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Releases: apache/incubator-teaclave-sgx-sdk

Rust SGX SDK v0.9.1

01 Dec 23:12
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Rust SGX SDK v0.9.1 Release Notes

Support Intel SGX SDK 2.0 for Linux Intel released Intel SGX SDK 2.0 for Linux recently and we upgraded Rust SGX SDK to support it.

Support latest Rust nightly build (nightly-2017-11-29-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) We upgraded sgx_tstd to support the latest Rust nightly release. On Nov 9th, librand had been removed from libstd in this commit and we did the same change on sgx_tstd as well as some other minor changes.

Provide rusty-machine in Intel SGX We ported the most popular machine learning library rusty-machine to Intel SGX, along with its examples. Please refer to the Rust SGX version rusty-machine and the machine learning code samples for more details.

Rust SGX SDK v0.9.0

02 Oct 02:14
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Rust SGX SDK v0.9.0 Release Notes

Almost there! Rust SGX SDK v0.9.0 is coming up as a beta version of the future v1.0.0, with the most desired sgx::tstd as well as many new features!

Support Crate porting. Porting existing Rust crates into the SGX world becomes possible. We have successfully ported several crates from with little modifications. Please refer to the section 'Porting Rust Crates' for step-by-step instructions.

Support programming untrusted components in Rust. Now v0.9.0 provides sgx_urts for the untrusted world! One can write Rust codes to start and run an SGX enclave!

Support Serialization/deserialization . Passing structured data to the enclave is no longer a problem! Rust SGX SDK v0.9.0 comes with sgx_serialize, providing secure serialization and deserialization APIs!

Support stdin/stdout/stderr. Now macros like println! are available inside SGX enclave.

Support backtrace inside SGX enclaves. Stack backtrace inside an SGX enclave could be automatically dumped on panicking after enabling the backtrace mechanism.

Support unit tests. Now one can write unit tests with Rust style assertions. Please refer to the new crate sgx_tunittest.

Rust SGX SDK v0.9.0 supports up-to-date Rust nightly build (tested on rust version 1.22.0-nightly (3c96d40d3 2017-09-28)).

Welcome to report bugs, and we will fix them as soon as possible. Thanks for your contributions!

New Features

  • sgx_tstd (previously known as sgx_tstdc) is designed to act as std in SGX programming. Now sgx_tstd fully supports of any, ascii borrow, boxed, cell, char, clone, cmp, collections, convert, default, error, f32, f64, ffi, fmt, hash, i8, i16, i32, i64, io, isize, iter, marker, mem, num, ops, option, panic, prelude, ptr, rc, result, slice, str, string, u8, u16, u32, u64, usize, vec, heap, i128, intrinsics, raw, u128, and partially supports of fs, os, path, sync and thread. For details, please refer to the section 'Difference between sgx_tstd and Rust std'.
  • New supports in untrusted world include sgx_urts (e.g., untrusted run time), sgx_ustdio (e.g., helper functions of stdio) and sgx_ubacktrace (e.g., helper functions of backtrace).
  • Serialization/deserialization is supported by sgx_serialzie.
  • Rust style PRNG interface sgx_rand along with its Derive feature support.
  • Backtrace mechanism is provided by mod backtrace in sgx_tstd and sgx_ubacktrace + libbacktrace.
  • Adopting the new alloc_system through sgx_alloc.

New sample codes

In samplecode directory, we provide the following new code samples:

  • hello-rust is the helloworld sample written in pure Rust.
  • backtrace is a sample showing how to enabling backtrace mechanism inside the enclave.
  • file shows basic usage of SGX's new file system APIs.
  • unit-test shows the way of writing unit tests and conduct unit testing.
  • zlib-lazy-static-sample shows how to use ported third party crates inside enclave.

In third_party directory, we provide six crates ported from untrusted world.

  • inflate a simple implementation of inflate algorithm.
  • libflate a more complex implementation of inflate algorithm. It dependents on adler32-rs and byteorder.
  • a widely used crate for initializing static data structures.
  • yansi printing colorful characters on terminal.

Programming with sgx_tstd in enclave

std is the most important and fundamental crate in Rust. Due to Intel SGX's limitations, many features in Rust's std are incompatible with SGX, thus not all features of std are available in Intel SGX enclaves.

