From 3201f912328ffe54b071c51f5346c0b4e68679f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Weiss <>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2022 17:19:54 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] more PCAP

 Package.swift                                 |   9 +-
 Package@swift-5.5.swift                       |   9 +-
 Sources/NIOExtras/WritePCAPHandler.swift      | 199 +------
 Sources/NIOPCAP/PCAP.swift                    | 493 ++++++++++++++++++
 Sources/NIOPCAP/PCAPDecoder.swift             |  42 ++
 Tests/NIOExtrasTests/PCAPRingBufferTest.swift |   2 +-
 .../NIOExtrasTests/WritePCAPHandlerTest.swift | 155 +-----
 7 files changed, 560 insertions(+), 349 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Sources/NIOPCAP/PCAP.swift
 create mode 100644 Sources/NIOPCAP/PCAPDecoder.swift

diff --git a/Package.swift b/Package.swift
index 07157329..8e4427a2 100644
--- a/Package.swift
+++ b/Package.swift
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ var targets: [PackageDescription.Target] = [
         name: "NIOExtras",
         dependencies: [
+            "NIOPCAP",
             .product(name: "NIO", package: "swift-nio"),
             .product(name: "NIOCore", package: "swift-nio"),
             .product(name: "NIOHTTP1", package: "swift-nio"),
@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ var targets: [PackageDescription.Target] = [
         name: "NIOExtrasTests",
         dependencies: [
-            "NIOExtras",
+            "NIOExtras", "NIOPCAP",
             .product(name: "NIOCore", package: "swift-nio"),
             .product(name: "NIOEmbedded", package: "swift-nio"),
             .product(name: "NIOPosix", package: "swift-nio"),
@@ -123,6 +124,12 @@ var targets: [PackageDescription.Target] = [
             .product(name: "NIOEmbedded", package: "swift-nio"),
             .product(name: "NIOTestUtils", package: "swift-nio"),
+    .target(
+        name: "NIOPCAP", // For now, this is not a product, ie. it's not exported and just an internal "helper module".
+        dependencies: [
+            .product(name: "NIOCore", package: "swift-nio"),
+            .product(name: "NIOPosix", package: "swift-nio"),
+        ]),
 let package = Package(
diff --git a/Package@swift-5.5.swift b/Package@swift-5.5.swift
index 77840da0..768eb45c 100644
--- a/Package@swift-5.5.swift
+++ b/Package@swift-5.5.swift
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ var targets: [PackageDescription.Target] = [
         name: "NIOExtras",
         dependencies: [
+            "NIOPCAP",
             .product(name: "NIO", package: "swift-nio"),
             .product(name: "NIOCore", package: "swift-nio"),
             .product(name: "NIOHTTP1", package: "swift-nio")
@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ var targets: [PackageDescription.Target] = [
         name: "NIOExtrasTests",
         dependencies: [
-            "NIOExtras",
+            "NIOExtras", "NIOPCAP",
             .product(name: "NIOCore", package: "swift-nio"),
             .product(name: "NIOEmbedded", package: "swift-nio"),
             .product(name: "NIOPosix", package: "swift-nio"),
@@ -122,6 +123,12 @@ var targets: [PackageDescription.Target] = [
             .product(name: "NIOCore", package: "swift-nio"),
             .product(name: "NIOTestUtils", package: "swift-nio"),
+    .target(
+        name: "NIOPCAP", // For now, this is not a product, ie. it's not exported and just an internal "helper module".
+        dependencies: [
+            .product(name: "NIOCore", package: "swift-nio"),
+            .product(name: "NIOPosix", package: "swift-nio"),
+        ]),
 let package = Package(
diff --git a/Sources/NIOExtras/WritePCAPHandler.swift b/Sources/NIOExtras/WritePCAPHandler.swift
index 195a27e8..9f535b70 100644
--- a/Sources/NIOExtras/WritePCAPHandler.swift
+++ b/Sources/NIOExtras/WritePCAPHandler.swift
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
-// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
+// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
 // Licensed under Apache License v2.0
 // See LICENSE.txt for license information
@@ -12,105 +12,18 @@
-#if os(macOS) || os(tvOS) || os(iOS) || os(watchOS)
+import Dispatch
+import NIOCore
+import NIOPCAP
+#if canImport(Darwin)
 import Darwin
 import Glibc
-import Dispatch
-import NIOCore
 let sysWrite = write
-struct TCPHeader {
-    struct Flags: OptionSet {
-        var rawValue: UInt8
-        init(rawValue: UInt8) {
-            self.rawValue = rawValue
-        }
-        static let fin = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 0)
-        static let syn = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 1)
-        static let rst = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 2)
-        static let psh = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 3)
-        static let ack = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 4)
-        static let urg = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 5)
-        static let ece = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 6)
-        static let cwr = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 7)
-    }
-    var flags: Flags
-    var ackNumber: UInt32?
