a7)
- 对叠图最大值有问题,当adjust={{type: 'stack'}}时 & 修复官网条形图&进度条报错 (#1558) (ac696b1)
- 把 rect 的 util 方法移动到 src/graphic/util 下 (d5dd608)
- @jsxImportSource 模式不报错 (#1409) (393d8f1)
- add isCategory property for TimeCat scale. (6299df3)
- add null value judgment to prevent error. (c9be938)
- add player test & fix click test (#1746) (96a59d7)
- add some padding in the vertical direction of chart clip area. Closed #336. (ab485d1)
- add time-cat export (a66b1eb)
- add 时 children 有可能为空 (#1568) (df2dbd0)
- adjust scale range (#1317) (bc04790)
- adjust the zIndex of axis, guide, tooltip container. (9d0dbe6)
- after changeData, scale incorrect. Closed #804 (2dd9c26)
- animate: fixed issue where geometry animation could not be closed. (e0c39b2)
- animation clip 支持 function 创建 (#1514) (98410c8)
- Arc shape support fill. Closed #429. (dc4981f)
- arc.js: do not draw when startAngle equal endAngle (a6b2aad)
- area point 没透传 animation (#1365) (8af4614)
- attr 实例化时不判断数据相关的特征 (#1243) (d94db4f)
- attrs should be deep clone. Closed #288. (2e4a90b)
- attr映射逻辑优化 (#1261) (7662cc7)
- auto padding calculate should consider legend's offsetX and offsetY. (93f7568)
- axis label fontFamily (6add41f)
- axis 案例补充 (#1250) (0e456c9)
- bbox.js: getBBoxFromArc方法对于整圆的判断错误,导致半圆弧的最小包围盒计算错误 (8763929)
- cancelable=false 时空白区域点击不消失 (#1390) (aaefcb8)
- cat类型平移后ticks不更新 (03752e7)
- chart.getSnapRecords() uncorrect in pie chart. Closed #67 (1d90175)
- chart: fixed bug of #15, getSnapRecords of pie (8c2c6b5)
- chart数据更新后进行forceUpdate (bb078db)
- clean code (37b2ea0)
- clip bug & symbol 不定义 (#1669) (5714682)
- Component Render 返回类型 (#1340) (2263c89)
- component state 默认为{} (b2ed61b)
- coord range 左边界 (#1771) (bdc44ed)
- CR (a17cd21)
- define calculateBBox method for smooth area shape for getBBox(). (ebf8539)
- delete unused code (dae63cd)
- destroy 组件不再触发 setState 更新 (#1587) (5adfe8b)
- dist/f2.js => dist/f2.min.js (22def20)
- duplicate xScale calculate #550 (cb62656)
- emit: arr len will reduce after splice (45430d5)
- filter grid points which not in the range 0 to 1. (f25b130)
- filter null values when draw stacked point chart. Closed #173. (662e163)
- fix delay causes the chart not be completely drawed. (c6023c1)
- fix angle calculation problem with linear gradient. (4adbb84)
- fix angle calculation problem with linear gradient. (ecf1835)
- fix animation register error in codesandbox (0d64825)
- fix axis label animation. (8b1f7b1)
- fix bug when get records in polar coordinate. Closed #83. (0d443a1)
- fix demo bugs in sandbox (294e655)
- fix event (#1523) (67d7a9f)
- fix interval-select's reset method. (8824072)
- fix main entry configuration. (352dcef)
- fix pinch errors of category scale. Closed #342. (d41802f)
- Fix problem with element zIndex in tooltip. Closed #216 (2b83bb8)
- fix radar chart drawing path error. Closed #180 (257e203)
- fix smooth area chart's update animation does not work. Closed #235. (53124c3)
- Fix sorting problem for categorical data. Closed #257. (3a12928)
- fix SupportPx type (#1566) (643f5dd)
- fix the bug that axis configuration not work when data is empty. Closed #439. (594e4f8)
- fix the bug that grid callback return null did not work. Closed #437 (717f2bf)
- fix the bug when customizing the legend, the function type marker not work. Closed #317. (d631466)
- fix the draw error caused by smooth area animation. Closed #373. (407fdf5)
- fix the draw error of polyline which has empty points but still fill the area. Closed #363. (2c33683)
- fix the error caused by empty data.Closed #238. (09de761)
- fix the error of F2.Global.setTheme(). Closed #224. (15547c1)
- fix the error that when the grid is a function and specify the type as 'arc'. Closed #331. (b27a072)
- fix the error when draw Guide.regionFilter for area chart. Closed #345. (3900565)
- fix the error when pie chart data difference is very large. Closed #514 (b3bf293)
- fix the error when values are all null in linear scale. (54787f3)
- fix the gradient color bug. Closed #389. (5cf6e44)
- fix the interval y scale unable to set min. (9c124f9)
- fix the padding value error when chart.changeSize() been called. Closed #186 (9edb3a9)
- fix the problem of zero judgment. (2ecbade)
- fix the problem that tooltipMarker not show. Closed #234. (334eb76)
- fixed stack point chart draw error. Closed #119 (d363278)
- fragment 类型标签 (#1422) (28bcc8d)
- geom rerender (#915) (033a366)
- getAttr方法冲突 (0d4af2f)
- getSnapRecords() - pick data more accurate in pie chart. (d3d6ddc)
- gitee sync fail (2bdfbf0)
- Guarantee the accuracy of the trigger point coordinates. Closed #210 (db3d25c)
- guide records 数据映射逻辑修改 (#1308) (3749bc1)
- Guide 的 position 百分比解析需要考虑原始数据中本身包含 '%' 的情况.Closed #590. (b299390)
- Guide.Point, fix the bug caused by parsePoint() return null. Closed #458. (2edbb03)
- Guide.point, the render method should return the point shape. (e83a3a1)
- hidden point draw error. (06bdef1)
- if text shape's x or y is NaN, there will be a drawing error in webchart mini program. Related to antvis/wx-f2#81. (4f0ca52)
- if there is a point with NaN value in the Polyline's points, there will be a drawing error in webchart mini program. (d5b39be)
- init theme (2cd3443)
- interval animation (#1690) (4dd8e7b)
- interval style (#1320) (9520876)
- interval 默认动画调整 (#1482) (6bb1c68)
- ios spa多次创建导致canvas白屏。Closed #630 (ea3f84f)
- itemWidth 改成同步设置 (#1481) (4784fd8)
- jest transform error 和 M1 环境问题 (ee0388f)
- label 为 null 时,图形更小 (#1443) (966906c)
- legend color 与实际渲染颜色不一致 (#1783) (c922b7b)
- legend filter should work during pan or pinch. Closed #467 (3be0359)
- legend 无用参数删除 (#1483) (1fb6990)
- let 'interval-select' interaction work for mixed charts. Closed #355. (b80aa3f)
- line chart demo render error (4f2a3b5)
- line points 不存在origin (#1248) (8ae49c2)
- linear NaN error (482c49d)
- lineView format points (a7fe8a0)
- lineView 暴露 size smooth 参数 (d553cfa)