To offer a user-friendly and secure Rust environment in SGX, we implement sgx_tstd. It is very much similar to Rust's std and easy to use. Here is a sample usage:

In Cargo.toml of your project, add the following line to include sgx_tstd

sgx_tstd = { path = "path/to/sgx_tstd" }

And add the following lines in your (use vec as an example here):

extern crate sgx_tstd as std;
use std::vec::Vec;

One can use sgx_tstd in the namespace of std and write Rust program as usual.

But sgx_tstd has its own limitations. We replace some Rust struct with SGX struct (e.g. Mutex now is SgxMutex). We rename some of these structs because the implementation of SgxMutex is vastly different from Rust's Mutex. And we want developers to be clear which mutex they are using.

Please refer to 'Difference between sgx_tstd and Rust std' for the detail of sgx_tstd.

Porting Rust Crates into the SGX world

The most important thing is that the trusted world is a no_std world. If you see linking errors such as f32 f64 panic_fmt is already defined in std, it means that you are linking the Rust's std to the enclave. This is absolutely wrong. You need to check every direct and indirect dependent crates to see if depends on std.

Here is a step-by-step instruction for porting crates to the SGX enclave. To be easy, we name the crate you want to port as 'root crate'.

  1. For each dependent crate of the root crate, check if it uses something like std::vec::Vec. Almost all crates use std.
  2. Download the source codes of the above identified dependent crates.
  3. Fix their Cargo.toml. In the dependency section, change the crate location to local file system ({ path = "path/to/lib" })
  4. Add sgx_tstd to Cargo.toml as a new dependency, e.g., sgx_tstd = { path = "path/to/sgx_tstd" }.
  5. Edit the source code of each Add #[no_std] at the beginning, after all #![] inner attributes.
  6. Add an extra statement: extern crate sgx_tstd as std to include sgx_tstd under the std namespace.
  7. Eliminate all of the references to unsupported mod/macro/feature of sgx_tstd.
  8. Compile.

Please look into third_party directory for porting samples.

Experimental new docker image

The latest Intel SGX SDK for linux v1.9 only supports protobuf v2. Protobuf v2 has a lot of known bugs and is out-of-date. We provide an experimental dev environment with the latest protobuf v3.4.1 and a patched Intel SGX SDK v1.9.

The docker image is on the docker hub now. Please use the following command to download it.

docker pull baiduxlab/sgx-rust-experimental

Misc issues and hacks

  • In Intel's SGX SDK, $(SGX_SDK)/lib64/libsgx_tprotected_fs.a and libsgx_uprotected_fs.a contains extra header files, which would probably cause linking problems. To resolve this, one should run the following commands to remove the header files:
ar d $(SGX_SDK)/lib64/libsgx_uprotected_fs.a sgx_tprotected_fs_u.h
ar d $(SGX_SDK)/lib64/libsgx_tprotected_fs.a sgx_tprotected_fs_t.h

In the docker environment, these two static libraries have been properly patched.

  • Linking error on multiple liblibc. Crate libc is not designed for #![no_std] environment. Though it provides features for no_std, it cannot be linked to SGX enclaves. To resolve this, one should remove one of the existing liblibc rlib. Based on our observations, the larger one is the correct one.

In our docker environment, the extra liblibc is removed.

Difference between sgx_tstd and Rust std

For now we support a subset of Rust's std in the trusted world. There is a full list of supported mods/macros in sgx_tstd

New stuffs in sgx_tstd

New mods in sgx_tstd : enclave, backtrace, cpuid and sync::spinlock.

New macros : global_ctors_object and cfg_if.

New SGX structures (corresponding to Rust's std) :

Exist Structs Rust Sgx Structs
std::fs::File sgx_tstd::fs::SgxFile
std::thread::Thread sgx_tstd::thread::SgxThread
std::thread::ThreadId sgx_tstd::thread::SgxThreadId
std::sync::Mutex sgx_tstd::sync::SgxMutex
std::sync::MutexGuard sgx_tstd::sync::SgxMutexGuard
std::sync::Condvar sgx_tstd::sync::SgxCondvar
std::sync::RwLock sgx_tstd::sync::SgxRwLock
std::sync::RwLockReadGuard sgx_tstd::sync::SgxRwLockReadGuard
std::sync::RwLockwriteGuard sgx_tstd::sync::SgxRwLockwriteGuard