-    var sequenceNumber: UInt32
-    var srcPort: UInt16
-    var dstPort: UInt16
-struct PCAPRecordHeader {
-    enum Error: Swift.Error {
-        case incompatibleAddressPair(SocketAddress, SocketAddress)
-    }
-    enum AddressTuple {
-        case v4(src: SocketAddress.IPv4Address, dst: SocketAddress.IPv4Address)
-        case v6(src: SocketAddress.IPv6Address, dst: SocketAddress.IPv6Address)
-        var srcPort: UInt16 {
-            switch self {
-            case .v4(src: let src, dst: _):
-                return UInt16(bigEndian: src.address.sin_port)
-            case .v6(src: let src, dst: _):
-                return UInt16(bigEndian: src.address.sin6_port)
-            }
-        }
-        var dstPort: UInt16 {
-            switch self {
-            case .v4(src: _, dst: let dst):
-                return UInt16(bigEndian: dst.address.sin_port)
-            case .v6(src: _, dst: let dst):
-                return UInt16(bigEndian: dst.address.sin6_port)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    var payloadLength: Int
-    var addresses: AddressTuple
-    var time: timeval
-    var tcp: TCPHeader
-    init(payloadLength: Int, addresses: AddressTuple, time: timeval, tcp: TCPHeader) {
-        self.payloadLength = payloadLength
-        self.addresses = addresses
-        self.time = time
-        self.tcp = tcp
-        assert(addresses.srcPort == Int(tcp.srcPort))
-        assert(addresses.dstPort == Int(tcp.dstPort))
-        assert(tcp.ackNumber == nil ? !tcp.flags.contains([.ack]) : tcp.flags.contains([.ack]))
-    }
-    init(payloadLength: Int, src: SocketAddress, dst: SocketAddress, tcp: TCPHeader) throws {
-        let addressTuple: AddressTuple
-        switch (src, dst) {
-        case (.v4(let src), .v4(let dst)):
-            addressTuple = .v4(src: src, dst: dst)
-        case (.v6(let src), .v6(let dst)):
-            addressTuple = .v6(src: src, dst: dst)
-        default:
-            throw Error.incompatibleAddressPair(src, dst)
-        }
-        self = .init(payloadLength: payloadLength, addresses: addressTuple, tcp: tcp)
-    }
-    init(payloadLength: Int, addresses: AddressTuple, tcp: TCPHeader) {
-        var tv = timeval()
-        gettimeofday(&tv, nil)
-        self = .init(payloadLength: payloadLength, addresses: addresses, time: tv, tcp: tcp)
-    }
 /// A `ChannelHandler` that can write a [`.pcap` file]( containing the send/received
 /// data as synthesized TCP packet captures.
@@ -187,7 +100,7 @@ public class NIOWritePCAPHandler: RemovableChannelHandler {
     /// Reusable header for `.pcap` file.
     public static var pcapFileHeader: ByteBuffer {
         var buffer = ByteBufferAllocator().buffer(capacity: 24)
-        buffer.writePCAPHeader()
+        buffer.writePCAPHeader(.default)
         return buffer
@@ -497,104 +410,6 @@ extension NIOWritePCAPHandler: ChannelDuplexHandler {
-extension ByteBuffer {
-    mutating func writePCAPHeader() {
-        // guint32 magic_number;   /* magic number */
-        self.writeInteger(0xa1b2c3d4, endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
-        // guint16 version_major;  /* major version number */
-        self.writeInteger(2, endianness: .host, as: UInt16.self)
-        // guint16 version_minor;  /* minor version number *
-        self.writeInteger(4, endianness: .host, as: UInt16.self)
-        // gint32  thiszone;       /* GMT to local correction */
-        self.writeInteger(0, endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
-        // guint32 sigfigs;        /* accuracy of timestamps */
-        self.writeInteger(0, endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
-        // guint32 snaplen;        /* max length of captured packets, in octets */
-        self.writeInteger(.max, endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
-        // guint32 network;        /* data link type */
-        self.writeInteger(0, endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
-    }
-    mutating func writePCAPRecord(_ record: PCAPRecordHeader) throws {
-        let rawDataLength = record.payloadLength
-        let tcpLength = rawDataLength + 20 /* TCP header length */
-        // record
-        // guint32 ts_sec;         /* timestamp seconds */
-        self.writeInteger(.init(record.time.tv_sec), endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
-        // guint32 ts_usec;        /* timestamp microseconds */
-        self.writeInteger(.init(record.time.tv_usec), endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
-        // continued below ...
