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Contribution Guideline BAMM Aspect Meta Model

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the BAMM Aspect Meta Model. Use this repository to contribute to this specification as easy and transparent as possible, whether it is:

  • Reporting a bug
  • Discussing the current state of the Technical Specifications
  • Submitting a fix
  • Proposing new features
  • other

With the remainder of this document, we want to support interested contributors in bringing in your proposal.

OMP SDS and Roles

The BAMM Aspect Meta Model is a result of the OMP SDS WG ("Open Manufacturing Platform - Semantic Data Structuring - Working Group"). More information about the OMP like its goals or members is available under The overall goal of the SDS WG within the OMP is to work on a Semantic Data Structuring Layer that addresses the needs to share, join, and reuse heterogeneous data of the manufacturing. In that regard, the BAMM Aspect Meta Model acts as a foundation for the modeling of various aspects in a manufacturing environment.


The work on the BAMM Aspect Meta Model is organized within the OMP SDS WG to which this document simply refers as "working group" in the following. The working group is currently meeting regularly and may decide on the acceptance of Pull Requests (PRs) and Issues. Before a release of the specification, the working group further needs to agree on a state of the specification as a release candidate.

Besides the working group, there is a group of people to which this document refers to as "maintainers". Maintainers manage this repository and therefore have write access and the right to assign labels to Issues and PR.

The working group is led by a Chair who facilitates the working group meetings and organizes the work in the working group. The Chair is also a maintainer of this repository.

Contributing Source Code and Technical Specifications for this Project (using GitHub)

  • We use this GitHub repository for the Technical Specifications related to this project, to track issues and feature requests, as well as discuss and manage all pull requests related to this project.
  • Opening Issues and PRs in GitHub is the preferred way to interact with the community around this repository and the BAMM Aspect Meta Model.


We follow the Git branching guidance.

More specifically the repository has the following branches:

name of branch description
main Contains the latest state of the repository
v{version_number}-agreement A state on which the working group agreed on, but which is missing the approval by the organization team of the OMP.
v{version_number} A release of the respective version which is approved by the working group and the OMP.
feature/{feature-name} Contains the development on a specific feature and is intended to be merged back into the main branch as soon as possible. Note, that it is recommended for contributors to create and develop feature branches in a personal fork and not the upstream repository.
bug/{bug-name} Contains the development of (usually smaller) changes in files of the repository that do not introduce new functionality but fix mistakes, errors or inconsistencies. These branches should be merged back into the mainbranch as soon as possible.


We use the Issues feature of GitHub for tracking all types of work in the repository.

We distinguish between the following types of issues;

Issue Types Description
Bug Report This Issue is dedicated to reporting a problem.
Task This Issue is used for describing and proposing a new work item (e.g., a new feature)

If there are issues that link to the same topic, the creator of the issue shall mention those other Tasks in the description. To group tasks that can belong together, one could further create an issue mentioning and describing the overall user story for the referenced tasks.

Pull Requests

Proposals for changes to the content of the repository are managed through Pull Requests (PRs).

Opening Pull Requests

To open such a PR, implement the changes in a new feature branch. Each PR must reference an issue and follows the naming schema: <issue-number>-<feature-name>. For a new PR the target branch is the main branch while the source branch is your feature branch The feature branch branch should be developed in a fork of the upstream repository. So before working on your first feature, you need to create such a fork (e.g., by pressing the Fork button in the top right corner of the GitHub page)

When opening a PR please consider the following topics:

  • optional: Rebase your development on the branch to which you plan to create the PR.
  • Each PR must be linked to an Issue:
    • Reference the Issue number in the name of your feature branch and the description of the PR.
    • Mention the Issue in one of the commit messages associated to the PR together with a GitHub keyword like closes #IssueNumber or fixes #IssuesNumber. For more details visit the GitHub documentation on linking PR with Issues
  • Each PR should only contain changes related to a single work item. If the changes cover more than one work item or feature, then create one PR per work item. You may need to create new more specific Issues to reference if you split up the work into multiple feature branches.
  • Commit changes often. A PR may contain one or more commits.