- line: 修复设置 line 宽度无效 (#1338) (79621d1)
- line: 修复雷达图的 records 起点数据重复,导致 tooltip 展示重复 (#1439) (4a344c8)
- line: 数据为空时,图表更新渲染失败 (#1565) (d5eeee7)
- lint warning (#1244) (1911553)
- lottie options (#1673) (7a1ab9a)
- make sure timeCat scale to sort by default. Closed #151. (a9e7fee)
- module mix fixed (d17c4d8)
- negative data, drawing graphics(bar chart and area chart) beyond the canvas. Closed #179 (3767e38)
- npm 包添加es, lib目录 (3bf8a8b)
- Optimize shape's unique id generation strategy. (09036ba)
- Optimized geometry shape's id generation strategy. Closed #318. (ea7adc9)
- origin属性 (5bcdca6)
- pie label 显示优化 (#1414) (08f1f8d)
- pieLabel getBBox() should compact node and mini program env. Closed #448. (29ebd49)
- prevent same plugins repeat init. (8987488)
- preventDefault添加空判断 (ec99ed5)
- radar tootip value=0 (#1769) (0f6ec64)
- rect 设置radius时,图形画不出来 (10666e8)
- region-filter显示错误. Fixed #1013 (1348281)
- remove alilas (c831581)
- remove circular dependency (3817e75)
- render 之后再次修改geom的size. Closed #797 (a90d960)
- revert legend setItems (#1442) (18809ec)
- scale formatter not work in tooltip. (ea8c6d0)
- scale: fixed bug of first record with null (03dbfc8)
- scale锁定0.1.3 (0fe2de5)
- selection change & legend click & style (#1639) (323ebd4)
- set min and max for interval is not work. Closed #57 (135bd56)
- setState 后,callback 队列没有清空 (#1451) (50803e4)
- setTheme 单独使用报错,即非Global.setTheme调用 (01080d0)
- should filter the points when calculate the polyline shape's bounding box. Closed #468 (0088305)
- should use canvas dom's width. (7717018)
- site bug (#1696) (3ecc390)
- site build error (5ceccda)
- site 官网的一些错误 (d6a51e3)
- skip掉失败的case,先能跑通 (4752b37)
- support area with null data (cff0425)
- support pixelRatio setting for node-canvas. (85cb71d)
- syncYScales: scale should re-calculate the ticks (ef68c0c)
- tag guide (ffc6bd9)
- tagGuide 小三角形计算逻辑 (#1524) (de1889b)
- tagGuide 箭头颜色 (#1394) (b0bb14e)
- the drawing problem when the data of rounded interval shape is zero. (ee79a36)
- The position of the canvas in the parent container needs to be considered when calculating the Guide.Html position. (512e025)
- theme: adjust axis-line's display position. (423b05c)
- tickline 不生效 & theme 不生效 (#1677) (49e7f78)
- tickStyle传入基础类型报错 (#1292) (fddc32b)
- timeCat type scale setting values caused an error in chart drawing. (d1391bd)
- tooltip alias 配置 Closed: #1412 (#1413) (75eccf0)
- tooltip arrow position (#1736) (16e9cf6)
- tooltip 在 geometry 之前显示时,位置不对 (#1429) (d6f6f61)
- tooltip 支持滑出画布外面 (#1435) (ae0d4c9)
- tooltip 顶部被截断了 (#1346) (9d35df7)
- tooltip: 修复update时位置不更新及事件未解绑 (#1474) (74c66c1)
- tooltip: 修复更新数据时, tooltip 默认展示不更新 (#1403) (12d1d54)
- tootip 右边界 (#1753) (f0930bd)
- touchend时,timeount没有清除导致报错 (1059bdd)
- transform arrow functions (8d73bba)
- transposed Interval (#1366) (7fa5363)
- ts error (0bfd5dd)
- ts error (bf4665b)
- types: fix the types of the entries and plugins (2fb8054)
- types: mix support any number of sources (d8ab580)
- update comments (ddf54de)
- update comments (9e95555)
- util 引入报错 (75fedad)
- values个数边界判断 (f2e64ba)
- view 嵌套逻辑也保持参数一致 (5a9c016)
- vue3 示例报错 (#1476) (1960750)
- when chart is clear, chart.getSnapRecords() should not be affected. (1dbdd79)
- when chart size change, the height of tooltip crosshairs should update. Closed #543 (e7c7e91)
- when chart update, tooltip's _lastActive should be reset. Closed #271. (297ae47)
- when chart.clear() be called, the padding should be recalculated. Closed #228. (dd1a013)
- when chart's data changed, clear the append shape. Closed #227. (9090379)
- when data changed, the padding should be recalculated. (fe7c221)
- when geom clear, the _width should be reset. Closed #273. (a36aa67)
- when set chart.legend(false), chart.getLegendItems() return empty. Closed #190. (c75fdb8)
- when text shape's content is 0, ensure it will be rendered. Closed #282. (b35dedf)
- when Text shape's text attribute is updated, the textArr attribute should be reset. Closed #302. (1625a22)
- when the points is empty, return. Closed #316. (82d5c2c)
- when x scale is category, do not need to sort data. Closed #202. (184f393)
- 事件挂载gesture属性上 & 补充圆角单测 (#1525) (22ebb87)
- 事件范围 (#1756) (0304f0d)
- 交互销毁时,注销事件 (912a13c)
- 优化 y 判断 (2a59107)
- 优化press事件的处理 (5b0153d)
- 优化shape 映射到绘图属性 (91e2ed3)
- 修复 attr 和 scale 不一样的情况 (#1316) (62d9ef8)
- 修复 axis rerender 不更新布局和 labelOffset 报错 (#1293) (f08bea2)
- 修复 chart filter 的逻辑 (#1349) (c8c5cc5)
- 修复 chart 的 ts 类型报错 (#1795) (1460bc6)
- 修复 children 为空的报错 (#1543) (26ccb51)
- 修复 ci (#1741) (5e395b4)
- 修复 coord & chart 部分逻辑,修复 guide & tooltip 布局 (#1664) (165503f)
- 修复 eslint any 的 warning (#1347) (5242f5a)
- 修复 f2 和 react 同时使用时,shape 标签类型提示报错 (#1407) (c7e5705)
- 修复 fecha 的依赖问题 (#1648) (fdf22dc)
- 修复 fragment 的报错 (#1657) (6271699)
- 修复 g textBaseline 变化导致 ci 报错 (#1759) (6369623)
- 修复 geometry.getSnapRecords (#1253) (be9f18d)
- 修复 image 绘制的层级问题. Closed #1489 (#1490) (5549c5d)
- 修复 interval 平移后不显示的问题 Fixed #954 (e5c64bf)
- 修复 jsx runtime 入口的引用路径 (#1695) (736aee0)
- 修复 legend maxWidth 计算错误问题 (#1314) (8921949)
- 修复 line rerender 报错 和 guide 不能点击的问题 (#1294) (54482af)
- 修复 line y 轴字段数据为 array 绘制不正确 (#1780) (5c0e6ea)
- 修复 line 图形变化 (#1506) (60f2a88)
- 修复 line 空数组时报错 (#1359) (c0b7e8b)
- 修复 linear scale tickCount 为 1 卡死浏览器的问题 (55dbb3a)
- 修复 linear 数据顺序问题导致 getSnapRecords 获取异常 (#1571) (2d299e0)
- 修复 lint 的 warnings (#1724) (9f73318)
- 修复 pan pinch 事件交互的 case (#1667) (963595e)
- 修复 pattern 纹理的单测与示例 (#1594) (f7303d5)
- 修复 point 的 shape 类型不生效 (#1361) (8ae41cd)
- 修复 point 默认 size 不生效 (#1358) (75afc32)
- 修复 react theme 取不到的问题 (#1650) (ef95569)
- 修复 react 工程的报错 (#1645) (4418bf3)
- 修复 rect radius 存在 0 的情况 (#1485) (3068c55)
- 修复 tag && px2hd && gauge (#1515) (120ad9f)
- 修复 tooltip 在坐标系边界情况时,获取 record 不准确的问题 (#1448) (4c67a88)
- 修复 tooltip 数据更新时,defaultItem 为 空的报错. Closed #1487 (#1488) (050d5cf)