-        switch record.addresses {
-        case .v4(let la, let ra):
-            let ipv4WholeLength = tcpLength + 20 /* IPv4 header length, included in IPv4 */
-            let recordLength = ipv4WholeLength + 4 /* 32 bits for protocol id */
-            // record, continued
-            // guint32 incl_len;       /* number of octets of packet saved in file */
-            self.writeInteger(.init(recordLength), endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
-            // guint32 orig_len;       /* actual length of packet */
-            self.writeInteger(.init(recordLength), endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
-            self.writeInteger(2, endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self) // IPv4
-            // IPv4 packet
-            self.writeInteger(0x45, as: UInt8.self) // IP version (4) & IHL (5)
-            self.writeInteger(0, as: UInt8.self) // DSCP
-            self.writeInteger(.init(ipv4WholeLength), as: UInt16.self)
-            self.writeInteger(0, as: UInt16.self) // identification
-            self.writeInteger(0x4000 /* this set's "don't fragment" */, as: UInt16.self) // flags & fragment offset
-            self.writeInteger(.max /* we don't care about TTL */, as: UInt8.self) // TTL
-            self.writeInteger(6, as: UInt8.self) // TCP
-            self.writeInteger(0, as: UInt16.self) // checksum
-            self.writeInteger(la.address.sin_addr.s_addr, endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
-            self.writeInteger(ra.address.sin_addr.s_addr, endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
-        case .v6(let la, let ra):
-            let ipv6PayloadLength = tcpLength
-            let recordLength = ipv6PayloadLength + 4 /* 32 bits for protocol id */ + 40 /* IPv6 header length */
-            // record, continued
-            // guint32 incl_len;       /* number of octets of packet saved in file */
-            self.writeInteger(.init(recordLength), endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
-            // guint32 orig_len;       /* actual length of packet */
-            self.writeInteger(.init(recordLength), endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
-            self.writeInteger(24, endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self) // IPv6
-            // IPv6 packet
-            self.writeInteger(/* version */ (6 << 28), as: UInt32.self) // IP version (6) & fancy stuff
-            self.writeInteger(.init(ipv6PayloadLength), as: UInt16.self)
-            self.writeInteger(6, as: UInt8.self) // TCP
-            self.writeInteger(.max /* we don't care about TTL */, as: UInt8.self) // hop limit (like TTL)
-            var laAddress = la.address
-            withUnsafeBytes(of: &laAddress.sin6_addr) { ptr in
-                assert(ptr.count == 16)
-                self.writeBytes(ptr)
-            }
-            var raAddress = ra.address
-            withUnsafeBytes(of: &raAddress.sin6_addr) { ptr in
-                assert(ptr.count == 16)
-                self.writeBytes(ptr)
-            }
-        }
-        // TCP
-        self.writeInteger(record.tcp.srcPort, as: UInt16.self)
-        self.writeInteger(record.tcp.dstPort, as: UInt16.self)
-        self.writeInteger(record.tcp.sequenceNumber, as: UInt32.self) // seq no
-        self.writeInteger(record.tcp.ackNumber ?? 0, as: UInt32.self) // ack no
-        self.writeInteger(5 << 12 | UInt16(record.tcp.flags.rawValue), as: UInt16.self) // data offset + reserved bits + fancy stuff
-        self.writeInteger(.max /* we don't do actual window sizes */, as: UInt16.self) // window size
-        self.writeInteger(0xbad /* fake */, as: UInt16.self) // checksum
-        self.writeInteger(0, as: UInt16.self) // urgent pointer
-    }
 extension NIOWritePCAPHandler {
     /// A synchronised file sink that uses a `DispatchQueue` to do all the necessary write synchronously.
diff --git a/Sources/NIOPCAP/PCAP.swift b/Sources/NIOPCAP/PCAP.swift
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac7140a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sources/NIOPCAP/PCAP.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
+// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
+// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
+// See LICENSE.txt for license information
+// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import NIOCore
+import NIOPosix
+public struct NIOPCAPParsingError: Error & Sendable {
+    public var problem: String
+public struct PCAP2Header {
+    public var endianness: Endianness
+    public let majorVersion: Int = 2
+    public var minorVersion: Int
+    public var gmtOffset: Int
+    public var timestampAccuracy: Int
+    public var maximumSnapLength: UInt32
+    public var dataLinkType: UInt32
+    public init(endianness: Endianness,
+                minorVersion: Int,
+                gmtOffset: Int,
+                timestampAccuracy: Int,
+                maximumSnapLength: UInt32,
+                dataLinkType: UInt32) {
+        self.endianness = endianness
+        self.minorVersion = minorVersion
+        self.gmtOffset = gmtOffset
+        self.timestampAccuracy = timestampAccuracy
+        self.maximumSnapLength = maximumSnapLength
+        self.dataLinkType = dataLinkType
+    }
+    public static let `default`: Self = .init(endianness: .host,
+                                              minorVersion: 4,
+                                              gmtOffset: 0,
+                                              timestampAccuracy: .max,
+                                              maximumSnapLength: .max,
+                                              dataLinkType: 0)
+public struct PCAPReadError: Error, Hashable {
+    private enum ErrorKind: Hashable {
+        case invalidMagic
+        case unsupportedVersion
+    }
+    private var errorKind: ErrorKind
+    public static let invalidMagic = Self(errorKind: .invalidMagic)
+    public static let unsupportedVersion = Self(errorKind: .unsupportedVersion)
+public struct TCPHeader {
+    public struct Flags: OptionSet {
+        public var rawValue: UInt8
+        public init(rawValue: UInt8) {
+            self.rawValue = rawValue
+        }
+        public static let fin = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 0)
+        public static let syn = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 1)
+        public static let rst = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 2)
+        public static let psh = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 3)
+        public static let ack = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 4)
+        public static let urg = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 5)
+        public static let ece = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 6)
+        public static let cwr = Flags(rawValue: 1 << 7)
+    }
+    public var flags: Flags
+    public var ackNumber: UInt32?
