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File metadata and controls

194 lines (155 loc) · 4.26 KB



Install .deb package using apt or apt-get:

apt update
apt install ./bbb-webrtc-recorder_x.x-x_amd64.deb

It depends on redis package which will be installed automatically.


Default configuration file:

# Enable verbose logging for debugging
debug: true

  # Directory where the recorder will save files
  directory: /var/lib/bbb-webrtc-recorder
  # File mode permissions for the recording directories (octal)
  dirFileMode: 0700
  # File mode permissions for the recording files (octal)
  fileMode: 0700

    # PubSub channel where the recorder will receive messages
    subscribe: to-bbb-webrtc-recorder
    # PubSub channel where the recorder will send messages
    publish: from-bbb-webrtc-recorder
  # The adapter which will be used for PubSub connection
  adapter: redis
  # PubSub adapter-specific configuration
      address: :6379
      network: tcp
      #password: foobared

  # UDP port range to be used
  rtcMinPort: 24577
  rtcMaxPort: 32768
  # Jitter Buffer size
  jitterBuffer: 512
  # List of IceServers used for RTC
    - urls:
# Example turn server
#    - urls:
#        -
#      username: webrtc
#      credential: turnpassword

# HTTP server for testing
# (should be disabled in production)
  port: 8080
  enable: true

Default env file used by SystemD service: * Note: all environment variables must be prefixed with BBBRECORDER_ * Note: all environment variables must be upper case * Note: nested objects are separated by _ (underscore) - Example: BBBRECORDER_RECORDER_DIRECTORY=/var/lib/bbb-webrtc-recorder (equivalent of in config file)


Systemd service:

systemctl enable --now bbb-webrtc-recorder
systemctl status bbb-webrtc-recorder

Make sure to start redis:

systemctl enable --now redis
systemctl status redis


Examples of how to print out config values:

bbb-webrtc-recorder [-c config.yml] --dump http
bbb-webrtc-recorder [-c config.yml] --dump http.port
bbb-webrtc-recorder [-c config.yml] --dump

To run in debug mode (verbose logging) either enable debug in configuration file debug: true or run the application with -d flag:

bbb-webrtc-recorder [-c config.yml] -d

Viewing SystemD logs:

journalctl -u bbb-webrtc-recorder -f

PubSub events/calls

startRecording (SFU -> Recorder)

    id: "startRecording",
    recordingSessionId: <String>, // requester-defined - error out if collision.
    sdp: <String>, // offer
    fileName: <String>, // file name INCLUDING format (.webm)

startRecordingResponse (Recorder -> SFU)

    id: "startRecordingResponse",
    recordingSessionId: <String>, // file name,
    status: "ok" | "failed",
    error: undefined | <String>,
    sdp: <String | undefined>, // answer
    fileName: <String | undefined>, // full path to recording

recordingRtpStatusChanged (Recorder -> SFU)

    id: "recordingRtpStatusChanged", // media started or stopped flowing
    status: "flowing" | "not_flowing",
    recordingSessionId: <String>, // file name
    timestampUTC: <Number>, // latest/trigger frame ts, UTC
    timestampHR: <Number>, //monotonic system time (latest/trigger frame ts),

stopRecording (SFU -> Recorder)

    id: "stopRecording",
    recordingSessionId: <String>, // file name

recordingStopped (Recorder -> SFU)

    id: "recordingStopped",
    recordingSessionId: <String>, // file name
    reason: <String>,
    timestampUTC: <Number>, // last written frame timestamp, UTC, wall clock
    timestampHR:  <Number> // last written frame timestamp, monotonic system time

getRecorderStatus (* -> Recorer)

	id: ‘getRecorderStatus’,

recorderStatus (Recorder -> *)

	id: ‘recorderStatus’, // Triggered by getRecorderStatus
	appVersion: <String>, // version of the recorder
	instanceId: <String>, // unique instance id
	timestamp: <Number>, // event generation timestamp