- 修复 tooltip 的位置错误 (#1751) (af67a24)
- 修复 tooltip 的显示位置和分类名称 (#1350) (996635d)
- 修复 treemap 的类型定义和事件 (#1697) (709741a)
- 修复 ts 报错 (b7babf4)
- 修复 ts 类型 (#1634) (7e7097a)
- 修复 ts 类型 (#1655) (6777821)
- 修复 TS 类型报错 (#1251) (65fad70), closes #1207 #1231
- 修复 umd 构建循环依赖的 warning (#1703) (d0c548b)
- 修复 vue unmount 时销毁 canvas (#1480) (93b03a0)
- 修复alwaysshow为true时,滑动到plot外面,tooltip还会隐藏的问题 (0f002fe)
- 修复canvas.destroy报错 (#1264) (23eec82)
- 修复cat类型时guide record计算错误问题 (#1381) (c9d86a6)
- 修复ci的报错 (ce40490)
- 修复click的x,y & 增加花瓣图demo (#1530) (628022f)
- 修复component的逻辑 (bf07c31)
- 修复group背景色绘制不正确 (8f38df1)
- 修复hollowCircle报错和多geom时,crosshairs不显示的问题。Fixed #1140 (c1b5c85)
- 修复legend 显示问题和点击筛选 (#1341) (4c101d1)
- 修复legend飘逸(hotfix) (102bac0)
- 修复panstart时图表的跳动问题 (#1213) (fd31f03)
- 修复pieLabel插件判断矩形重叠的函数 (c139a6a)
- 修复react key为null时diff错误 (5c9c8ad)
- 修复react下 not extensible 的报错 (b78c792)
- 修复react场景下,jsx element 存在react特定对象导致equal死循环的问题 (428672e)
- 修复react库的使用并补充单测 (91a918d)
- 修复rect radius大于宽高时,图形绘制不正确 (558fe91)
- 修复repaint shape属性不生效。Closed #1102 (b1ba85e)
- 修复repaint时动画不生效 (f0ba181)
- 修复site build 报错 (#1224) (55912de)
- 修复site编译报错的问题 (b9496f7)
- 修复tag位置为NaN时的绘制问题 (3aee644)
- 修复timeline 不能自动播放的问题 (3e30137)
- 修复tooltip posy小于0被截断不显示 (bcda358)
- 修复tooltip showXTip 显示时,measureText需要新建canvas. Fixed #1015 (010d516)
- 修复tooltip touchend不消失的问题 (cb83477)
- 修复Tooltip辅助标签配置不生效问题 (#1812) (0d8090f)
- 修复touchend 后,points为空 (e769d64)
- 修复touchstart时,会触发pan事件 (1be26b8)
- 修复touchstart触发press时,没有设置direction (b6f45a6)
- 修复ts报错 (22f5401)
- 修复update时, coord 位置不对 (#1257) (b9753a2)
- 修复update时,scale没有更新 (1965ca4)
- 修复update逻辑下 mapping 的问题 && 手势交互的bug (#1278) (5ae3168)
- 修复x, y为0的情况 (1dcb5f9)
- 修复xxxView执行多次的问题 (37ab642)
- 修复一些 ts 报错 (#1689) (5e6b757)
- 修复一些 ts 类型定义 (#1660) (4ca5417)
- 修复一些bug,并添加坐标轴的默认动画 (3db6072)
- 修复一些问题 (0bdf487)
- 修复事件删除的bug,并补充单测 (a7f3789)
- 修复几个bug (ea347dc)
- 修复分组 tooltip 的显示问题 (#1345) (84686bb)
- 修复初始化padding问题 (f22fb72)
- 修复单测 (#1698) (eb58f5a)
- 修复单测报错 (18af273)
- 修复单测文件 ts 类型报错 (#1420) (355f3ec)
- 修复变化的元素因为上次的缓存导致布局计算错误 (a5d4e97)
- 修复只有1个点时,tooltip不显示的问题 #702 (da62475)
- 修复图例过滤不考虑空数据的问题。 (78ee9fc)
- 修复图形的对齐方式 (1882efa)
- 修复存在NaN时,equal会陷入死循环 (c4e277d)
- 修复官网条形图&进度条报错 (11e703c)
- 修复官网条形图&进度条报错 (#1556) (7a8d478)
- 修复官网的链接问题 (1e8c0bf)
- 修复宽高改变的情况 (#1507) (51f312e)
- 修复对类型换图点击选中的问题 #682 (10c4b04)
- 修复小程序缩放后点图位置显示不正确。Closed #1520 (#1521) (3ca6caa)
- 修复引用 @antv/f2 ts 类型报错 Closed: #1406 (#1411) (4ea5304)
- 修复当interval为小数时,小数位数会少1位 (3a0bb6d)
- 修复微笑定投的几个bug (dc2e954)
- 修复微笑定投的边界问题 (029e343)
- 修复手势多次的重复渲染 (#1793) (b8c85c9)
- 修复折线的默认宽度和官网demo的报错 (#1357) (bc571bf)
- 修复报错 (422c582)
- 修复支付宝小程序 d3 模块的编译报错 (#1516) (87c3773)
- 修复支付宝小程序typescript工程的报错 (#1402) (0ebd345)
- 修复支小宝叙事中发现的一些问题 (8dda137)
- 修复数据字段存在x,y时,再次mapping后,数据不对 (db9def3)
- 修复横屏展示 (#1486) (a55ffd1)
- 修复添加图片后,toDataURL 报SecurityError (6c9f36f)
- 修复渲染树diff的问题,并补全单测 (63a63d6)
- 修复漏斗图legend点击后,label位置不调整 Fixed #979 (9b43f4d)
- 修复第1个子组件为空的报错 (#1379) (254262a)
- 修复精度的单测 (5c8e991)
- 修复设置attr值域时被初始值覆盖的问题 (bf9fa16)
- 修复返回为null的case (7079399)
- 修复部分404文档跳转链接 (0c8fa82)
- 修复部分单测 (70aa9ab)
- 修复雷达图在更新数据之后xscale不更新的问题 (269defa)
- 修复非浏览器环境时,currentStyle报错 (f90affa)
- 修复默认字体设置不生效 (#1307) (901850a)
- 修改 coord 的布局调整逻辑 (#1344) (f3c6b1d)
- 修改 f-react 的版本依赖 (#1680) (c336deb)
- 修改 FEngine layout 的命名 (#1647) (ec28248)
- 修改 line geometry shape 获取 (82771da)
- 修改 style 优先级 (8f0e182)
- 修改demo (78b6d4f)
- 修改demo实例图 (b2de85a)
- 修改npm 为内网地址 (9359e0b)
- 修改tickCount计算bug (a1e5bbe)
- 修改tinker版本 (dc1a09d)
- 修改包依赖名 (252283e)
- 修改包名并构建成功 (61ae828)
- 修改变量名 (70973f3)
- 修改引用方式 (9089dfc)
- 修改构建方式 (e470d2f)
- 修改版本依赖 & pattern & vis包体积工具 (#1609) (950b65c)
- 修改错别字 (#1377) (7b54486)
- 修改首页文案 (7c6bc96)
- 修改首页演示图片 (14147ad)
- 兼容 0.3.X scale timeCat type (0107825)
- 再初始完成后,需要跟新ticks (54a11e9)
- 创意图结构修改 (9c9c807)
- 初始化 this.context (acd6932)
- 删掉遗留的多余字段 (8e0fac2)
- 删除元素不参与布局计算 (d05753e)
- 刻度修改,修复单测 (cff266f)
- 动画未播放完成时再次调用则清除计时器 (c5b4a9d)
- 动画空执行退出 (d0ea34f)
- 升级 adjust。Closed: #1494 (#1496) (a2fba6e)
- 单测修改 (a46809e)
- 去掉 react 单测里的 console.error 输出 (#1503) (8ba5a4c)
- 去掉console.log (73a3e22)
- 去掉data-aspm, 会导致点击埋点不生效 (0c685d1)
- 去掉lint jsx no unused vars warn (#1260) (a82e293)
- 去掉动画 (1631651)
- 去除多余jest配置 (fa40727)
- 双y轴, getPosition取不到point. Fixed #1004 (147a1c2)
- 图例只支持分类数据 (bfe5042)
- 图例更新 (#1436) (eaeacee)
- 图表设置nice: false (aa04dc1)
- 增加theme size默认值 (a6a35c3)
- 增加空值处理 (30320f7)
- 完善 Legend (#1283) (8c87ca0)
- 完善JSX.Element type的类型 (#1259) (0b1ce24)
- 官网 demo riddle 打开时报错 (#1419) (998eddc)
- 官网默认版本号显示问题 (#1291) (f70c5ed)
- 导出 gauge hoc (#1393) (7ec0c8a)
- 导出类型 (#1356) (f2e668f)
- 将 graphic/shape/arc 与 sector 中传给 context.arc 的 clockwise 参数名改为 anticlockwise 以正确表示其含义 (b19693b)
- 尝试发包 (1c2eb11)
- 左右滑动时禁止页面滑动 (0026507)
- 异步问题调整 & 去掉 Graphic 依赖 (#1573) (91a14ed)
- 引入 bug (12f1993)
- 引用hammerjs导致小程序报错 (0c15a67)
- 当adjust={{type: stack}} 堆叠柱状图最大值显示不对 (c2ab9b9)
- 微信小程序点击位置不正确。Closed #1517 (#1518) (156c008)
- 支付宝小程序示例点击不生效 (#1519) (c7efe6e)
- 支小宝叙事埋点 (c0a53bf)
- 支小宝叙事调整部分视觉和动效 (059f95b)
- 支持图形clip (#1395) (010c18f)
- 收益率比例低于10%,不显示超越人数 (9a89b6b)
- 改为用 adjust 判断 (e36e325)
- 数据对象中存在 x,y 等关键字段 (#1688) (b6414ad)
- 未设置geometry时,clear报错 (065c7ea)
- 添加 runtimePublicPath (#1797) (f49b486)
- 添加browser字段。Closed #789 (e5a798f)
- 添加coord配置 (a3cdc08)
- 添加link判断和点击埋点 (5ca323c)
- 添加swipe事件 (eaa89f9)
- 添加主题设置 (#1635) (3020593)
- 添加交互的几个钩子事件 (16fbcae)
- 添加动态排序图demo (ee45806)
- 滑动x轴时,cat的ticks会被置成null (49d4a86)
- 特殊情况下interval不满足要求时,需要递归计算 (5543d48)
- 视觉验收调整 (28578d6)
- 简化 adjust 判断 (3d60a7f)
- 统一cat ticks 计算 (2afe66f)
- 统一imageguide为style (#1694) (b2b34c1)
- 统一最层布局概念 (51fedaa)
- 统一处理小程序更新的逻辑 (#1463) (46b5a4a)
- 缩放后,legend点击会让缩放失效 (b490bbe)
- 自定义px2hd。 Closed #1462 (#1467) (76f886a)
- 补充types的定义 (7e25cec)
- 补全和修复报错的用例 (fa94240)
- 调低react版本 (ae75ad8)
- 调整demo的名称和g2尽量保持对齐 (a1aa05a)
- 调整Geometry里面scale的更新顺序 (#1452) (7ef9e86)
- 调整jsx的代码结构 (0a9e43d)