+    public var sequenceNumber: UInt32
+    public var srcPort: UInt16
+    public var dstPort: UInt16
+    public var headerSizeInBytes: UInt8 {
+        didSet {
+            assert(self.headerSizeInBytes >= 20 && self.headerSizeInBytes <= 60)
+        }
+    }
+    public init(flags: TCPHeader.Flags,
+                ackNumber: UInt32? = nil,
+                sequenceNumber: UInt32,
+                srcPort: UInt16,
+                dstPort: UInt16,
+                headerSizeInBytes: UInt8 = 20) {
+        self.flags = flags
+        self.ackNumber = ackNumber
+        self.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber
+        self.srcPort = srcPort
+        self.dstPort = dstPort
+        self.headerSizeInBytes = headerSizeInBytes
+        precondition(self.headerSizeInBytes >= 20 && self.headerSizeInBytes <= 60)
+    }
+public struct PCAPRecordHeader {
+    public enum Error: Swift.Error {
+        case incompatibleAddressPair(SocketAddress, SocketAddress)
+    }
+    public enum AddressTuple {
+        case v4(src: SocketAddress.IPv4Address, dst: SocketAddress.IPv4Address)
+        case v6(src: SocketAddress.IPv6Address, dst: SocketAddress.IPv6Address)
+        public var srcPort: UInt16 {
+            switch self {
+            case .v4(src: let src, dst: _):
+                return UInt16(bigEndian: src.address.sin_port)
+            case .v6(src: let src, dst: _):
+                return UInt16(bigEndian: src.address.sin6_port)
+            }
+        }
+        public var dstPort: UInt16 {
+            switch self {
+            case .v4(src: _, dst: let dst):
+                return UInt16(bigEndian: dst.address.sin_port)
+            case .v6(src: _, dst: let dst):
+                return UInt16(bigEndian: dst.address.sin6_port)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    public var payloadLength: Int
+    public var addresses: AddressTuple
+    public var time: timeval
+    public var tcp: TCPHeader
+    public init(payloadLength: Int, addresses: AddressTuple, time: timeval, tcp: TCPHeader) {
+        self.payloadLength = payloadLength
+        self.addresses = addresses
+        self.time = time
+        self.tcp = tcp
+        assert(addresses.srcPort == Int(tcp.srcPort))
+        assert(addresses.dstPort == Int(tcp.dstPort))
+        assert(tcp.ackNumber == nil ? !tcp.flags.contains([.ack]) : tcp.flags.contains([.ack]))
+    }
+    public init(payloadLength: Int, src: SocketAddress, dst: SocketAddress, tcp: TCPHeader) throws {
+        let addressTuple: AddressTuple
+        switch (src, dst) {
+        case (.v4(let src), .v4(let dst)):
+            addressTuple = .v4(src: src, dst: dst)
+        case (.v6(let src), .v6(let dst)):
+            addressTuple = .v6(src: src, dst: dst)
+        default:
+            throw Error.incompatibleAddressPair(src, dst)
+        }
+        self = .init(payloadLength: payloadLength, addresses: addressTuple, tcp: tcp)
+    }
+    public init(payloadLength: Int, addresses: AddressTuple, tcp: TCPHeader) {
+        var tv = timeval()
+        gettimeofday(&tv, nil)
+        self = .init(payloadLength: payloadLength, addresses: addresses, time: tv, tcp: tcp)
+    }
+public struct PCAPRecord {
+    public var time: timeval
+    public var header: PCAPRecordHeader
+    public var pcapProtocolID: UInt32
+    public var payload: ByteBuffer
+    public init(time: timeval, header: PCAPRecordHeader, pcapProtocolID: UInt32, payload: ByteBuffer) {
+        self.time = time
+        self.header = header
+        self.pcapProtocolID = pcapProtocolID
+        self.payload = payload
+    }
+public struct TCPIPv4Packet {
+    public var src: in_addr
+    public var dst: in_addr
+    public var wholeIPPacketLength: Int
+    public var tcpHeader: TCPHeader
+    public var rawTCPOptions: ByteBuffer
+    public var tcpPayload: ByteBuffer
+    public init(src: in_addr, dst: in_addr, wholeIPPacketLength: Int, tcpHeader: TCPHeader, rawTCPOptions: ByteBuffer, tcpPayload: ByteBuffer) {
+        self.src = src
+        self.dst = dst
+        self.wholeIPPacketLength = wholeIPPacketLength
+        self.tcpHeader = tcpHeader
+        self.rawTCPOptions = rawTCPOptions
+        self.tcpPayload = tcpPayload
+    }
+public struct TCPIPv6Packet {
+    public var src: in6_addr
+    public var dst: in6_addr
+    public var payloadLength: Int
+    public var tcpHeader: TCPHeader
+    public var tcpPayload: ByteBuffer
+    public init(src: in6_addr, dst: in6_addr, payloadLength: Int, tcpHeader: TCPHeader, tcpPayload: ByteBuffer) {
+        self.src = src
+        self.dst = dst
+        self.payloadLength = payloadLength
+        self.tcpHeader = tcpHeader
+        self.tcpPayload = tcpPayload
+    }
+extension ByteBuffer {
+    // read & parse a TCP packet, containing everything belonging to it (including payload)
+    public mutating func readTCPHeader() throws -> TCPHeader? {
+        let saveSelf = self
+        guard let srcPort = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self),
+            let dstPort = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self),
+            let seqNo = self.readInteger(as: UInt32.self), // seq no
+            let ackNo = self.readInteger(as: UInt32.self), // ack no
+            let flagsAndFriends = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self), // data offset + reserved bits + fancy stuff
+            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self), // window size
+            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self), // checksum
+            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self) /* urgent pointer */ else {
+                self = saveSelf
+                return nil
+        }
+        let dataOffset = (flagsAndFriends & (0xf << 12)) >> 12
