学校:University of Utah
自证认识导师:A Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Utah. Office is 711 in WBB building. She has individual meeting with her students and likes to speak chinese with chinese students.
学术水平:Unprofessional The papers can say nothing. She cannot do research without students. She doesn't allow students to discuss with others, but she can not give useful advice to students.
科研经费:Yes, she is good at writing proposal. She is always writing proposal, so she has many funding. That's why she has many students.
学生补助:Following the department request.
师生关系:She has great relationship with american students and very respects them, but she treats totally different to chinese students.
工作时间:American students do not need to work on weekends and holidays, but chinese students have to. She is smart because she knows how to suggest chineses students to work at night and weekends. She never asks that directly (that's illegal).
学生前途:She says bad things to employer when students find jobs. Many students in her groups do not finish their degree. She doesn't care students' future. She only cares her position in America.
导师辨识特征:Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sicences, University of Utah.
学术水平:Expert in numerical weather prediction, data assimilation, mesoscale severe weather forecasting. very well respected. Elected as AMS Fellow in 2019.
科研经费:Very well. Always support students to go conefrences and traning classes.
学生补助:following the university standard rates.
师生关系:If you are a motivated student, you will have very good relationship with her. She care about students success. She is also very helpful for students publications.
工作时间:She require students to work regularly but don't expect to see you after regular hours.
学生前途:Almost all students found good jobs before graduation.
导师辨识特征:Professor, atmospheric sciences.
学术水平:Very well
科研经费:Very good.
师生关系:She works hard herself. She like students who are willing to learn and work hard. She prefer innovated research topics. I heard there are a couple of students who did not have motivation to study, failed exams, and not study hard had to leave the group.
工作时间:Reasonable requirement. If you want study hard, she is willing to help.
学生前途:I known her student worked as professor/ research scientists in the universities. As research scientists at NCAR, DOE, and other government labs; one of her student became a VP for data science in a US company.
学术水平:蒲朝霞教授长期从事资料同化、数值天气预报、集合预报和可预报性、适应性观测以及复杂地形下大气边界层等方面的研究工作,是资料同化、集合预报及可预报性等研究领域的杰出学者。2000年获美国国家宇航局戈达德飞行中心大气实验室中尺度科“杰出成就奖”;2012年获得犹他大学矿业与地球科学学院“教学杰出成就奖”; 2019年入选美国气象学会会士。已出版译著或专刊两本,以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表九十多篇SCI论文,是诸多国际SCI期刊的评审专家和美国重大科研项目申请的评议专家。现兼任美国气象学会权威专业期刊《Weatherand Forecasting》编辑。
师生关系:尊重与每一个学生的合作。以学生的成功为主旨。肯帮助学生。 但是,和所有治学严谨的教授一样,不能容忍学渣行为。
学生前途:所有毕业的20余名学生大约4年拿到博士学位,2年到硕士学位。有几篇文章发表。老师在美国联系广泛。曾在美国政府工作多年。又肯给学生写推荐信, 因此学生前途很光明。
导师辨识特征:Well-known Chinese-American Professor at the University of Utah (Since 2004). Worked at NOAA/NCEP and NASA/GSFC before moving to Utah. Elected as AMS Fellow in 2019.
学术水平:Expert on Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), especially data assimilation. She is a top scientist in the area of OSSEs and evaluating impacts of new data on NWP.
科研经费:To best of my knowledge, she is well supported by many agencies.
学生补助:Excellent. Salary follows university's high-end. Students have opportunities to attend conferences and trainings.
师生关系:She is willing to work closely with these motivated students. She is always good at helping students to get papers published and graduate faster. Nevertheless, she doesn't like students who do not pay respect to her or have no motivation to study.
工作时间:She always works very hard herself. However, she doesn't require students to work long hours. She encourage students and let students make their own decision.
学生前途:All students who graduated with her found jobs near their graduation. Every student worked with her got their degree with excellent records of publications. In the past 12 years, she has produced 10 PhDs and 9 MSs. They worked at the University, large side enterprises, US government labs, research institute, US Airfare, etc. She always writes excellent letters and speaks her students highly to the potential employers.
学术水平:当选美国气象院士 - AMS Fellow.
师生关系:对学生很好。 拥有许多高徒。 奉劝各位不要听信谣言和学渣言论,耽误自己与一流科学家学习和工作的前程。
学校:University of Utah
自证认识导师:Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
师生关系:Make a chinese student dead for psychological causes and used to force a american student gone to the courtroom.
工作时间:Very push.
学校:University of Utah
学术水平:千万别被她MIT毕业给骗了。此人根本不是做科研的料,靠拍系主任 (孤独老男人)和Rachel Hayes Harb 的马屁拿到tenure。期间为Rachel Hayes Harb 精心做过一学期午饭,直到自己生孩子为止。
学校:University of Utah
学术水平:已经过气,走学术官僚道路了。据其它导师讲,为了早拿tenure和系主任(一个离婚,到了50多才找了自己学生的胖子)在办公室多次发生关系。可怜那位带绿帽子,不,绿头巾,的那位 (也是同校faculty)还蒙在鼓里,见人就说他一个阿拉伯人找了金发美国女郎多幸运。对了,人家不生孩子。