- 调整timeline,去掉canvas 对 timeline 的依赖 (#1301) (e2a1266)
- 调整一些细节 (f79664a)
- 调整一些细节和样式 (03d4cab)
- 调整决策树的demo地址 (2acac92)
- 调整支小宝样式和一些细节 (50f21d4)
- 调整金牌经理样式 (6aac09a)
- 跑通整体单测 (92d4cd5)
- 连续平移后tick计算不对 (4bb2870)
- 透传组件animate状态 (95ff644)
- 重新构建jsx (20c3b06)
- 重新调整官网demo目录 (#1269) (0349d22)
- 闪蝶页面运行Ok (40c6e22)
- 雷达面积图坐标不一致问题 (#1273) (831b48e)
- 非线性映射 callback 回调支持 origin 入参 (#1782) (e9dbbcc)
- 饼图scale适配调整 (#1274) (d4df362)
- 饼图的动画配置不生效 (#1385) (094edd7)
- 默认选中变化时不更新 (#1408) (a6e1276)
- 默认透传context, 方便文本测算 (b261dad)
- add style func && fix lottie xy (#1693) (5e22591)
- migrate-dumi-theme-antv (#1651) (7a758ed)
- 3.4.0 (8a838e5)
- add 'shadow' graphic property for ant-mini-program. Closed #486 (b558ead)
- add adjust & scale (#1626) (44cb0ef)
- add align and verticalAlign to support legend's layout. (620d9fb)
- add alwaysShow(Boolean) for tooltip, to controller the display of tooltip. Closed #177 (4ad4b9f)
- add area chart demo (b9c5209)
- add axis symbol (#1666) (5546a0a)
- add bar chart && column chart select interaction. (f224242)
- add beforeAxisRender (f3dedb5)
- add chart.animate() method to support more shapes' animation. (bac28f8)
- add chart.changeSize(width, height) method. (94ba563)
- add{}). (334d3ca)
- add (7ff16e0)
- add chart.registerPlugins() method. Closed #116. (e578106)
- add chart.scale() (dee7019)
- add connectNulls for geometry to connect null points. Closed #171. (8729e8c)
- add English doc (52e7680)
- add env detect variables, support node-canvas (fcc792f)
- add f2 track. (a301f3a)
- add F2.Global.legend.common and F2.Global.axis.common for generic theme configuration. (becd26c)
- add gesture doc (65cc14d)
- add guide-tag (6ce3674)
- add guide.repaint() method. (e626def)
- add joinString property for legend. (7bc7676)
- add label1offsetY, label2OffsetY to adjust label position for pie-label. (7cac3ce)
- add limitInPlot property for chart, to limit the drawing area of geometrys. (74e5321)
- add lottie guide (#1642) (db273a0)
- add new gesture test-unit (f269b39)
- add PieLabel plugin for rendering the labels of pie chart. (6ba1c70)
- add pinch and pan interaction. (9ac5a54)
- add radius property for Coord.Polar. (f327ae2)
- add scripts canary (#1735) (eff31ef)
- add scrollBar plugin for pan and pinch interaction. (08b18c3)
- add show() and hide() methods for Geometry instance. (652ce74)
- add startOnZero property for geom. (cd6fc7e)
- add sync site action (#1734) (f6ec02c)
- add TagGuide (#1363) (a558e0f)
- add unCheckStyle for legend. (bab731b)
- add xRange yRange for pan and pinch (a771ed3)
- adjust interval (f4ea6de)
- animate: easing support function (8fb20b8)
- animate: support customize animation for each frame. (5685e24)
- animation添加end方法,让动画到终态 (de9efb7)
- appendPadding support Array, just like padding. Closed #195。 (606c996)
- area chart support smooth shape (#1275) (593b323)
- area geometry (6d0044d)
- attr映射支持自定义map处理 (460fefb)
- auto adjust tooltip's tips position. (5b13ecd)
- auto padding. (d05060a)
- axis: axis label 回调 align 不生效 (#1332) (b78bdfd)
- axis: label 回调函数第3个参数修改为ticks (#1336) (8fea790)
- axis的label和grid支持Function配置 (#1252) (29b066c)
- basic tooltip (969f5c6)
- better script (6742642)
- canvas render. (d349a03)
- canvas support wx miniprogram. (f6c327a)
- canvas 支持传入 createImage。 Closed #1462 (#1468) (68ed467)
- canvas 支持添加classname (6a2f98f)
- canvas, chart 添加style 属性处理 (ada44d2)
- chart legend support single select mode. (ebf6db3)
- chart update (#1739) (ca29507)
- chart update (#1739) (#1745) (2ec22dd)
- chart添加事件处理 (bc9afcd)
- clip 支持函数方式创建 (#1500) (abcd513)
- component 支持外部定义的 props 类型传入 (#1685) (7a90906)
- coord 添加默认的padding逻辑 (af88ed3)
- custom clip (#1569) (bc070ff)
- export tooltip component (4067ecd)
- f2 新增 umd 构建包 (#1295) (e0d4bab)
- f2-my: 优化 AppX2 下 canvas 组件宽高设置 (#1327) (2305c99)
- f2-my: 兼容新版 Canvas 接口(基础库 2.7.0 起) (#1319) (d482154)
- files cjs => esm (380c53d)
- gauge 支持 view 的 props ts 类型扩展 (#1728) (328aa7e)
- GeomBase: add ignoreEmptyGroup config to geom base (bb1b010), closes #716
- geometry 透出 getAttr 方法 (#1364) (6bb9ce9)
- geom添加getRecords方法 (7ab4372)
- gesture-plugin (4de892c)
- getSnapshot支持饼图 (#1380) (c3a0a04)
- Group support matrix animation (0789075)
- group 支持添加背景 (94403b6)
- Guide component add limitInPlot property to limit guide draw in chart plot area. Closed #203 (05bf832)
- Guide component support change visible. (1ba0db1)
- guide offset 支持 px 单位 (#1434) (e389ec2)
- Guide 支持动画callback配置 (#1370) (8939785)
- guide: LineGuide (c6b3015)
- guide: support offset setting for Guide.Text. (2f2d908)
- guide: withGuide 和 TextGuide (f98625f)
- ignore test file (#1239) (b0f1b23)
- image shape 支持fillOpacity设置 (5e70013)
- image 添加 radius 属性 (31ddbc5)
- Interval Label (#1277) (704e1a0)
- interval 支持传入函数 (#1582) (2c15d8a)
- interval 柱状图绘制 (85101ae)
- interval-select interaction support highlight axis label. (f92986f)
- legend 增加 clickable 配置 (#1433) (5abaa87)
- legend 支持 nameStyle 和 valueStyle (#1387) (eb24656)
- Legend 支持 onClick 回调. Closed #1511 (#1512) (20589b4)
- mapping 传入全部映射数据 (#1559) (d4a3a5b)
- merge master (#1681) (1a20463)
- optimize category scale's normalization of non-drawing data. For pan and swipe interaction. (14556a2)
- pie-select and interval-select support cancelable property. (fd27072)
- PieLabel plugin support active selected shape. (fc06bca)
- pielabel sidePadding (#1455) (bec4860)
- pinch 添加range配置 (9560f70)
- plugin (251806e)
- position support for mixing of keyword, percent and value. (e24e3a2)
- React 组件增加 onError 事件透出 (#1499) (9343523)
- refactor axis component and add top property. (78180ed)
- remove scalue._toTimeStamp (b3c0771)
- rollup (4904a04)
- scale 版本0.3.3 (70ef710)
- support 'x', 'y', 'xy' three types for tooltip crosshairs, and support xTip and yTip display for tooltip. Closed #369. (7fad5c7)
- support ant miniprogram (58cc837)
- support CanvasRenderingContext2D instance. (8dade8c)