+        guard dataOffset >= 5 && dataOffset <= 15 else {
+            throw NIOPCAPParsingError(problem: "illegal TCP data offset \(dataOffset)")
+        }
+        return TCPHeader(flags: .init(rawValue: UInt8(flagsAndFriends & 0xfff)),
+                         ackNumber: ackNo == 0 ? nil : ackNo,
+                         sequenceNumber: seqNo,
+                         srcPort: srcPort,
+                         dstPort: dstPort,
+                         headerSizeInBytes: UInt8(dataOffset) * 4)
+    }
+    // read & parse a TCP/IPv4 packet, containing everything belonging to it (including payload)
+    public mutating func readTCPIPv4() throws -> TCPIPv4Packet? {
+        struct ParsingError: Error {}
+        let saveSelf = self
+        guard let version = self.readInteger(as: UInt8.self),
+            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt8.self), // DSCP
+            let ipv4WholeLength = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self),
+            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self), // identification
+            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self), // flags & fragment offset
+            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt8.self), // TTL
+            let innerProtocolID = self.readInteger(as: UInt8.self), // TCP
+            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self), // checksum
+            let srcRaw = self.readInteger(endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self),
+            let dstRaw = self.readInteger(endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self),
+            var payload = self.readSlice(length: Int(ipv4WholeLength - 20)),
+            let tcp = try payload.readTCPHeader(),
+            let tcpOptions = payload.readSlice(length: Int(tcp.headerSizeInBytes - 20)) else {
+                self = saveSelf
+                return nil
+        }
+        guard version == 0x45, innerProtocolID == 6 /* TCP is 6 */ else {
+            throw NIOPCAPParsingError(problem: "\(version)/\(innerProtocolID) don't match IPv6")
+        }
+        let src = in_addr(s_addr: srcRaw)
+        let dst = in_addr(s_addr: dstRaw)
+        return TCPIPv4Packet(src: src,
+                             dst: dst,
+                             wholeIPPacketLength: .init(ipv4WholeLength),
+                             tcpHeader: tcp,
+                             rawTCPOptions: tcpOptions,
+                             tcpPayload: payload)
+    }
+    // read & parse a TCP/IPv6 packet, containing everything belonging to it (including payload)
+    public mutating func readTCPIPv6() throws -> TCPIPv6Packet? {
+        let saveSelf = self
+        guard let versionAndFancyStuff = self.readInteger(as: UInt32.self), // IP version (6) & fancy stuff
+            let payloadLength = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self),
+            let innerProtocolID = self.readInteger(as: UInt8.self), // TCP
+            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt8.self), // hop limit (like TTL)
+            var srcAddrBuffer = self.readSlice(length: MemoryLayout<in6_addr>.size),
+            var dstAddrBuffer = self.readSlice(length: MemoryLayout<in6_addr>.size),
+            var payload = self.readSlice(length: Int(payloadLength)),
+            let tcp = try payload.readTCPHeader() else {
+                self = saveSelf
+                return nil
+        }
+        guard versionAndFancyStuff >> 28 == 6 /* IPv_6_ */, innerProtocolID == 6 /* TCP is 6 */ else {
+            return nil
+        }
+        var srcAddress = in6_addr()
+        var dstAddress = in6_addr()
+        withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &srcAddress) { copyDestPtr in
+            _ = srcAddrBuffer.readWithUnsafeReadableBytes { copySrcPtr in
+                precondition(copyDestPtr.count == copySrcPtr.count)
+                copyDestPtr.copyMemory(from: copySrcPtr)
+                return copyDestPtr.count
+            }
+        }
+        withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &dstAddress) { copyDestPtr in
+            _ = dstAddrBuffer.readWithUnsafeReadableBytes { copySrcPtr in
+                precondition(copyDestPtr.count == copySrcPtr.count)
+                copyDestPtr.copyMemory(from: copySrcPtr)
+                return copyDestPtr.count
+            }
+        }
+        return TCPIPv6Packet(src: srcAddress,
+                             dst: dstAddress,
+                             payloadLength: .init(payloadLength),
+                             tcpHeader: tcp,
+                             tcpPayload: payload)
+    }
+    // read a PCAP record, including all its payload
+    public mutating func readPCAPRecord(endianness: Endianness = .host) -> PCAPRecord? {
+        let saveSelf = self // save the buffer in case we don't have enough to parse
+        guard let timeSecs = self.readInteger(endianness: endianness, as: UInt32.self),
+            let timeUSecs = self.readInteger(endianness: endianness, as: UInt32.self),
+            let lenPacket = self.readInteger(endianness: endianness, as: UInt32.self),
+            let lenDisk = self.readInteger(endianness: endianness, as: UInt32.self),
+            let pcapProtocolID = self.readInteger(endianness: endianness, as: UInt32.self),
+            let payload = self.readSlice(length: Int(lenDisk - 4)) else {
+                self = saveSelf
+                return nil
+        }
+        assert(lenPacket == lenDisk, "\(lenPacket) != \(lenDisk)")
+        let notImplementedAddress = try! SocketAddress(ipAddress: "", port: 0xbad)
+        let tcp = TCPHeader(flags: [],
+                            ackNumber: nil,
+                            sequenceNumber: 0xbad,
+                            srcPort: 0xbad,