Paperwork and DCO

The OMP is a JDF project (Joint Developement Foundation) following the project and working group charters as defined in JDF charter template 4.0.1

For source code contribution the project charter requests for non-working group participants the following:

Non-Working Group Participant Feedback and Participation. Upon the Approval of the Working Group Participants, the Working Group can request feedback from and/or allow Non-Working Group Participant participation in a Working Group, subject to each Non-Working Group Participant executing the Feedback Agreement set forth in Appendix B.

Appendix B with the placeholders set to:

  • [Project Name] = ”OMP”
  • [Projects’s Source Code License] = “MPL 2.0”
  • [name of deliverable] = ”BAMM Aspect Meta Model”


OMP Feedback Agreement



The OMP (“Project”) is developing the BAMM Aspect Meta Model (the “Materials”). Project would like to receive input, suggestions and other feedback (“Feedback”) on the Materials. By signing below, you (on behalf of yourself if you are an individual and your company if you are providing Feedback on behalf of the company) grant the Project under all applicable intellectual property rights owned or controlled by you or your company a non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free license to use, disclose, copy, publish, license, modify, sublicense or otherwise distribute and exploit Feedback you provide for the purpose of developing and promoting the Materials and in connection with any product that implements and complies with the Materials. You warrant to the best of your knowledge that you have rights to provide this Feedback, and if you are providing Feedback on behalf of a company, you warrant that you have the rights to provide Feedback on behalf of your company. You also acknowledge that the Project is not required to incorporate your Feedback into any version of the Materials. You further agree that you and your company will not disclose it or distribute drafts of the Project Materials to third parties. Unless the parties agree otherwise, this obligation of non-disclosure will expire five (5) years from the date the material was disclosed to you.

Source Code

Any source code you provide to the Project is subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin version 1.1, available at and the MPL 2.0.

This means, before making a pull request or providing an issue please sign the OMP Feedback Agreement for the working group “Semantic Data Structuring”.


After new Issues or PRs are created, the bug and task label will be added automatically according to the chosen issue type. Later on the Chair or one of the maintainers may further assign a label to it according to this table:

Label Types Description
to be discussed Involvement and Discussion in one of the working group meetings are needed.
request for information The working group or the maintainers are requesting further information from the creator of the Issue or PR. If for a pre-defined time no information is received, then the Issue or PR can be closed.
approved Has been discussed and approved in the working group.
not accepted Has been discussed in the working group with the decision to close this issue.

PR or Issue Discussion and Decision

  • You can provide comments to any PR or Issue via the comment function in GitHub
  • If no further involvement from the working group is required, a maintainer may merge a PR. This mostly applies to bug fixes when no substantial changes are performed. A PR for a bug fix may reference an issue of type Bug Report.
  • The maintainers may assign the label to be discussed to a proposal when further involvement from the working group is required. This then triggers the following steps:
  1. The Chair of the working group puts the proposal up for discussion in one of the next working group meetings.
  2. The working group then uses Consensus Decision-Making with one of the following outcomes:
Decision Next Steps
Approved The Issue or the PR gets the label approved. In the case of a PR, the maintainers merge the respective PR.
Discussion The Issue or the PR get the label request for information.
Close The Issue or the PR are closed and get the label not accepted.
  1. The label to be discussed is removed.
  • If the working group or the maintainers feel that further information is required to explain a PR or an Issue, they may request this information through the comment section of the PR or Issue and assign the label request for information. The maintainers may close the issue if no answer is received after a pre-defined time.

Note, that merging a PR leads to the closing of the Issue if it is linked in the PR.

Review Checklist

The following checklist can be seen as a basis for performing reviews on new PRs:

  • brief and useful commit messages
  • document style is followed
  • the contribution matches to the linked issue and the description of the PR
  • provide clear documentation of new features (if applicable)
  • outline added third party dependencies

Commit Messages

Separate the subject from the body with a blank line because the subject line is shown in the Git history and should summarize the commit body. Use the body to explain what and why with less focus on the details of the how. This blog post has more tips and details. Before you push your commits to a repository, you can squash your commits into one or more logical units of work, e.g., if you want to add a new feature solely in a single commit.