- support dodge margin (db9ead5)
- support F2.Util. (2386490)
- Support for rotation of text shapes. (8d01b4d)
- support guide animation. (51fd1dd)
- support multiple y axis for guide. Closed #64 (fe9b1bd)
- Support polar coordinate grid lines can be drawn as arcs. (e8178a9)
- support progress bar for pan and pinch. (a275112)
- support select mode for interval-select interaction. (e14d584)
- support set default selected shape for pie-select and interval-select interaction. Related to #248. (55364d5)
- support set gradient color in default. Closed #243. (20b18a9)
- support setting axis's position. (6a6a911)
- support snap property for crosshairs. (267e59e)
- support speed and step setting for category scale pan interaction.Closed #357,#343. (fbcf0c8)
- support swipe interaction. (5fb037f)
- support syncY property to unify multiple Y-axis data ranges. Related to #258. (854685e)
- test case cjs => esm (66022b7)
- test 支持 snapshot 对比 (#1310) (e161d7a)
- the drawing order of geoms can be decided by scale values. (1f2993e)
- the drawing order of geoms can be decided by scale values. (4059801)
- tooltip onChange event (#1313) (735e1e7)
- tooltip polar crosshair (#1447) (0786f94)
- tooltip tip content support callback. (506b1fb)
- tooltip 功能完善 (#1302) (1719c53)
- tooltip 增加轴辅助信息 (#1306) (8cc1c1d)
- tooltip 支持自定义文本内容 (#1557) (7406ce7)
- tooltip: miniprogram support xTip. Closed #460. (d037e73)
- tooltip: 调整snap和辅助线渲染顺序,并使得snap可自动设置填充色 (#1459) (46fb275)
- tooltip: 默认展示 tooltip (#1328) (e9bed58)
- travis config (3464227)
- treemap selection (#1791) (c1fc8c1)
- treemap 支持 props 的扩展和定义 (#1727) (4b6c88c)
- types: add Animate (1deee96)
- types: add Axis (eb03d02)
- types: add CanvasProps (3d90248)
- types: add Chart (b91d08a)
- types: add Coordinate (bd33cae)
- types: add Data (bc5cd7e)
- types: add G (e292269)
- types: add Geometry (be17d68)
- types: add Gesture (253ba56)
- types: add Global (51eb6a7)
- types: add Guide (cde0cc7)
- types: add Interaction (7dcd22b)
- types: add Legend (43f32ec)
- types: add PieLabel (dd83157)
- types: add Plugin (30081c1)
- types: add Point (afe90fd)
- types: add Scale (bb96ee4)
- types: add ScrollBar (9f0e2a3)
- types: add Shape (6c29f58)
- types: add tests (6fd6880)
- types: add Tooltip (ad05274)
- types: add Util (9762a40)
- types: improve (8d25c48)
- types: improve (85d75d8)
- types: improve (ccabc2c)
- types: improve (0f6100a)
- types: improve CanvasProps (2ab3195)
- types: improve ChartInnerProps (e305985)
- types: improve Geometry (ec6ccfb)
- types: improve Geometry (9075b46)
- types: improve Scale (5813655)
- types: improve ScaleProps (64211ea)
- types: improve Tooltip (408cd22)
- umd 构建透出 global.FEngine (#1671) (fe64989)
- update 新增销毁和新建逻辑 (bff0164)
- weaver图 (75a1183)
- 临时保存 (75eabce)
- 为 tooltip 的 xtip/ytip 增加 text 样式配置 (bbbdf91)
- 事件监听在chart上 (#1731) (9032819)
- 优化官网文档 (#1704) (4ba351c)
- 优化更新逻辑 (c08d0e7)
- 优化更新逻辑 (9e68a77)
- 优化更新逻辑和性能 (1ead15f)
- 优化组件更新策略 (b5795eb)
- 使用jest 内置expect断言 (77c440f)
- 使用教程的文档迁移 (81b6f1f)
- 依赖scale 0.3.2 (d55d316)
- 修复treemap坐标 & 增加theme space接口 (#1723) (d695095)
- 修改scale度量修改的单测 (52dc331)
- 修改tooltip & zoom事件监听 (#1720) (00c082b)
- 修改仪表盘并添加demo (#1392) (24d4b69)
- 修改类型定义 (#1272) (243667f)
- 修改线样式 (9db06b4)
- 元素状态统一成常量 (73adbfa)
- 刻度值优选原则 (b0594f6)
- 动画的基础逻辑 (6d9be2c)
- 升级@antv/gatsby-theme-antv主题 (34f521a)
- 升级@antv/util (30babec)
- 单测补齐 浮点数判断 (52cbf6d)
- 去除icon (cf8c12e)
- 只有在有style时,才计算布局 (4d56d26)
- 可手动关闭动画执行 (a6e23f5)
- 图形选中支持自定义事件 (#1397) (6381fa8)
- 图片添加缓存配置,防止重复加载的抖动 (bc95e20)
- 图表示例名称修改 (7e81330)
- 增加 tslint 并 fix (#1233) (8517780)
- 增加f2 自定义time-cat scale算法 (83a556b)
- 增加ticks算法单测 (12f6d69)
- 增加官网demo (#1699) (82291ec)
- 增加空值处理 (98cf9ee)
- 增加面积图 demo,增加 stack 支持 (dc34d91)
- 复杂交互支持小程序 (707f619)
- 多端多环境的适配与支持 (458c3fb)
- 大部分绘制能力对接完成 (#1502) (3486d70)
- 完善 axis 类型定义 (#1242) (e51071a)
- 完善 ts 定义 (#1238) (6c49bb9)
- 完备 ts 定义 (#1276) (15e6168)
- 完成一张图 (b9419ec)
- 完成基础折线图示例 (98bde42)
- 完成基础渲染 (17566b7)
- 完成微笑定投 (8d83c78)
- 完成金牌经理图 (faa4951)
- 导出renderShape (#1362) (bcb9407)
- 小程序支持 click 事件 (#1399) (43142e0)
- 异常值处理 (9d5455e)
- 性能优化,没有更新时不render (d0a7732)
- 把helper和component透出来 (3bc0220)
- 接入g-lite && 去掉jsx (#1614) (9232d8e)
- 支小宝叙事添加点击跳转 (74d8dc9)
- 支持 Interval 和 TextGuide 的 animation 透传 (#1255) (05abb88)
- 支持 tooltip snap 定位点 (#1267) (0be233c), closes #1207 #1231
- 支持在 vue 中使用 F2 (#1469) (c710f34)
- 支持外部注册和扩展渲染引擎 (a29f627)
- 支持微信小程序 (#1321) (70edcf7)
- 支持支付宝小程序 (#1300) (534359d)
- 数据元素 marker 背景色支持自定义 (#1560) (c7c4f7d)
- 新增 Gauge 的 ts 类型定义 (#1659) (ee433b4)
- 新增 sizeZoom 支持按数据维度设置显示比例 (#1781) (560c5eb)
- 新增gallery (38c273d)
- 新增imageShape组件 (51a39e2)
- 新增图片型图形文档和demo (9c04763)
- 新增横屏的支持 (9eb85ca)
- 新官网基础配置 (938b563)
- 极坐标绘制 (3cf5ae9)
- 构建成功 (9db6e27)
- 柱图/条形图/饼图/散点图示例迁移 (#1235) (e65f5fc)
- 添加 4.x 5.x benchmark (#1796) (3b829b0)
- 添加 F2 jsx 版本的 apple-watch (#1423) (38b3202)
- 添加 F2 React (#1676) (fc5d635)
- 添加 geometry 的点击选中 (#1383) (2247ebe)
- 添加 K 线图 (#1810) (97618f4)
- 添加adjust的处理逻辑 (986de9f)
- 添加animate的逻辑处理 (9d1652b)
- 添加area的绘制 (01c3006)
- 添加axis (1f8ccc0)
- 添加axis top (a418476)
- 添加classic模式的jsx转换 (2edbc00)
- 添加clear相关事件 (390a0b8)
- 添加clip动画 (dda0107)
- 添加destroy处理 (093df26)
- 添加esm的模块输出 (4d7e0be)
- 添加fund-charts (6634a0e)
- 添加geom draw 事件 (b52f708)
- 添加image类型 (1d824d8)
- 添加interval的绘制 (2090055)
- 添加legend (3016251)
- 添加legend默认的取数逻辑 (4bff197)
- 添加point geometry (570c4fb)
- 添加px的转换逻辑 (95140a1)
- 添加react组件使用方式 (7e317ef)
- 添加repaint事件 (29a3b1d)
- 添加setState逻辑和tooltip (0b61e1e)
- 添加shape的无障碍处理 (a740a94)
- 添加tinker组件库包 (c981cbb)
- 添加tooltip (544412c)
- 添加tooltip (5161579)
- 添加treemap 组件 (d65d22c)
- 添加weaver图 (a32ac9f)
- 添加上层业务组件库 (adc570d)
- 添加主干的文件构建 action (#1730) (75ab2d7)
- 添加内部的事情处理 (9209b63)
- 添加动态气泡图 (beabd26)
- 添加各国家收入排序图 (f5c701b)
- 添加地图demo (e5b764a)
- 添加坐标轴 (72f829a)
- 添加多种不同view (9223e67)
- 添加官网首页 (9b5eaf6)
- 添加折线图 (6f1685c)
- 添加支小宝可视化叙事 (f56c4a7)