+                            dstPort: 0xbad,
+                            headerSizeInBytes: 20)
+        return .init(time: timeval(tv_sec: .init(timeSecs), tv_usec: .init(timeUSecs)),
+                     header: try! PCAPRecordHeader(payloadLength: .init(lenPacket),
+                                                   src: notImplementedAddress,
+                                                   dst: notImplementedAddress,
+                                                   tcp: tcp),
+                     pcapProtocolID: pcapProtocolID,
+                     payload: payload)
+    }
+extension ByteBuffer {
+    mutating func readPCAP2Header() throws -> PCAP2Header? {
+        let save = self
+        guard let magic = self.readInteger(endianness: .big, as: UInt32.self) else {
+            self = save
+            return nil
+        }
+        let wantedMagic: UInt32 = 0xa1b2c3d4
+        let endianness: Endianness
+        switch magic {
+        case wantedMagic:
+            endianness = .big
+        case UInt32(bigEndian: wantedMagic):
+            endianness = .little
+        default:
+            throw PCAPReadError.invalidMagic
+        }
+        guard let values = self.readMultipleIntegers(endianness: endianness,
+                                                     as: (UInt16, UInt16, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32).self) else {
+            self = save
+            return nil
+        }
+        let (major, minor, gmtOffset, timestampAccuracy, snapLen, network) = values
+        guard major == 2 else {
+            throw PCAPReadError.unsupportedVersion
+        }
+        return PCAP2Header(endianness: endianness,
+                           minorVersion: Int(minor),
+                           gmtOffset: Int(gmtOffset),
+                           timestampAccuracy: Int(timestampAccuracy),
+                           maximumSnapLength: snapLen,
+                           dataLinkType: network)
+    }
+    public mutating func writePCAPHeader(_ pcapHeader: PCAP2Header) {
+        // guint32 magic_number;   /* magic number */
+        self.writeInteger(0xa1b2c3d4, endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
+        // guint16 version_major;  /* major version number */
+        self.writeInteger(UInt16(pcapHeader.majorVersion), endianness: .host, as: UInt16.self)
+        // guint16 version_minor;  /* minor version number *
+        self.writeInteger(UInt16(pcapHeader.minorVersion), endianness: .host, as: UInt16.self)
+        // gint32  thiszone;       /* GMT to local correction */
+        self.writeInteger(UInt32(pcapHeader.gmtOffset), endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
+        // guint32 sigfigs;        /* accuracy of timestamps */
+        self.writeInteger(UInt32(truncatingIfNeeded: pcapHeader.timestampAccuracy), endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
+        // guint32 snaplen;        /* max length of captured packets, in octets */
+        self.writeInteger(UInt32(pcapHeader.maximumSnapLength), endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
+        // guint32 network;        /* data link type */
+        self.writeInteger(pcapHeader.dataLinkType, endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
+    }
+    public mutating func writePCAPRecord(_ record: PCAPRecordHeader) throws {
+        let rawDataLength = record.payloadLength
+        let tcpLength = rawDataLength + 20 /* TCP header length */
+        // record
+        // guint32 ts_sec;         /* timestamp seconds */
+        self.writeInteger(.init(record.time.tv_sec), endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
+        // guint32 ts_usec;        /* timestamp microseconds */
+        self.writeInteger(.init(record.time.tv_usec), endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
+        // continued below ...
+        switch record.addresses {
+        case .v4(let la, let ra):
+            let ipv4WholeLength = tcpLength + 20 /* IPv4 header length, included in IPv4 */
+            let recordLength = ipv4WholeLength + 4 /* 32 bits for protocol id */
+            // record, continued
+            // guint32 incl_len;       /* number of octets of packet saved in file */
+            self.writeInteger(.init(recordLength), endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
+            // guint32 orig_len;       /* actual length of packet */
+            self.writeInteger(.init(recordLength), endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
+            self.writeInteger(2, endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self) // IPv4
+            // IPv4 packet
+            self.writeInteger(0x45, as: UInt8.self) // IP version (4) & IHL (5)
+            self.writeInteger(0, as: UInt8.self) // DSCP
+            self.writeInteger(.init(ipv4WholeLength), as: UInt16.self)
+            self.writeInteger(0, as: UInt16.self) // identification
+            self.writeInteger(0x4000 /* this set's "don't fragment" */, as: UInt16.self) // flags & fragment offset
+            self.writeInteger(.max /* we don't care about TTL */, as: UInt8.self) // TTL
+            self.writeInteger(6, as: UInt8.self) // TCP
+            self.writeInteger(0, as: UInt16.self) // checksum
+            self.writeInteger(la.address.sin_addr.s_addr, endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
+            self.writeInteger(ra.address.sin_addr.s_addr, endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
+        case .v6(let la, let ra):
+            let ipv6PayloadLength = tcpLength
+            let recordLength = ipv6PayloadLength + 4 /* 32 bits for protocol id */ + 40 /* IPv6 header length */
+            // record, continued
+            // guint32 incl_len;       /* number of octets of packet saved in file */