License Headers & Licensing

All files contributed require headers - this will ensure the license and copyright clearing at the end. Also, all contributions must have the same license as the source. The header should follow the following template:

Copyright (c) {YEAR} {NAME OF COMPANY X} 
Copyright (c) {YEAR} {NAME OF COMPANY Y} 

See the AUTHORS file(s) distributed with this work for additional information regarding authorship. 

This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at
SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0

When using the template, one must replace "{NAME OF COMPANY X}" with the name of the involved companies and "{YEAR}" with the year of the contribution. For each involved company you need a new line starting with "Copyright" as outlined in the example.

This example uses the Commenting Option of Ascii-Doc, so if your file is of another type you may have to adapt the comment syntax accordingly.

If you use third-party content (e.g., import / include ...), you are required to list each third-party content explicitly with its version number in the documentation and your pull-request comment. Please note that software licensed under GPL, AGPL or, a similar strong copy-left license cannot be approved.

Release Process

The working group may decide that it reached a stable state for the contents of the repository. To settle an agreement on this and provide downstream users with a stable version of the specification, a release process can be triggered.

For such a release the working group must approve the current state of the main branch as agreement. A maintainer of the repository then forks the main branch into a new branch that follows the naming convention v{version_number}-RC. The organization team of the OMP is then asked to review & approve the v{version_number}-RC branch. If the organization agrees on the approval the OMP steering committee needs to be notified. After that notification, a maintainer triggers the release feature from GitHub based on the commit on which the v{version_number}-RC branch is based.


We use Semantic Versioning to identify versions of published BAMM Aspect Meta Models. Semantic Versioning is documented [here] ( It proposes to have a versioning number with the following elements:

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
- PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

Whereas the Major version must be incremented if the API has backward-incompatible changes (e.g., has breaking changes), the Minor version must be changed if new backward-compatible features are introduced and, the Patch version must be incremented if backward-compatible bugfixes are introduced.


The working group may decide to add a pre-release identifier to the release number. This identifies the state of the released content as agreed but not finalized and thus being subject to change. Hence, it is not advised to use releases which include a pre-release identifier for productive scenarios.

For the pre-release identifieres the working group distinguishes between the following:

  • "M" - Milestone: A milestone release represents an intermediate state on the path to a new actual release. There is the option for further breaking changes between a milestone and the subsequent release. The aim of a milstone release is to allow early adopters to make first evaluation of new features.
  • "RC" - Release Candidate: A release candidate that may be released prior to an actual release to allow final testing and feedback. Hence, the differences between the subsequent release and the RC should be as small and do not add new major features.

Breaking Changes

For the definition of a breaking change, we follow the definition as in the Microsoft REST API Guidelines which are licensed under CC-BY-4.0. This definition states:

Changes to the contract of an API are considered a breaking change. Changes that impact the backwards compatibility of an API are a breaking change.

In the context of the BAMM Aspect Meta Model, one may consider the dependencies between the different elements of the BAMM Aspect Meta Model in a wider sense as some kind of API. So to evaluate whether a change is breaking or not, one needs to consider the implications and required changes in the Aspect Models that are based on the BAMM Aspect Meta Model.

The following table gives examples for breaking and non-breaking changes:

Examples for non-breaking changes are:

  • Adding a new Property
  • Making a mandatory Property optional
  • Adding a new Characteristic

Examples for breaking changes are:

  • Renaming an existing Property
  • Making an optional Property mandatory
  • Removing an existing Characteristic
  • Removing an attribute of an existing class
  • Change of the relationship between two classes (inheritance, aggregation, composition, etc.)

Version Syntax for Specific Environments

Git version tag



v1.0.0-RC1, v1.0.0


GitHub Resources