- 添加文件大小检测 (#1729) (fcd7a48)
- 添加漏斗图 (47c8a23)
- 添加漏斗图演示demo (7b03e59)
- 添加竞速排序线图demo (afffb35)
- 添加统一的layout处理逻辑 (c657b6d)
- 添加词云组件 (#1733) (3aeaf09)
- 添加默认宽高 (cbc1e29)
- 独立attr属性映射,并添加旭日图 (2a71655)
- 独立出scale controller 统一处理scale (5e2b1cd)
- 直接 export 出 FEngine (#1672) (32b8a9e)
- 移动tick方法到scale下 (5f64ee9)
- 算法优化 (cd412e3)
- 线、轴组件 (eed0416)
- 组件切换与过渡 (dac4d94)
- 组件嵌套和fragment处理 (613959b)
- 结构优化 (09cfdca)
- 统一layout, coord 继承自layout (8f1d532)
- 统一组件格式 (2ef868a)
- 补充 engine 的类型定义 (#1258) (8e6b8ef)
- 补充 line 类型定义 (#1249) (d8aa3ae)
- 补充legend获取逻辑 (3606ef7)
- 补充update的处理逻辑 (8a31049)
- 补全element props ts 类型 (#1282) (12cc7f8)
- 覆盖0.3.X的time-cat算法 (f17d467)
- 调整jsx库 (d3dfacb)
- 调整legend (09d1705)
- 调整sunburst & guide & pie事件 (#1726) (fe76372)
- 调整tooltip样式和细节 (546b43a)
- 调整代码结构 (0d200ef)
- 调整目录结构 (3d922c5)
- 调整部分代码 (5dc4296)
- 调整部分代码 (b575094)
- 调整部分代码 (727a64a)
- 迁移api文档 (2975511)
- 迁移demo (7ba3b46)
- 迁移数据映射逻辑 (7162ace)
- 连续数值刻度算法 (83b1d34)
- 透出px2hd (a208a7f)
- 金牌经理图 (5a9fc0d)
- 雷达图、漏斗图 demo 补充 (#1237) (9264e65)
- 雷达图添加 grid 类型配置 (#1432) (08dbbb7)
- 饼图入场动画 (#1400) (9450d4d)
- 默认增加guide point插件 (28d9e0c)
- stop canvas draw when animation stop. (a873f4b)
- 添加 changelog script (#1425) (8b5df594)
- 修改 issue 创建模板 (#1426) (b6854826)
- 去掉 npm next tag (#1418) (4c05e756)
- 调整 demo 的 shape 示例 (#1428) (1c7f7126)
- 文档里添加 playground 代码演示 (#1427) (34c79416)
- 补全图形标签文档 (#1424) (e94601d0)
- tooltip 在 geometry 之前显示时,位置不对 (#1429) (d6f6f614)
- fragment 类型标签 (#1422) (28bcc8d4)
- 修复单测文件 ts 类型报错 (#1420) (355f3ec5)
- 官网 demo riddle 打开时报错 (#1419) (998eddca)
- 图片添加缓存配置,防止重复加载的抖动 (bc95e200)
- image shape 支持fillOpacity设置 (5e700130)
- 修复添加图片后,toDataURL 报SecurityError (6c9f36f0)
- cat类型平移后ticks不更新 (03752e7a)
- rect 设置radius时,图形画不出来 (10666e85)
- 升级travis node 版本 (3e990f15)
- 修复touchend 后,points为空 (e769d642)
- 修复hollowCircle报错和多geom时,crosshairs不显示的问题。Fixed #1140 (c1b5c85b)
- 修复tooltip posy小于0被截断不显示 (bcda3586)
- release 3.8.0 (77eabfc6)
- release 3.8.0-alpha.2 (c006d977)
- chart types 添加renderer参数 (3df2460c)
- release 3.8.0-alpha.1 (ac6c75ff)
- release 3.7.8 (fbd4073f)
- 修改官网首页example链接 (b7a4e220)
- 修改demo (9834ec86)
- 添加tooltip show hide 的文档说明 (034cf4dc)
- 添加无障碍aria的配置和使用文档 (771a8157)
- 修改文档结构和内容 (539575b2)
- 新增横屏的支持 (9eb85ca1)
- 支持外部注册和扩展渲染引擎 (a29f627f)
- 添加地图demo (e5b764a7)
- 添加shape的无障碍处理 (a740a941)
- 图表示例名称修改 (7e813303)
- 去除icon (cf8c12eb)
- 新增gallery (38c273df)
- 升级@antv/gatsby-theme-antv主题 (34f521ab)
- export tooltip component (4067ecd7)
- 修复部分404文档跳转链接 (0c8fa827)
- gitee sync fail (2bdfbf00)
- remove circular dependency (3817e75a)
- 引用hammerjs导致小程序报错 (0c15a67c)
- setTheme 单独使用报错,即非Global.setTheme调用 (01080d03)
- 创意图结构修改 (9c9c8077)
- 添加svg注册的测试用例 (7ca79112)
- group和canvas的drawInner统一到container里 (c94804f8)
- region-filter显示错误. Fixed #1013 (1348281f)
- 双y轴, getPosition取不到point. Fixed #1004 (147a1c2c)
- 修复alwaysshow为true时,滑动到plot外面,tooltip还会隐藏的问题 (0f002fef)
- 动画空执行退出 (d0ea34f5)
- 修复tooltip showXTip 显示时,measureText需要新建canvas. Fixed #1015 (010d5161)
- linear NaN error (482c49d0)
- 修复当interval为小数时,小数位数会少1位 (3a0bb6d6)
- remove scale/time-cat import (16b20a30)
- add time-cat export (a66b1eb3)
- 调整代码结构 (3681ff50)
- modify f2 cdn url (a75384fc)
- uniform AntV navbar's order and naming (e492a364)
- 修复文档上一些失效的链接 (478f56d8)
- 异常值处理 (9d5455e8)
- 算法优化 (cd412e3c)
- 移动tick方法到scale下 (5f64ee9c)
- 单测补齐 浮点数判断 (52cbf6db)
- 刻度值优选原则 (b0594f64)
- 连续数值刻度算法 (83b1d348)
- 添加repaint事件 (29a3b1d3)
- scale 版本0.3.3 (70ef7108)
- 增加ticks算法单测 (12f6d69d)
- 覆盖0.3.X的time-cat算法 (f17d467a)
- 增加f2 自定义time-cat scale算法 (83a556b1)
- 依赖scale 0.3.2 (d55d3161)
- 使用jest 内置expect断言 (77c440f7)
- 修改scale度量修改的单测 (52dc3313)
- remove scalue._toTimeStamp (b3c07713)
- 特殊情况下interval不满足要求时,需要递归计算 (5543d488)
- 修复数据字段存在x,y时,再次mapping后,数据不对 (db9def3e)
- 刻度修改,修复单测 (cff266fa)
- 单测修改 (a46809ef)
- 修复 interval 平移后不显示的问题 Fixed #954 (e5c64bfc)
- 修复漏斗图legend点击后,label位置不调整 Fixed #979 (9b43f4d3)
- fix animation register error in codesandbox (0d64825f)
- fix demo bugs in sandbox (294e655b)
- transform arrow functions (8d73bba1)
- values个数边界判断 (f2e64bab)
- 修复精度的单测 (5c8e9910)
- 兼容 0.3.X scale timeCat type (01078256)
- 修复pieLabel插件判断矩形重叠的函数 (c139a6ab)
- 升级@antv/scale (41074d58)
- 修改pieLabel单测,测试前一个渲染过的标签比后一个长,后一个必渲染的bug。 (690bb0fc)
- add TypeScript (7645a44e)
- 新增图片型图形文档和demo (9c04763d)
- 新增imageShape组件 (51a39e24)
- 添加esm的模块输出 (4d7e0bec)
- 结构优化 (09cfdcae)
- test case cjs => esm (66022b75)
- files cjs => esm (380c53db)
- rollup (4904a049)
- types:
- add tests (6fd68806)
- improve (8d25c48e)
- improve (85d75d81)
- improve (ccabc2c3)
- improve (0f6100ac)
- improve Tooltip (408cd222)
- improve Scale (58136550)
- improve Geometry (ec6ccfb9)
- improve CanvasProps (2ab3195e)
- improve Geometry (9075b46a)
- improve ScaleProps (64211ea4)
- add Global (51eb6a7c)
- add Shape (6c29f580)
- improve ChartInnerProps (e305985b)
- add Chart (b91d08ac)
- add Guide (cde0cc78)
- add PieLabel (dd83157f)
- add ScrollBar (9f0e2a3d)
- add Gesture (253ba560)
- add Interaction (7dcd22b0)
- add Tooltip (ad052749)
- add Plugin (30081c1a)
- add G (e2922695)
- add Legend (43f32ecd)
- add Axis (eb03d02e)
- add Coordinate (bd33cae6)
- add Geometry (be17d68d)
- add Animate (1deee96a)
- add Scale (bb96ee41)
- add Data (bc5cd7e4)
- add Point (afe90fdc)
- add CanvasProps (3d902484)
- add Util (9762a40b)
- types:
- 补充types的定义 (7e25cec8)
- merge master conflicts (85197b90)
- merge master conflicts (21efd54b)
- site build error (5ceccda9)
- site 官网的一些错误 (d6a51e31)
- module mix fixed (d17c4d82)
- 修复site编译报错的问题 (b9496f75)
- 去除多余jest配置 (fa40727c)
- 修改引用方式 (9089dfcc)
- remove alilas (c8315815)
- emit: arr len will reduce after splice (45430d50)
- adjust interval (f4ea6de8)
- 为 tooltip 的 xtip/ytip 增加 text 样式配置 (bbbdf91a)
- 添加geom draw 事件 (b52f7088)
- 添加clear相关事件 (390a0b88)
- geom添加getRecords方法 (7ab43728)
- geom rerender (#915) (033a3668)
- 修复touchstart触发press时,没有设置direction (b6f45a6a)