+            self.writeInteger(.init(recordLength), endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
+            // guint32 orig_len;       /* actual length of packet */
+            self.writeInteger(.init(recordLength), endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self)
+            self.writeInteger(24, endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self) // IPv6
+            // IPv6 packet
+            self.writeInteger(/* version */ (6 << 28), as: UInt32.self) // IP version (6) & fancy stuff
+            self.writeInteger(.init(ipv6PayloadLength), as: UInt16.self)
+            self.writeInteger(6, as: UInt8.self) // TCP
+            self.writeInteger(.max /* we don't care about TTL */, as: UInt8.self) // hop limit (like TTL)
+            var laAddress = la.address
+            withUnsafeBytes(of: &laAddress.sin6_addr) { ptr in
+                assert(ptr.count == 16)
+                self.writeBytes(ptr)
+            }
+            var raAddress = ra.address
+            withUnsafeBytes(of: &raAddress.sin6_addr) { ptr in
+                assert(ptr.count == 16)
+                self.writeBytes(ptr)
+            }
+        }
+        // TCP
+        self.writeInteger(record.tcp.srcPort, as: UInt16.self)
+        self.writeInteger(record.tcp.dstPort, as: UInt16.self)
+        self.writeInteger(record.tcp.sequenceNumber, as: UInt32.self) // seq no
+        self.writeInteger(record.tcp.ackNumber ?? 0, as: UInt32.self) // ack no
+        self.writeInteger(5 << 12 | UInt16(record.tcp.flags.rawValue), as: UInt16.self) // data offset + reserved bits + fancy stuff
+        self.writeInteger(.max /* we don't do actual window sizes */, as: UInt16.self) // window size
+        self.writeInteger(0xbad /* fake */, as: UInt16.self) // checksum
+        self.writeInteger(0, as: UInt16.self) // urgent pointer
+    }
diff --git a/Sources/NIOPCAP/PCAPDecoder.swift b/Sources/NIOPCAP/PCAPDecoder.swift
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcd28ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sources/NIOPCAP/PCAPDecoder.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
+// Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
+// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
+// See LICENSE.txt for license information
+// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import NIOCore
+public struct PCAPDecoder: NIOSingleStepByteToMessageDecoder {
+    public typealias InboundOut = PCAPRecord
+    private enum State {
+        case header
+        case record(PCAP2Header)
+    }
+    private var state = State.header
+    public mutating func decode(buffer: inout ByteBuffer) throws -> PCAPRecord? {
+        switch self.state {
+        case .header:
+            if let header = try buffer.readPCAP2Header() {
+                self.state = .record(header)
+            }
+            return nil
+        case .record(let header):
+            return buffer.readPCAPRecord(endianness: header.endianness)
+        }
+    }
+    public mutating func decodeLast(buffer: inout ByteBuffer, seenEOF: Bool) throws -> PCAPRecord? {
+        return try self.decode(buffer: &buffer)
+    }
diff --git a/Tests/NIOExtrasTests/PCAPRingBufferTest.swift b/Tests/NIOExtrasTests/PCAPRingBufferTest.swift
index 40343253..37d5b521 100644
--- a/Tests/NIOExtrasTests/PCAPRingBufferTest.swift
+++ b/Tests/NIOExtrasTests/PCAPRingBufferTest.swift
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import XCTest
 import NIOCore
 import NIOEmbedded
-@testable import NIOExtras
+import NIOExtras
 class PCAPRingBufferTest: XCTestCase {
     private func dataForTests() -> [ByteBuffer] {
diff --git a/Tests/NIOExtrasTests/WritePCAPHandlerTest.swift b/Tests/NIOExtrasTests/WritePCAPHandlerTest.swift
index ab873841..604dbb63 100644
--- a/Tests/NIOExtrasTests/WritePCAPHandlerTest.swift
+++ b/Tests/NIOExtrasTests/WritePCAPHandlerTest.swift
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import XCTest
 import NIOCore
 import NIOEmbedded
+import NIOPCAP
 @testable import NIOExtras
 class WritePCAPHandlerTest: XCTestCase {
@@ -690,157 +691,3 @@ class WritePCAPHandlerTest: XCTestCase {
-struct PCAPRecord {
-    var time: timeval
-    var header: PCAPRecordHeader
-    var pcapProtocolID: UInt32
-    var payload: ByteBuffer
-struct TCPIPv4Packet {
-    var src: in_addr
-    var dst: in_addr
-    var wholeIPPacketLength: Int
-    var tcpHeader: TCPHeader
-    var tcpPayload: ByteBuffer
-struct TCPIPv6Packet {
-    var src: in6_addr
-    var dst: in6_addr
-    var payloadLength: Int
-    var tcpHeader: TCPHeader
-    var tcpPayload: ByteBuffer
-extension ByteBuffer {
-    // read & parse a TCP packet, containing everything belonging to it (including payload)
-    mutating func readTCPHeader() throws -> TCPHeader? {
-        struct ParsingError: Error {}
-        let saveSelf = self
-        guard let srcPort = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self),
-            let dstPort = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self),
-            let seqNo = self.readInteger(as: UInt32.self), // seq no
-            let ackNo = self.readInteger(as: UInt32.self), // ack no
-            let flagsAndFriends = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self), // data offset + reserved bits + fancy stuff
-            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self), // window size
-            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self), // checksum
-            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self) /* urgent pointer */ else {
-                self = saveSelf
-                return nil
-        }
-        guard (flagsAndFriends & (0xf << 12)) == (0x5 << 12) /* check that the data offset is right */ else {
-            throw ParsingError()
