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Azure based clusters using multiple Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS)

By default, Azure based deployments of Accumulo clusters provision a single Virtual Machine Scale Set - VMSS. A VMSS consists of a set of Virtual Machine instances, which are individually identified by their hostname and private IP address.

Challenges with a single VMSS deployment

  1. All VM instances in a single VMSS by default are of the same size (CPU, RAM and disks). This can be a constraint when provisioning larger clusters, wherein the user might require different resource sizes for leader nodes as compared to worker nodes.
  2. It may also be required to use different disk types (SSD / HDD / NVME) for different sets of nodes in the same Muchos cluster. This is not possible when using a single VMSS deployment.
  3. The muchos launch command automatically populates the nodes section in muchos.props with these hostnames and IP addresses based on the details of the VM instances in the VMSS. In the case of a single VMSS deployment, hard-coded assignment of a minimum (but sufficient) set of roles, to these nodes is done. As a result, deploying additional roles, such as Fluo, or Spark, is not possible unless the user manually edits the muchos.props file after the muchos launch command, and prior to running muchos setup.
  4. Also, in certain cases, it may be necessary to spawn multiple VMSS deployments, to overcome limits such as the maximum number of VMs in a single VMSS. For example, attempting to launch a 2000-node Azure cluster through Muchos would not work if deploying using a single VMSS, as the current limit for VMSS is 1000 VMs in a single VMSS.
  5. Finally, it may be required to assign different perf profiles to different sets of VMs in the cluster. For example, larger nodes will typically have larger JVM heap sizes / YARN memory configured as compared to smaller nodes.

Multiple VMSS deployment

To address the above challenges, Muchos supports a "multiple VMSS" mode of installation for Azure clusters. To use this mode, the user needs to:

  1. Set use_multiple_vmss = True in muchos.props
  2. Create an appropriate azure_multiple_vmss_vars.yml file in the fluo-muchos/conf folder

In such a case, the muchos launch command will create multiple VMSS deployments in parallel, and later assign roles to the VM instances within each VMSS, based on the specification in the azure_multiple_vmss_vars.yml file. Subsequently, muchos setup runs without any modifications.

Format of the mutliple_vmss_vars.yml file

Muchos provides a sample file which can be used as a template to customize. The YAML file is a list of VMSS specifications. The following fields can be specified for each VMSS:

Attribute Required or optional? Default value Description
name_suffix Required - The name of each VMSS is constructed by concatenating the Muchos cluster name with this string. As an example, if your Muchos cluster is called test, and this field has a value of ldr, then the VMSS is created with a name test-ldr
sku Required - A string identifier specifying the Azure VM size. Refer to the Azure documentation to lookup these strings. An example VM size is Standard_D32s_v3 for a 32-vCPU Dsv3 VM
azure_image_reference Optional - If, for whatever reason, you need to use a different Azure VM image for a specific VMSS, please specify the image details in the same format as documented in Azure image reference
azure_image_plan Optional - If, for whatever reason, you need to use a different Azure VM image for a specific VMSS, and if that image needs purchase plan information to be specified, please specify the plan information the same format as documented in Azure image reference
azure_image_cloud_init_file Optional - If, for whatever reason, you need to use a different Azure VM image for a specific VMSS, and if that image needs a custom cloud init file, please specify the cloud init file name as documented in Azure image reference
vmss_priority Optional None If this not specified at each VM level, the value for vmss_priority from the azure section in muchos.props is used
perf_profile Required - A string identifying a corresponding performance profile configuration section in muchos.props which contains perf profile parameters
azure_disk_device_path Optional If not specified, the corresponding azure_disk_device_path value from the azure section in muchos.props is used This is a device path used to enumerate attached SCSI or NVME disks to use for persistent local storage
azure_disk_device_pattern Optional If not specified, the corresponding azure_disk_device_pattern value from the azure section in muchos.props is used This is a device name wildcard pattern used (internally) in conjunction with azure_disk_device_path to enumerate attached SCSI or NVME disks to use for persistent local storage
mount_root Optional If not specified, the corresponding mount_root value from the azure section in muchos.props is used This is the folder in the file system where the persistent disks are mounted
data_disk_count Required - An integer value which specifies the number of persistent (managed) data disks to be attached to each VM in the VMSS. It can be 0 in specific cases - see notes on using ephemeral storage for details
data_disk_sku Required - Can be either Standard_LRS (for HDD) or Premium_LRS (for Premium SSD). At this time, we have not tested the use of Standard SSD or UltraSSD with Muchos
data_disk_size_gb Required - An integer value specifying the size of each persistent (managed) data disk in GiB
data_disk_caching Optional ReadOnly One of None, ReadOnly, or ReadWrite indicating the type of host caching to use for each persistent (managed) disk
image_reference Optional If not specified, the corresponding azure_image_reference value from the azure section in muchos.props is used Azure image reference defined as a pipe-delimited string.
capacity Required - An integer value specifying the number of VMs in this specific VMSS
roles Required - This is a dictionary (list of key-value pairs), each of which should be of the form muchos_role_name: integer count. See sample file for examples. the muchos launch command for Azure clusters uses this list to assign roles to hosts in a sequential fashion. For example, if a given VMSS has 3 zkfc role members and 2 namenode role members defined, host0 and host1 in the VMSS will be assigned both zkfc and namenode roles, and host2 in the VMSS will just be assigned a zkfc role