- 交互销毁时,注销事件 (912a13c1)
- 修复rect radius大于宽高时,图形绘制不正确 (558fe91c)
- 添加交互的几个钩子事件 (16fbcaee)
- 把helper和component透出来 (3bc0220d)
- 调整geom attr的映射代码 (441e2408)
- deps: upgrade eslint 3.19.0 to 6.7.2 (234edfc1)
- deps-dev: bump open from 0.0.5 to 7.0.0 (cba92c2a)
- pinch 添加range配置 (9560f70d)
- 复杂交互支持小程序 (707f6198)
- chart添加事件处理 (bc9afcda)
- 添加内部的事情处理 (9209b635)
- 升级@antv/util (30babec1)
- 添加browser字段。Closed #789 (e5a798f1)
- ios spa多次创建导致canvas白屏。Closed #630 (ea3f84f4)
- preventDefault添加空判断 (ec99ed5a)
- 再初始完成后,需要跟新ticks (54a11e9d)
- 修复ci的报错 (ce404908)
- scale锁定0.1.3 (0fe2de5c)
- 修复touchstart时,会触发pan事件 (1be26b83)
- 缩放后,legend点击会让缩放失效 (b490bbe0)
- 添加swipe事件 (eaa89f9c)
- 修复tag位置为NaN时的绘制问题 (3aee6443)
- 修复事件删除的bug,并补充单测 (a7f37899)
- 修复x, y为0的情况 (1dcb5f92)
- touchend时,timeount没有清除导致报错 (1059bdd0)
- 优化press事件的处理 (5b0153dc)
- 修复tooltip touchend不消失的问题 (cb834770)
- 未设置geometry时,clear报错 (065c7ea3)
- 修复非浏览器环境时,currentStyle报错 (f90affa3)
- tooltip响应事件改成press (9a1a21a6)
- 为mapping增加缓存,减少计算耗时 (f96a452d)
- attr模块迁移内部 (d13ca752)
- 调整二次绘制的性能 (05c6c2c4)
- npm包添加src源文件 (16d026c4)
- deps: upgrade eslint 3.19.0 to 6.7.2 (234edfc1)
- deps-dev: bump open from 0.0.5 to 7.0.0 (cba92c2a)
- 添加filter的使用说明 (79038d47)
- 去掉eventemitter,只要简单的事件处理就可以了 (b63c63a6)
- GeomBase: add ignoreEmptyGroup config to geom base (bb1b0107)
- 发布时候babelrc & webpackrc & lintrc都带上了 这会影响工程本身 (4c6f3b47)
- 默认增加guide point插件 (28d9e0c4)
- 图例只支持分类数据 (bfe50422)
- 修复图例过滤不考虑空数据的问题。 (78ee9fca)
- Guide 的 position 百分比解析需要考虑原始数据中本身包含 '%' 的情况.Closed #590. (b299390c)
- 当只有1个扇形时,角度计算-6.285040585751744e-7和0,相减小于0.0001,也不绘制
- bbox.js: getBBoxFromArc方法对于整圆的判断错误,导致半圆弧的最小包围盒计算错误 (8763929f)
- fix the error when pie chart data difference is very large. Closed #514 (b3bf2932)
- add null value judgment to prevent error. (c9be938a)
- legend filter should work during pan or pinch. Closed #467 (3be0359f)
- should filter the points when calculate the polyline shape's bounding box. Closed #468 (00883059)
- add test case for issue 488, the bug has fixed at antvis/adjust#2, Closed #488. (e4381e0a)
- close F2.track(). (ae6331b5)
- tooltip: miniprogram support xTip. (e9115c38)
- add label1offsetY, label2OffsetY to adjust label position for pie-label. (7cac3ce4)
- Guide.Point, fix the bug caused by parsePoint() return null. Closed #458. (2edbb03f)
- pieLabel getBBox() should compact node and mini program env. Closed #448. (29ebd491)
- fix the bug that axis configuration not work when data is empty. Closed #439. (594e4f84)
- fix the bug that grid callback return null did not work. Closed #437 (717f2bf6)
- syncYScales: scale should re-calculate the ticks (ef68c0c8)
- Arc shape support fill. Closed #429. (dc4981fc)
- filter grid points which not in the range 0 to 1. (f25b1300)
- support snap property for crosshairs. (267e59eb)
- Guide component support change visible. (1ba0db13)
- PieLabel plugin support active selected shape. (fc06bca3)
- optimize category scale's normalization of non-drawing data. For pan and swipe interaction. (14556a29)
- tooltip tip content support callback. (506b1fb2)
- auto adjust tooltip's tips position. (5b13ecde)
- support swipe interaction. (5fb037f9)
- support speed and step setting for category scale pan interaction.Closed #357,#343. (fbcf0c89)
- add F2.Global.legend.common and F2.Global.axis.common for generic theme configuration. (becd26c0)
- add PieLabel plugin for rendering the labels of pie chart. (6ba1c70e)
- support 'x', 'y', 'xy' three types for tooltip crosshairs, and support xTip and yTip display for tooltip. Closed #369. (7fad5c78)
- fix the gradient color bug. Closed #389. (5cf6e442)
- fix pinch errors of category scale. Closed #342. (d41802f2)
- fix angle calculation problem with linear gradient. (4adbb845)
- fix the draw error caused by smooth area animation. Closed #373. (407fdf5c)
- fix the draw error of polyline which has empty points but still fill the area. Closed #363. (2c336837)
- let 'interval-select' interaction work for mixed charts. Closed #355. (b80aa3ff)
- upgrade @antv/util to 1.2.5 (ff8eb0f7)
- fix the error when draw Guide.regionFilter for area chart. Closed #345. (3900565d)
- add some padding in the vertical direction of chart clip area. Closed #336. (ab485d15)
- fix the error that when the grid is a function and specify the type as 'arc'. Closed #331. (b27a0727)
- when the points is empty, return. Closed #316. (82d5c2c7)
- fix the bug when customizing the legend, the function type marker not work. Closed #317. (d631466c)
- Optimized geometry shape's id generation strategy. Closed #318. (ea7adc9d)
- upgrade babel7. (ee2087e2)
- Guide.point, the render method should return the point shape. (e83a3a1c)
- attrs should be deep clone. Closed #288. (2e4a90b9)
- when Text shape's text attribute is updated, the textArr attribute should be reset. Closed #302. (1625a22e)
- if text shape's x or y is NaN, there will be a drawing error in webchart mini program. Related to antvis/wx-f2#81. (4f0ca529)
- if there is a point with NaN value in the Polyline's points, there will be a drawing error in webchart mini program. (d5b39bef)
- when text shape's content is 0, ensure it will be rendered. Closed #282. (b35dedf2)
- add Node.js 10 (c6adb987)
- support set gradient color in default. Closed #243. (20b18a90)
- support
property to unify multiple Y-axis data ranges. Related to #258. (854685e8) - support set default selected shape for pie-select and interval-select interaction. Related to #248. (55364d59)
- when geom clear, the
should be reset. Closed #273. (a36aa67f) - when chart update, tooltip's
should be reset. Closed #271. (297ae475) - define calculateBBox method for smooth area shape for getBBox(). (ebf8539d)
- Fix sorting problem for categorical data. Closed #257. (3a129289)
- add interactions for chart, includes: 'pie-select', 'interval-select', 'pan' and 'pinch'.
- add{}).
- add{}).