-        }
-        return TCPHeader(flags: .init(rawValue: UInt8(flagsAndFriends & 0xfff)),
-                         ackNumber: ackNo == 0 ? nil : ackNo,
-                         sequenceNumber: seqNo,
-                         srcPort: srcPort,
-                         dstPort: dstPort)
-    }
-    // read & parse a TCP/IPv4 packet, containing everything belonging to it (including payload)
-    mutating func readTCPIPv4() throws -> TCPIPv4Packet? {
-        struct ParsingError: Error {}
-        let saveSelf = self
-        guard let version = self.readInteger(as: UInt8.self),
-            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt8.self), // DSCP
-            let ipv4WholeLength = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self),
-            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self), // identification
-            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self), // flags & fragment offset
-            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt8.self), // TTL
-            let innerProtocolID = self.readInteger(as: UInt8.self), // TCP
-            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self), // checksum
-            let srcRaw = self.readInteger(endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self),
-            let dstRaw = self.readInteger(endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self),
-            var payload = self.readSlice(length: Int(ipv4WholeLength - 20)),
-            let tcp = try payload.readTCPHeader() else {
-                self = saveSelf
-                return nil
-        }
-        guard version == 0x45, innerProtocolID == 6 /* TCP is 6 */ else {
-            throw ParsingError()
-        }
-        let src = in_addr(s_addr: srcRaw)
-        let dst = in_addr(s_addr: dstRaw)
-        return TCPIPv4Packet(src: src,
-                             dst: dst,
-                             wholeIPPacketLength: .init(ipv4WholeLength),
-                             tcpHeader: tcp,
-                             tcpPayload: payload)
-    }
-    // read & parse a TCP/IPv6 packet, containing everything belonging to it (including payload)
-    mutating func readTCPIPv6() throws -> TCPIPv6Packet? {
-        let saveSelf = self
-        guard let versionAndFancyStuff = self.readInteger(as: UInt32.self), // IP version (6) & fancy stuff
-            let payloadLength = self.readInteger(as: UInt16.self),
-            let innerProtocolID = self.readInteger(as: UInt8.self), // TCP
-            let _ = self.readInteger(as: UInt8.self), // hop limit (like TTL)
-            var srcAddrBuffer = self.readSlice(length: MemoryLayout<in6_addr>.size),
-            var dstAddrBuffer = self.readSlice(length: MemoryLayout<in6_addr>.size),
-            var payload = self.readSlice(length: Int(payloadLength)),
-            let tcp = try payload.readTCPHeader() else {
-                self = saveSelf
-                return nil
-        }
-        guard versionAndFancyStuff >> 28 == 6 /* IPv_6_ */, innerProtocolID == 6 /* TCP is 6 */ else {
-            return nil
-        }
-        var srcAddress = in6_addr()
-        var dstAddress = in6_addr()
-        withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &srcAddress) { copyDestPtr in
-            _ = srcAddrBuffer.readWithUnsafeReadableBytes { copySrcPtr in
-                precondition(copyDestPtr.count == copySrcPtr.count)
-                copyDestPtr.copyMemory(from: copySrcPtr)
-                return copyDestPtr.count
-            }
-        }
-        withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &dstAddress) { copyDestPtr in
-            _ = dstAddrBuffer.readWithUnsafeReadableBytes { copySrcPtr in
-                precondition(copyDestPtr.count == copySrcPtr.count)
-                copyDestPtr.copyMemory(from: copySrcPtr)
-                return copyDestPtr.count
-            }
-        }
-        return TCPIPv6Packet(src: srcAddress,
-                             dst: dstAddress,
-                             payloadLength: .init(payloadLength),
-                             tcpHeader: tcp,
-                             tcpPayload: payload)
-    }
-    // read a PCAP record, including all its payload
-    mutating func readPCAPRecord() -> PCAPRecord? {
-        let saveSelf = self // save the buffer in case we don't have enough to parse
-        guard let timeSecs = self.readInteger(endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self),
-            let timeUSecs = self.readInteger(endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self),
-            let lenPacket = self.readInteger(endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self),
-            let lenDisk = self.readInteger(endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self),
-            let pcapProtocolID = self.readInteger(endianness: .host, as: UInt32.self),
-            let payload = self.readSlice(length: Int(lenDisk - 4)) else {
-                self = saveSelf
-                return nil
-        }
-        assert(lenPacket == lenDisk, "\(lenPacket) != \(lenDisk)")
-        let notImplementedAddress = try! SocketAddress(ipAddress: "", port: 0xbad)
-        let tcp = TCPHeader(flags: [], ackNumber: nil, sequenceNumber: 0xbad, srcPort: 0xbad, dstPort: 0xbad)
-        return .init(time: timeval(tv_sec: .init(timeSecs), tv_usec: .init(timeUSecs)),
-                     header: try! PCAPRecordHeader(payloadLength: .init(lenPacket),
-                                                   src: notImplementedAddress,
-                                                   dst: notImplementedAddress,
-                                                   tcp: tcp),
-                     pcapProtocolID: pcapProtocolID,
-                     payload: payload)
-    }