Fully supported mods in sgx_tstd

Mod Description
any This module implements the Any trait.
ascii Operations on ASCII strings and characters.
borrow A module for working with borrowed data.
boxed A pointer type for heap allocation.
cell Shareable mutable containers.
char A character type.
clone The clone trait for types that cannot be 'implicitly copied'.
cmp Functionality for ordering and comparison.
collections Collection types.
convert Traits for conversions between types.
default The default trait for types which may have meaningful default values. 
error Trais for working with Errors.
f32 32 bit float point support.
f64 64 bit float point support.
ffi Utilities related to FFI bindings.
fmt Utilities for formatting and printing Strings.
hash Generic hashing support.
i8 The 8-bit signed integer type.
i16 The 6-bit signed integer type.
i32 The 32-bit signed integer type.
i64 The 64-bit signed integer type.
io Traits, helpers, and type definitions for core I/O functionality.
isize The pointer-sized signed integer type.
iter Composable external iteration.
marker Primitive traits and types representing basic properties of types.
mem Basic functions for dealing with memory.
num Additional functionality for numeric.
ops Overloadable operators.
option Optional values.
panic Panic support in the standard library.
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Rust SGX SDK v0.2.0

22 Jul 19:02
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Rust SGX SDK v0.2.0


Baidu X-Lab provides Rust SGX SDK v0.2.0, to help develop Intel SGX enclaves in Rust programming language.

What's New

  • Support for huge enclave memory (31.75 GB tested). Please configure higher upper limit of heap size in Enclave.config.xml. The new hugemem sample is tested with Linux 16.04 + Xeon E3 1280 V5 + 64 GB memory.
  • Support for newer Rust nightly build (rust version 1.20.0-nightly (nightly-2017-07-06).
  • Support for the latest Intel SGX SDK v1.9.
  • More support of error codes, SGX data structures, API functions.
  • New trait BytewiseEquality, which means the equality of two corresponding object can be calculated by memory compare functions.
  • New trait ContiguousMemory, which means the corresponding object takes up contiguous memory region. This is important to Intel SGX programming. Many APIs are re-designed to use this new trait.
  • Support exception handling: catch_unwind, panik and poisoning.
  • Add a customized implementation of Rust oom (Out-of-memory) exception handling routine. Developer can use sgx_trts::rsgx_oom to catch and memory allocation exceptions and unwind safely.
  • More threading support. Now park() and unpark() are available for threading.
  • Add support for Thread Local Storage. Currently the Thread Local Storage is only provided to enclave enforced "Bound TCS" policy.
  • Add support for Rust style Once call.
  • Add support for global data, using new macro init_global_object. Global data could be initiated dynamically on the first ECALL.
  • Add support for Read-write lock (sgx_tstdc::rwlock).
  • Add support for spinlock (sgx_tstdc::spinlock).
  • Add support for CPUID (rsgx_cpuid).
  • Add constant time memory compare API consttime_memequal for crypto use.
  • Add API support for sgx_get_ps_sec_prop_ex in sgx_tservice.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • cargo test is unsupported.
  • Rust-style backtrace on unexpected error is unsupported.
  • Rust has recently merged a patch (rustc: Implement the #[global_allocator] attribute) which significantly changes the behavior of liballoc. Thus set_oom_handler is no longer available since nightly-2017-07-07. Due to its instability, v0.2.0 Rust SGX SDK keeps using the old liballoc instead of new liballoc_system. As a result, nightly version rustc after 2017-07-06 will not successfully compile sgx_trts.
  • For Thread Local Storage variables in "Bound TCS" enclave, destructors can be defined/implemented but never invoked automatically on thread's death.

Coming up in future

  • More sample codes and a whitepaper.
  • Upcoming module sgx_urts will provide untrusted part support. Developer can write untrusted codes and create enclave in Rust.
  • Port rustls into SGX enclave.

Rust SGX SDK v0.1.0

27 Apr 05:46
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Rust SGX SDK v0.1.0


Baidu X-Lab provides Rust SGX SDK, to help develop Intel SGX enclaves in Rust
programming language.


  • Basic Rust SGX SDK libraries
  • A patch to solve Rust's floating point compatibility issue.
  • Sample enclave codes.
  • A well-configured docker image.

Please refer to our white paper for details.

What's New

  • Support for the latest Intel SGX SDK v1.8 for Linux.
  • Support for the latest Rust nightly build (1.18.0-nightly (c58c928e6 2017-04-11)).
  • Rust style document.

System Requirements

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Rust stable branch is unsupported.
  • cargo test is unsupported.

Unstable APIs

  • rsgx_get_thread_data

  • rsgx_get_enclave_base

  • rsgx_get_heap_base

  • rsgx_get_heap_size