- add scrollBar plugin for pan and pinch interaction. (08b18c38)
- add guide.repaint() method. (e626def6)
- Guide component add
property to limit guide draw in chart plot area. Closed #203 (05bf832c) - add show() and hide() methods for
instance. (652ce741) - add
property for chart, to limit the drawing area of geometrys. (74e53218) - the drawing order of geoms can be decided by scale values. (1f2993e6)
- Fix problem with element zIndex in tooltip. Closed #216 (2b83bb83)
- fix axis label animation. (8b1f7b19)
- when x scale is category, do not need to sort data. Closed #202. (184f3937)
- The position of the canvas in the parent container needs to be considered when calculating the Guide.Html position. (512e025d)
- timeCat type scale setting values caused an error in chart drawing. (d1391bd3)
- remove index-common and update index. (38e89096)
- configuration update. (45333936)
- handle the compatibility of Element.prototype.remove(). (97215b9a)
- require from lib folder. (b06507b1)
- use public package
. (84e9a90f) - use public module
. (357679bc) - use @antv/util as utility methods. (c619b66b)
- add test cases for all of the interactions. (77ffa62c)
- add test case for scrollBar plugin. (b8ac2974)
- fix the problem that tooltipMarker not show. Closed #234. (334eb765)
- fix smooth area chart's update animation does not work. Closed #235. (53124c33)
- support guide animation. (51fd1dd8)
- Optimize automatic position adjustment of Guide Tag. Closed #225. (2c0c18a2)
- Not support triggerOn callback usage for tooltip and legend any more. (33624cb1)
- Guarantee the accuracy of the trigger point coordinates. Closed #210 (db3d25c8)
- when set chart.legend(false), chart.getLegendItems() return empty. Closed #190. (c75fdb82)
- fix radar chart drawing path error. Closed #180 (257e2030)
- negative data, drawing graphics(bar chart and area chart) beyond the canvas. Closed #179 (3767e386)
- add f2 track, issue #156. (a301f3ab)
- fix main entry configuration. (352dcefa)
- update package.json configuration. (6f3ee61f)
- when data changed, the padding should be recalculated. (fe7c2215)
- fix the error when values are all null in linear scale. (54787f36)
- fix the interval y scale unable to set min. (9c124f9d)
- chart legend support single select mode. (ebf6db35)
- prevent same plugins repeat init. (89874884)
- when chart is clear, chart.getSnapRecords() should not be affected. (1dbdd79b)
- fixed stack point chart draw error. Closed #119 (d3632781)
- auto padding calculate should consider legend's offsetX and offsetY. (93f75681)
- getSnapRecords() - pick data more accurate in pie chart. (d3d6ddc2)
- the drawing problem when the data of rounded interval shape is zero. (ee79a36c)
- Support for rotation of text shapes. (8d01b4d6)
- Support polar coordinate grid lines can be drawn as arcs. (e8178a99)
- Optimize shape's unique id generation strategy. (09036bad)
- add isCategory property for TimeCat scale. (6299df3a)
- animate: fixed issue where geometry animation could not be closed. (e0c39b2b)
- theme: adjust axis-line's display position. (423b05cc)
- dev: require on demand: bundler app (b6fc228c)
- Group support matrix animation (0789075f)
- add chart.animate() method to support more shapes' animation. (bac28f85)
- add env detect variables, support node-canvas (fcc792f2)
- gesture-plugin (4de892c9)
- animate:
- support pixelRatio setting for node-canvas. (85cb71d0)
- demo: add rotation interactive of pie chart. (cfff6817)
- canvas support alipay miniprogram (58cc8375)
- canvas support wx miniprogram. (f6c327a4)
- fix delay causes the chart not be completely drawed. (c6023c1e)
- fix bug when get records in polar coordinate. Closed #83. (1813bef9)
- adjust the zIndex of axis, guide, tooltip container. (b1d4e597)
- axis label fontFamily (e6620f16)
- stop canvas draw when animation stop. (adc33eb4)
- support chart animation. See API
- add
chart.changeSize(width, height)
method. (58c605f6) - add
. (f4c88331) - support multiple y axis for guide. Closed #64 (6463787b)
- scale formatter not work in tooltip. (c6aff75b)
- support area with null data (b555d7c7)
- set min and max for interval is not work. Closed #57 (1a3dde5a)
- 修复 linear scale tickCount 为 1 卡死浏览器的问题 (86f16009)
- hidden point draw error. (78fcd53b)
- chart.getSnapRecords() uncorrect in pie chart. Closed #67 (53fd40ff)
- Add complete test cases.
- 添加底层绘图引擎,详见 graphic
- 新增插件机制,更好支持图表功能扩展,详见 plugin
- 扩展图表功能组件:Tooltip、Legend,扩展 Guide 功能
- 更灵活的模块按需引用,详见按需引用
- 全新的图表样式,详见 demos
- 支持图表布局 padding 的自动计算,详见 padding
- 添加
方法,用于列定义 - 扩展
方法,支持传入对象,dodge 方式支持设置marginRatio
属性用于调整间距 chart.coord('polar')
属性,用于调整半径大小,详见 Coordinate API
- dev:
- support setting axis's position. (2a157f25)
- demo: demo for drawing labels on pie plot, etc. (232b717f)
- demos: fix title of demos (82acc214)
- remove useless dependencies (f43b42ce)
- add something for github. (572204fd)
- contribute: add (b6b4e3ec)
- guide: support offset setting for Guide.Text. (c0564ae6)
- support F2.Util. (b83b5e95)
- support CanvasRenderingContext2D instance. (ff2cd37f)
- better script (1d1cc799)
- should use canvas dom's width. (ca6c040a)
- dist/f2.js => dist/f2.min.js (24c5b060)
- scale: fixed bug of first record with null (f94cf376)
- chart: fixed bug of #15, getSnapRecords of pie (9b0169b3)
跟 g2-mobile 2.x 相比 F2 3.0 的变化:
命名空间 GM 改成 F2 ==不兼容==
animate 接口简化 ==不兼容==
// 2.0 chart.aniamte().wavec({ duration: 2000, easing: 'elastic', success: function() { alert('ok'); } }); // 3.0 chart.animate({ type: 'wavec', duration: 2000, easing: 'elastic', success: function() { alert('ok'); } });
new chart() 时的配置项
- margin 改成 padding 为了升级方面,margin 还保留支持
// 2.0 var chart = new Chart({ margin: 20 }); // 3.0 var chart = new Chart({ padding: 20 });
- 增加 width, height 属性,可以不在 canvas 上指定宽高
- 增加 pixelRatio 属性
intevalStack,intervalDodge,areaStack 不再在chart 上支持 ==不兼容==
F2 3.0 所有的geomety 都支持数据调整
// 2.0 chart.intervalStack().position('a*b'); // 3.0 chart.interval().position().adjust('stack')
自定义Shape 的接口,更改了函数名称,但是保留原先函数名的支持
- registShape 改成 registerShape
- getShapePoints 改成 getPoints
- drawShape 改成 draw
// 2.0 G2.Shape.registShape('interval', 'custom', { getShapePoints(cfg) {}, drawShape(cfg, canvas) {} }); G2.Shape.registerShape('interval', 'custom', { getPoints(cfg) {}, draw(cfg, canvas) {} });
时间分类(timeCat) 类型数据的 mask 改成标准格式 ==不兼容== 新的 mask 参考fecha
- 修复数据为空,同时设置列定义里面 min: 0,死循环的问题
- 修复销毁时动画未完成的 bug
- 修复 timeCat 类型的 getSnapRecords 方法返回空值的问题
- 支持外部传入 context 对象
- 支持传入 canvas 对象
- 新增半圆处理
- 新增销毁功能
- 性能优化
- 支持缓动函数
自定义 - 支持传入
- 修复平铺动画重复绘制问题
- 修复
- 动画新增参数配置和回调
- 修复极坐标下
方法获取数据范围不在0-1内的问题 - 给
- 绘图库绘制文字的方法添加旋转
- 给 guide 的 rect 方法新增圆角配置
- 给 geom 中折线图的虚线 dash 添加全局样式配置
- 给
- 修复线图和区域图使用时间轴数据超过10条在chrome浏览器排序出错的问题
- 修复guide的clear方法没有清空html的dom元素问题
- 添加window变量保护
- 优化getSnapRecord方法
- 添加
两个图形绘图属性; - geom 对象开放
接口,返回 geom 上所有 shape 的绘制数据; - 修复参与映射的数据属性的数据值全为 undefined 导致栈溢出的问题;
- 添加环形平铺动画方法
; - 修复辅助html文本结构混乱问题.
- 在数据结构frame中添加源数据,供用户在扩展接口上使用
- 优化动画模块
- 给定默认颜色,将color方法变成可选项
- 修复area模块的自定义shape接口
- 新增动画功能,支持水平方向的平铺(waveh)、x轴上的缩放(scalex)、y轴上的缩放(scaley)、x和y轴同时缩放(scalexy)
- 修复shape接口
- 给line的shape新增dash方法
- 将getSnapRecords方法在chart中抛出
- guide 新增html对齐功能,支持9点对齐方式:tr、tc、tl、br、bc、bl、lc、rc、cc
- geom 添加getSnapRecords方法,提供根据画布坐标获取数据的功能
- 集成g2-core,并统一API与G2一致
- guide 拓展
- line
- arc
- text
- html
- 修复了环图在UC上的bug
- 新增加 timeCat 类型
- 调整scale tickcount 自动计算向上逼近
- 修复scale linear 的几个bug
- scale 增加了offset属性,自动计算时min,max各自浮动 百分比
- 增加了自动计算精度的功能,用户只需要传入单精度的值
- 提供了自定义样式功能,拆分坐标轴的全局配置信息
- 修复点图,边框没有颜色的问题
It is the first version of g-mobile.