Cakephp component for stripe payments - contains all the methods described in Stripe API. Cake version 2x. Was created with Stripe API version 3.4.0(latest at the moment). Please see branch 1.15.0
for corresponding Stripe API version.
file toapp/Controller/Component
directory. -
Download Stripe PHP library from and unpack it in Vendor folder, so the Stripe.php file will have the following path
Include in your controller, as
$components => array('Stripe')
, if you want save logs (by default disabled), use
$components => array(
'Stripe' => array(
'logFile' => 'stripe',
'logType' => 'error'
if logType
is set to error
only errors will be saved, if success
only successful requests, if you want to save both set it as both
with this, be sure to create log file in app/tmp/logs
directory with name stripe.log
, and also add this in your bootstrap.php
CakeLog::config('stripe', array(
'engine' => 'FileLog',
'file' => 'stripe'
- Set account settings from bootstrap
Configure::write('Stripe.TestSecret', 'your test secret here');
Configure::write('Stripe.LiveSecret', 'your live secret here');
Configure::write('Stripe.mode', 'Test');
Configure::write('Stripe.currency', 'usd');
Each function returns array - containing status
, message
and response
if response was successful, keys will be
'status' => 'success',
'message' => 'Success',
'response' => the Stripe's response described in API docs, but as an associative array
if request failed, response will be
'status' => 'error',
'message' => the Stripe error message, if it was card error, boolen false otherwise
'response' => Stripe's error response
Function parameters are almost identical what is said in API docs, for example if it is necessary to create card, we need customer's id and the card data, either as an array or as a token (, so using createCard($customerId = null, $card = null)
function, we should provide customer's id as first parameter $customerId
and card data as second parameter $card
List of functions
charge($data = null, $customerId = null)
retrieveCharge($chargeId = null)
updateCharge($chargeId = null, $data = array())
refundCharge($chargeId = null, $data = array())
captureCharge($chargeId = null, $data = array())
listCharges($data = array())
retrieveCustomer($customerId = null)
updateCustomer($customerId = null, $fields = array())
deleteCustomer($customerId = null)
listCustomers($data = array())
createCard($customerId = null, $card = null)
retrieveCard($customerId = null, $cardId = null)
updateCard($customerId = null, $cardId = null, $data = array())
deleteCard($customerId = null, $cardId = null)
listCards($customerId = null, $data = array())
createSubscription($customerId = null, $subscription = null)
retrieveSubscription($customerId = null, $subscriptionId = null)
updateSubscription($customerId = null, $subscriptionId = null, $data = array())
cancelSubscription($customerId = null, $subscriptionId = null)
listSubscriptions($customerId = null, $data = array())
createPlan($data = array())
retrievePlan($planId = null)
updatePlan($planId = null, $data = array())
deletePlan($planId = null)
listPlans($data = array())
createCoupon($data = array())
retrieveCoupon($couponId = null)
deleteCoupon($couponId = null)
listCoupons($data = array())
deleteCustomerDiscount($customerId = null)
deleteSubscriptionDiscount($customerId = null, $subscriptionId = null)
retrieveInvoice($invoiceId = null)
retrieveInvoiceLine($invoiceId = null, $data = array())
createInvoice($customerId = null, $data = array())
payInvoice($invoiceId = null)
updateInvoice($invoiceId = null, $data = array())
listInvoices($customerId = null, $data = array())
retrieveUpcomingInvoice($customerId = null, $subscriptionId = null)
createInvoiceItem($customerId = null, $data = array())
retrieveInvoiceItem($invoiceItemId = null)
updateInvoiceItem($invoiceItemId = null, $data = array())
deleteInvoiceItem($invoiceItemId = null)
listInvoiceItems($data = array())
updateDispute($chargeId = null, $data = array())
closeDispute($chargeId = null)
createTransfer($recipientId = null, $data = array())
retrieveTransfer($transferId = null)
updateTransfer($transferId = null, $data = array())
cancelTransfer($transferId = null)
listTransfers($data = array())
createCardToken($card = null, $customerId = null)
createBankAccountToken($bankAccount = null)
retrieveToken($tokenId = null)
retrieveRecipient($recipientId = null)
updateRecipient($recipientId = null, $fields = array())
deleteRecipient($recipientId = null)
listRecipients($data = array())
retrieveApplicationFee($applicationFeeId = null)
refundApplicationFee($applicationFeeId = null)
listApplicationFees($data = array())
retrieveBalanceTransaction($transactionId = null)
listBalanceHistory($data = array())
retrieveEvent($eventId = null)
listEvents($data = array())